Hilarious Reaction to GetBeams' Clipper Shopping

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Hilarious Reaction to GetBeams' Clipper Shopping

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Reacting to the Barber Plug Show
  3. College Journey and Career Path
  4. Keys to Success in the Barbering Industry
  5. Influence of Father and Chicago Roots
  6. The Importance of Originality
  7. Using Education to Elevate the Craft
  8. Cutting Celebrities and Industry Recognition
  9. Exploring the Barber Plug Shop
    • The TB 45 No Drip Enhancement Color
    • The TB 45 Wireless Coolest Compressor
    • Other Must-Have Accessories at the Barber Plug
  10. Selecting the Perfect Clippers
    • The Importance of Nike as a Brand
    • Personal Favorite Clippers
    • Exploring the Chameleon Clippers
    • The Flex and Detail Trimmers
    • The FX1 and FX3 Clippers
  11. Conclusion


Reacting to the Barber Plug Show

Hey, what's up everyone? It's your boy 360, and today we're going to dive into the world of the Barber Plug Show. This popular YouTube series showcases the top barbers in the game, and we're lucky enough to have a front-row seat as we react to one of their episodes. So, without further ado, let's jump right into it and see what they have in store for us.

In this particular episode, the Barber Plug Show takes us on a shopping trip with a special guest, Get Beams. Get Beams is not only a T-45 ambassador but also a YouTube sensation who has even dabbled in the rap game. His affiliation with the Barber Plug and his impressive resume make him the perfect candidate for an exciting episode.

As we begin watching the episode, it becomes clear that the Barber Plug Show has truly upped their game in terms of visuals. The production quality is top-notch, and every scene feels official and well-planned. Kudos to the team behind this show for their Attention to detail.

One of the first things that caught my attention was the selection of Clippers. Get Beams is faced with the tough decision of choosing the right Clippers for his needs. The host of the show is just as curious as We Are, and together, we eagerly wait to see which Clippers he'll opt for.

As the episode unfolds, we get to witness Get Beams' decision-making process. The host asks him about the different Clippers he's considering, and I couldn't help but wonder which ones he would ultimately choose. After all, the right Clippers can make all the difference in a barber's performance.

It turns out that Get Beams is torn between two sets of Clippers. He's contemplating between two options: yay or nay. What's interesting is that he doesn't mention any specific brand or model, leaving us hanging in suspense. I found myself thinking, "Come on, spill the beans! Which Clippers are You talking about?"

College Journey and Career Path

Get Beams, the guest on the Barber Plug Show, has an intriguing story that sets him apart from many others in the barbering industry. Growing up as a young black male in Chicago, he was faced with various paths to choose from, including sports and the streets. However, he made the conscious decision to pursue a college education.

During our interview, I asked Get Beams about his college journey and how it Shaped his career. To my surprise, he not only completed college but also obtained a bachelor's degree in electronics engineering, with a minor in computer engineering.

Naturally, I was curious as to why he deviated from his career path and ended up in the world of barbering. He explained that while he does not directly use his degree in his Current occupation, he applies his knowledge in product development and design. Every product that bears his name at Tom 45 is personally developed and designed by him.

The conversation then shifted to the key factors that have set Get Beams apart from other barbers and enabled him to build a sizable following. He attributes his success to two main elements: originality and education.

According to Get Beams, being true to oneself and being unique is crucial in maintaining longevity in the industry. He emphasized the importance of staying authentic and not succumbing to the pressures of conformity. As he eloquently put it, "If you're not yourself, it's going to show sooner or later, and the audience will see through it."

Moreover, Get Beams stressed the significance of education as a means of elevating oneself and others in the industry. He believes in sharing knowledge and empowering fellow barbers through education and mentorship. As he spoke, it was evident that he deeply values the role of education in personal growth and professional development.

In summary, Get Beams' college journey may seem like a detour from his current profession, but it provided him with foundational skills that he now applies in innovative ways. By blending his technical knowledge with his passion for barbering, he has created a unique path that sets him apart from his peers.

Keys to Success in the Barbering Industry

Get Beams has undoubtedly made a name for himself in the barbering industry, amassing a significant following and working with notable clients. As someone who has achieved considerable success, I was eager to gain insights into his journey and uncover the keys to his success.

During our interview, Get Beams highlighted two main factors that have helped him differentiate himself and reach the level of success he currently enjoys. The first key to success, according to him, is originality.

Originality, he explained, is crucial in establishing a unique brand and attracting a loyal following. By staying true to oneself and bringing a distinct personality and style to his work, Get Beams has managed to stand out in a highly competitive industry.

The Second key factor Get Beams emphasized was education. He believes that continuous learning and growth are essential for staying ahead in the barbering industry. Sharing his knowledge and expertise through educational platforms and mentorship programs has been instrumental in his own success.

Incorporating the principles of originality and education into one's barbering career fosters both personal growth and professional advancement. By constantly striving to bring something new to the table and by helping others improve their skills, barbers can carve out a unique niche for themselves in the industry.

It's worth noting that achieving success in the barbering industry requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and talent. However, by embracing originality, continuously expanding one's knowledge, and fostering a community of barbers who support and uplift each other, the journey becomes more rewarding and fulfilling.


  • Emphasizing originality allows barbers to stand out and cultivate a unique brand.
  • Sharing knowledge and educating others contributes to personal growth and industry advancement.
  • Building a supportive community of barbers fosters collaboration and collaboration.


  • Standing out in a highly competitive industry can be challenging and requires a strong commitment to originality.
  • Continuous learning and self-improvement may require additional time and resources.

Overall, the keys to success in the barbering industry, as exemplified by Get Beams, lie in embracing one's originality and continually seeking opportunities for growth and education. By adopting these principles and remaining passionate about their craft, barbers can position themselves for long-term success and fulfillment.

Influence of Father and Chicago Roots

As we Delve deeper into Get Beams' journey, it becomes evident that his upbringing played a significant role in shaping his career path. Growing up in Chicago as a young black male, he had various influences and choices that could have steered him in different directions.

During our interview, Get Beams shared the impact his father had on his career choice and how his Chicago roots ingrained a strong work ethic within him. He recalled his father, who was the neighborhood barber and served as his initial inspiration and mentor.

His father's barbershop was a hub of activity, where he would cut hair not just for Get Beams but also for his friends and neighbors. The Sense of community and the desire to make people look and feel their best resonated deeply with Get Beams, igniting his passion for the barbering profession.

Get Beams spoke fondly of his early experiences, where he would observe his father cut hair tirelessly and perfect his craft day by day. He reminisced about sweeping the porch and doing odd jobs to earn free haircuts, highlighting their limited access to barbershops in Chicago at the time.

The scarcity of barbershops in their neighborhood made the art of barbering even more intriguing and valuable to Get Beams. It was more than just a means to look good; it was a symbol of resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

By sharing his personal journey, Get Beams exemplifies how influential figures and a supportive environment can Shape one's career trajectory. His father's dedication and passion for barbering set the stage for his own success and instilled in him a strong work ethic that continues to drive him today.


  • Having a mentor or role model can provide inspiration and guidance on the path to success.
  • Growing up in a tight-knit community can foster a sense of belonging and support.
  • Overcoming challenges and limited resources can fuel determination and a strong work ethic.


  • Limited access to resources, such as barbershops, can present obstacles and hinder career advancement.
  • Reliance on a single source of inspiration may limit exposure to alternative practices and perspectives.

Overall, Get Beams' experience underscores the importance of having supportive figures and a sense of community in nurturing one's career aspirations. By embracing the values instilled by influential mentors and leveraging their own unique experiences, aspiring barbers can build a solid foundation for success.

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