Master Automation with ChatGPT

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Master Automation with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is GPT for Work?
  3. Extracting Data with Automatio
  4. Using the Google Sheets Add-On
  5. Cleaning, Normalizing, and Analyzing Data
  6. Summarizing Text
  7. Sentiment Analysis
  8. Translating Text
  9. Other Functionality
  10. Conclusion


Hello guys, Stefan here, founder of Ultimatio. I wanted to Show You a really cool tool called GPT for Work, or specifically Chat GPT in Google Sheets. This tool is powerful because it allows you to extract data with Automatio and directly put it into Google Sheets. With the add-on for Google Sheets, you can perform a variety of tasks such as cleaning, normalizing, analyzing, and summarizing the data. In this article, I'll demonstrate how to use this tool with an example of extracting comments from a post and using chat GPT to analyze and summarize them.

What is GPT for Work?

GPT for Work is a powerful tool that works as an extension for Google Sheets. It integrates with Automatio to extract data and perform various tasks on that data. The tool allows you to clean, normalize, analyze, summarize, and even translate text using GPT models. It offers a range of functions that make data manipulation and analysis easier and more efficient.

Extracting Data with Automatio

Before we can use GPT for Work, we need to extract the data we want to work with using Automatio. With Automatio, you can easily select and extract specific elements from web pages, such as comments, usernames, dates, and replies. Once the extraction is complete, you can proceed to work with the extracted data in Google Sheets.

Using the Google Sheets Add-On

To use GPT for Work in Google Sheets, you need to install the add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace. Once installed, set up the API key obtained from OpenAI or Charged AI. The add-on provides a range of GPT functions that you can call directly from your Google Sheet. These functions allow you to perform tasks such as cleaning text, summarizing content, performing sentiment analysis, and even translating text into different languages.

Cleaning, Normalizing, and Analyzing Data

One of the powerful features of GPT for Work is its ability to clean and normalize data. By using the GPT formula, you can specify the prompt to clean text and remove unwanted elements such as usernames, dates, and reply buttons. This simplifies the data and makes it more readable and manageable. Additionally, you can use the GPT formula to cleanse specific columns of text, making it easier to work with and analyze.

Summarizing Text

Another useful function provided by GPT for Work is text summarization. With the GPT summarize function, you can generate concise summaries of long paragraphs or articles. By specifying the text you want to summarize, you can extract the most important information and condense it into a single sentence or multiple sentences. This feature is particularly helpful when you want to quickly understand the main points of an article or document.

Sentiment Analysis

GPT for Work also allows you to perform sentiment analysis on text. By using the GPT sentiment function, you can determine whether a comment or piece of text is positive or negative. This can be useful for analyzing customer feedback, social media posts, or reviews. The sentiment analysis provides insights into the overall sentiment expressed in the text, helping you gauge public opinion or sentiment towards a particular topic.

Translating Text

If you need to translate text from one language to another, GPT for Work has got you covered. Using the GPT translate function, you can easily translate text from one language to another. Simply specify the text you want to translate, the source language, and the target language. With this functionality, you can quickly and accurately translate text into different languages, opening up new possibilities for communication and understanding.

Other Functionality

In addition to the aforementioned features, GPT for Work offers a range of other functionality. You can use GPT formulas to rewrite content, generate alternative versions of text, perform custom text manipulations, and more. The tools and possibilities are vast, allowing you to customize and harness the power of GPT models to suit your specific needs.


In conclusion, GPT for Work is a powerful tool that integrates seamlessly with Automatio and Google Sheets. It provides an extensive suite of functions for cleaning, normalizing, analyzing, summarizing, and translating text. Whether you're a data analyst, content creator, or just someone who needs to manipulate and analyze text data, GPT for Work offers a range of features that can simplify and enhance your workflow. Give it a try and unleash the power of GPT models in your Google Sheets.


  • GPT for Work is a powerful tool that integrates with Automatio and Google Sheets.
  • With GPT for Work, you can clean, normalize, analyze, summarize, and translate text data.
  • Extract data using Automatio and perform various tasks in Google Sheets using GPT functions.
  • Clean and normalize data by removing unwanted elements such as usernames and dates.
  • Summarize long paragraphs or articles into concise sentences.
  • Perform sentiment analysis on text to determine the overall sentiment expressed.
  • Translate text from one language to another with ease.
  • Use GPT formulas to rewrite content, generate alternative versions of text, and perform custom manipulations.
  • GPT for Work offers a wide range of functionality to enhance your data analysis and text manipulation tasks.
  • Try GPT for Work and unlock the power of GPT models in your Google Sheets.


Q: How do I install GPT for Work in Google Sheets?
A: To install GPT for Work, you need to go to the Google Workspace Marketplace and search for "GPT for Work". Once you find the add-on, click on the "Install" button and follow the instructions to set up the API key.

Q: Can I use GPT for Work with other spreadsheet applications besides Google Sheets?
A: Currently, GPT for Work is only available as an add-on for Google Sheets. It is designed specifically to work within the Google Sheets environment.

Q: Is GPT for Work free to use?
A: GPT for Work is not free. It requires an API key from OpenAI or Charged AI, and there may be additional costs associated with API usage. The exact pricing details can be found on the respective websites.

Q: Can I perform text manipulations other than the ones Mentioned in the article?
A: Yes, GPT for Work provides a range of functions and capabilities that allow for various text manipulations. You can refer to the GPT for Work documentation or explore the functions within the add-on to discover additional possibilities.

Q: How accurate is the sentiment analysis provided by GPT for Work?
A: The sentiment analysis provided by GPT for Work is Based on the underlying GPT models and may vary in accuracy depending on the Context and complexity of the text being analyzed. It is recommended to perform further analysis and validation if high accuracy is of critical importance in your use case.

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