Learn to Extract Audio from Video Files on iOS 16

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Learn to Extract Audio from Video Files on iOS 16

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background and Problem
  3. iOS 16 Update and Changes
  4. Using the Shortcuts App
    • Creating a New Shortcut
    • Setting up the Shortcut
    • Selecting the Audio Format
    • Adding a Name for the File
    • Saving the Converted File
  5. Using the Extract Audio Shortcut
    • Locating and Sharing the Video File
    • Extracting the Audio
    • Saving and Accessing the Extracted Audio
  6. Other Format Options
  7. Conclusion
  8. Additional Tips and Tutorials
  9. Related Videos and Resources
  10. FAQ

How to Extract Audio from Video Files on iOS 16 Using the Shortcuts App

Are You looking for a way to extract audio from video files on your iPhone running on iOS 16? With each iOS update, Apple tends to change the process, making it challenging to find the right method. In this article, we will guide you through the process of extracting audio from video files using the Shortcuts app on iOS 16.

1. Introduction

In the world of digital creativity, there are times when you may want to separate the audio from a video and use it separately. Whether you are a content creator, a filmmaker, or someone who enjoys editing videos, having the ability to extract audio can open up new possibilities for your projects.

2. Background and Problem

In the past, extracting audio from video files on iOS devices required third-party apps or complex procedures. However, with the introduction of the Shortcuts app, the process has become much simpler. The Shortcuts app is a pre-installed application on your iPhone that allows you to automate various tasks, including media conversions.

3. iOS 16 Update and Changes

Before diving into the extraction process, it's essential to note the changes introduced in iOS 16. Apple constantly updates its operating system, and sometimes these updates alter the steps involved in extracting audio. This article focuses specifically on iOS 16, but we have provided links for previous versions of iOS as well.

4. Using the Shortcuts App

The Shortcuts app provides an efficient and user-friendly way to extract audio from video files on your iPhone. Let's go through the step-by-step process of creating a new shortcut and setting it up for audio extraction.

Creating a New Shortcut

To begin, open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. If you haven't used it before, you can find it by swiping down from the top of the screen or using the search field on the home screen. Once inside the app, tap on the "+" button at the top right corner of the screen to Create a new shortcut.

Setting up the Shortcut

When creating a new shortcut, you can customize the name and appearance. Feel free to change the name to something Meaningful, like "Audio Extract iOS 16." You can also select an icon to represent the shortcut. For example, a speaker icon can be a suitable choice. Once you have set the name and icon, proceed to the next step.

Selecting the Audio Format

In the details tab of the shortcut, you will find options to determine how the audio conversion will be triggered. Tap on the "Show in Share Sheet" toggle button to enable it. This option allows you to access the audio conversion function directly from the video file.

To access the audio conversion actions, tap on the "Add Action" button. Scroll down to the video section and select the "Encode Media" action. This action offers various media conversions, including audio extraction. Make sure you see a Second white tile connected with a line above it to ensure you are on the right track.

Next, tap on the dropdown arrow next to "Shortcut Input" and enable the "Audio Only" toggle. This ensures that only the audio component of the video file will be extracted. You can then select the desired audio format, such as M4A or AIFF. Each format has its own qualities and use cases, so choose accordingly.

Adding a Name for the File

To give the extracted audio file a name, add the "Set Name" action to the workflow. You can find this action in the suggestions section or by typing "Set Name" in the search field. Customize the name according to your preference. For example, you can name it "Auto Conversion."

Saving the Converted File

To specify where the converted file will be saved, add the "Save" action to the workflow. Type "Save" in the search field or select it from the suggestions. Make sure the "Ask Where To Save" toggle is enabled, indicating that you will be prompted to select the save location. This allows you to choose between saving to your iCloud Drive or directly onto your iPhone.

Ensure that a thin vertical line appears between each action in the workflow. This line indicates a proper connection between the actions. If the line is missing, it may cause issues with the next steps. Review the steps and retrace them to ensure you have followed the correct actions.

5. Using the Extract Audio Shortcut

Now that we have created the shortcut, let's explore how to use it to extract audio from video files.

Locating and Sharing the Video File

Head over to the Photos app on your iPhone and locate the video file from which you want to extract audio. Once you have found the file, tap on it, and then tap on the share icon located at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through the options and look for your new "Extract Audio" shortcut in the share sheet.

Extracting the Audio

Tap on the "Extract Audio" shortcut in the share sheet. The extraction process will begin, and the Files app will open. Choose the desired location for saving the extracted audio, such as the iCloud Drive or a specific folder on your iPhone.

Saving and Accessing the Extracted Audio

To access the extracted audio file, close the Photos app and type "Files" in the search field on your iPhone. Navigate to the appropriate folder, and you should find the extracted audio file there. You can play it to confirm that the audio extraction was successful.

6. Other Format Options

While the Shortcuts app offers several audio format options, it does not include an option for MP3 conversion. However, there are dedicated audio apps available that provide this functionality. Once you have created your audio file in M4A or AIFF format, you can use these third-party apps to convert it to MP3 if needed.

7. Conclusion

With the Shortcuts app and iOS 16, extracting audio from video files on your iPhone has become more accessible than ever. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can automate the process and save time in your digital creativity endeavors.

8. Additional Tips and Tutorials

For more tips and tutorials on using your iPhone, as well as videos related to digital creativity, product reviews, and all things tech, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel. Stay tuned for more informative guides and tutorials.

9. Related Videos and Resources

We have also curated a collection of related videos and resources on extracting audio from video files on iOS. Check out the links below for more information:

10. FAQ

Q: Can I extract audio from any video file format? A: Yes, the Shortcuts app supports various video file formats, allowing you to extract audio from most common formats.

Q: Can I adjust the audio speed during the extraction process? A: Yes, the Shortcuts app offers the option to adjust the audio speed. You can choose from normal speed, 0.5x, 2x, or even set a custom speed.

Q: Can I add metadata to the extracted audio file? A: While it is possible to add metadata using the Shortcuts app, it is not necessary for most purposes. Unless you have specific requirements, you can skip this step.

Q: Is there a way to convert the extracted audio to MP3 directly through the Shortcuts app? A: The Shortcuts app does not provide an MP3 conversion option. However, you can use dedicated audio apps that offer this functionality to convert the audio file to MP3 format.

Q: Can I share the extracted audio across different devices and apps? A: Yes, once you have extracted the audio file, you can use the share icon to send it to other devices, apps, or contacts on your iPhone.

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