Master AI's Power with Defer and NextJS 13!

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Master AI's Power with Defer and NextJS 13!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Setting Up GitHub Profile Generation
  4. Formatting Data for OpenAI
  5. Using Defer for Remote Invocation
  6. Deploying to Vercel
  7. Conclusion

Building GitHub Profile Generator Using NextJS and OpenAI

1. Introduction

In this article, we will explore how to build a spiffy app using NextJS and OpenAI that converts GitHub profiles into READMEs. We'll also incorporate the Defer system to handle long-running jobs.

2. Prerequisites

Before we begin, there are a few prerequisites that You need to fulfill. You will need a GitHub personal access token with the necessary permissions. Additionally, you will need an OpenAI account and the corresponding account keys. Make sure to add both the GitHub and OpenAI keys to the .env file in your project.

3. Setting Up GitHub Profile Generation

To start off, we'll set up the functionality to retrieve GitHub user information using GraphQL. We'll Create a function called generateGitHubProfile that will fetch the user details including their repositories, languages used, and stars received.

4. Formatting Data for OpenAI

Once we have the GitHub user information, we will format it into a prompt that we can send to the OpenAI completion engine. This prompt will request OpenAI to generate a profile description Based on the user's data. We'll include personalized details such as their location, programming languages used, and the number of stars received.

5. Using Defer for Remote Invocation

Now that we have the GitHub profile generation functionality in place, we will integrate Defer to handle the long-running job of generating the profile description. By wrapping our generateGitHubProfile function with Defer, we can start the AI process on a remote service and monitor its progress. Defer will notify us when the job is done, ensuring a seamless user experience.

6. Deploying to Vercel

In this section, we will deploy our GitHub Profile Generator app to Vercel. We'll create a new project and import our GitHub repository. We'll also set up the necessary environment variables, including the Defer token, to ensure smooth communication between Defer, GitHub, and OpenAI.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, we have successfully built a GitHub Profile Generator using NextJS and OpenAI. We have utilized the power of Defer to handle long-running jobs and deployed our app to Vercel for easy access. This project showcases the potential of AI in generating dynamic content and provides a stepping stone for further experimentation and enhancements.

Now let's dive into the details of building the GitHub Profile Generator step by step.

3. Setting Up GitHub Profile Generation

To start off, we need to set up the functionality to retrieve GitHub user information using GraphQL. We'll create a function called generateGitHubProfile in the src/defer directory, which will serve as the starting point for our project.

First, we'll obtain the necessary GitHub user details by making a GraphQL request using an authorized client. We'll use the GitHub token, which should be stored in the .env file, to authenticate the request. The response will include information such as the user's login, top projects, and the languages used in those projects.

Once we have the GitHub user information, we can move on to formatting the data for OpenAI.


  • Efficient retrieval of GitHub user information
  • Utilizes GraphQL for precise data retrieval


  • Requires an authorized GitHub token for authentication

4. Formatting Data for OpenAI

In this step, we will format the GitHub user information into a prompt that can be sent to OpenAI for generating the profile description. We'll construct a prompt consisting of five funny sentences, two emojis for added humor, and the user's location, programming languages used, and star count. This prompt will be sent to OpenAI's text completion engine using the createCompletion method.


  • Personalized and dynamic profile generation
  • Utilizes OpenAI's text completion engine for creative content generation


  • Prompt formatting may require experimentation for optimal results

Now that we have the data formatting covered, let's move on to integrating Defer for remote invocation and job management.

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