Magical Storytime! 'Strega Nona' read by Mary Steenburgen

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Magical Storytime! 'Strega Nona' read by Mary Steenburgen

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background of Strega Nona
  3. Strega Nona's Magical Powers
  4. The Arrival of Big Anthony
  5. Big Anthony's Encounter with the Pasta Pot
  6. The Unfortunate Consequences
  7. Strega Nona Saves the Day
  8. The Punishment for Big Anthony
  9. Conclusion

Strega Nona: The Magic Pasta Pot

Strega Nona is a beloved character in the town of Calabria who possesses magical powers. She is known for her ability to cure ailments, help find husbands for young women, and get rid of warts. However, as she grows older, she realizes the need for someone to assist her in maintaining her house and garden. This is when Big Anthony, a rather inattentive individual, comes into the picture.

Big Anthony agrees to help Strega Nona with various tasks, including sweeping the house, washing the dishes, tending to the garden, milking the goat, and fetching Water. However, there is one strict rule that he must Never break: he must never touch the valuable pasta pot. Despite being warned by Strega Nona, Big Anthony's Curiosity eventually gets the better of him.

One evening, when Big Anthony is milking the goat, he witnesses Strega Nona singing a magical song that causes the pasta pot to cook noodles all by itself. Enthralled by this incredible sight, Big Anthony decides to try it out for himself. He successfully sings the song and the pasta pot begins to Bubble and boil, filling up with delicious pasta. Excited by his newfound discovery, he rushes to the town square to share the news with everyone.

Although initially skeptical, the townspeople become intrigued and run to Strega Nona's house with plates and forks, ready to enjoy the abundance of pasta. Big Anthony becomes a hero, scooping pasta onto plates for everyone. However, his moment of glory is short-lived when he realizes he forgot to perform the final step of blowing three kisses to the pot, resulting in an uncontrollable overflow of pasta.

In a panic, Big Anthony tries to stop the pasta from pouring out of the pot but fails. The pasta continues to spill out of the house, causing chaos in the town. No matter what the townspeople try to do to contain the overflowing pasta, their efforts prove futile. Just as they begin to lose hope, Strega Nona returns and quickly understands the situation.

Using her magical powers, Strega Nona sings the correct song, blows the three kisses, and manages to stop the pasta from overflowing. The townspeople are relieved and express their gratitude towards Strega Nona. However, they turn their anger towards Big Anthony for his reckless actions. Wanting to ensure fairness, Strega Nona comes up with a punishment that fits the crime.

She hands Big Anthony a fork and instructs him to eat all the pasta that spilled. Fatigued and remorseful, Big Anthony begins the arduous task of eating the never-ending supply of pasta. Thus, the story ends with a lesson about the consequences of not following instructions and the importance of appreciating the powers of magic.


  • Strega Nona, the beloved and mystical character in Calabria
  • Big Anthony's curiosity leads to chaos in the town
  • Strega Nona's magical pasta pot and its uncontrollable overflow
  • The town's struggle to contain the never-ending pasta
  • Strega Nona's return and the use of her magic to stop the pasta
  • Big Anthony's punishment fitting the crime as he eats the spilled pasta


Q: What is the significance of the pasta pot in the story? A: The pasta pot is a magical object that cooks pasta on its own when activated with the correct song. It symbolizes the power of Strega Nona and demonstrates the consequences that arise when its powers are misused.

Q: Why did Big Anthony decide to disobey Strega Nona's instructions? A: Big Anthony's curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to test the powers of the pasta pot for himself and gain recognition from the townspeople.

Q: How does Strega Nona save the town from the overflowing pasta? A: Using her knowledge of the magical song and the act of blowing three kisses, Strega Nona is able to regain control over the uncontrollable pasta pot and stop the overflow.

Q: What was the punishment for Big Anthony's actions? A: As a consequence for his disobedience, Strega Nona instructs Big Anthony to eat all the pasta that spilled out of the pot. This serves as a lesson for him to appreciate the powers of magic and the importance of following instructions.

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