Master ChatGPT with GPT Builder

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Master ChatGPT with GPT Builder

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Chat GPT Feature
  3. Creating a Custom GPT
    • Step 1: Accessing the Explore Button
    • Step 2: Creating a New GPT Prompt
    • Step 3: Providing Natural Language Instructions
    • Step 4: Generating the GPT Model
    • Step 5: Naming and Profiling the GPT
  4. Configuring the GPT
    • Step 1: Accessing the Configure Section
    • Step 2: Reviewing the Populated Configuration
    • Step 3: Fine-tuning Instructions and Schemas
    • Step 4: Applying Instructions and Testing Outputs
  5. Using the Chat GPT
    • Step 1: Paste Text for Entity Recognition
    • Step 2: Analyzing Output Entities
    • Step 3: Exploring Extracted Metadata
    • Step 4: Manual Validation and Structuring of Data
  6. Managing GPT Access
    • Step 1: Saving the GPT Model
    • Step 2: Setting Access Permissions
    • Step 3: Sharing the Model and Gathering Feedback
  7. Conclusion

A Beginner's Guide to Creating and Configuring Custom GPT Models with Chat GPT

Welcome back to this Channel! In this video, we will explore the exciting new chat GPT feature that allows You to Create custom GPT models. We'll walk you through the process of creating a GPT that can identify named entities such as vehicles, buildings, people, events, and dates. With the help of natural language instructions, this GPT will function as a powerful named entity recognizer.


The OpenAI chat GPT feature opens up a world of possibilities for generating custom GPT models. By leveraging its capability to annotate text inputs with specific entity types, you can achieve a higher level of data classification and analysis. In this guide, we will cover step-by-step instructions on how to create, configure, and utilize these custom GPT models effectively.

Overview of the Chat GPT Feature

Before we dive into the details, let's get a quick overview of the chat GPT feature. When you open the Chat.OpenAI platform, you will Notice a new window with an Explore button on the left-HAND side. Clicking on this button will take you to a prompt where you can start creating your own GPT model. The chat GPT allows you to pass natural language instructions to train the model and generate custom rules for accurate entity recognition.

Creating a Custom GPT

The process of creating a custom GPT is straightforward and user-friendly. Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Accessing the Explore Button

Upon opening the Chat.OpenAI platform, you will find the Explore button on the left-hand side. Clicking on this button will take you to a new prompt where you can start creating your custom GPT.

Step 2: Creating a New GPT Prompt

To start creating a new GPT, click on the "Create a GPT" button. You will be redirected to a prompt where you can provide the natural language instructions for the GPT model to follow.

Step 3: Providing Natural Language Instructions

In this prompt, you can provide clear instructions for the GPT to identify named entities. Specify the types of entities you want the GPT to recognize, such as vehicles, buildings, people, events, and dates. Additionally, instruct the GPT to output the extracted data as Jon format, allowing you to have a Json schema for future use.

Step 4: Generating the GPT Model

After hitting enter, the GPT Builder process starts spinning up in the background. OpenAI automatically translates your natural language instructions into proper configuration rules. This entire process usually takes around 20 seconds. Once completed, you will be prompted to give your GPT model a name. You can accept the suggested name or choose a custom one.

Step 5: Naming and Profiling the GPT

After naming your GPT model, you have the option to generate an image or profile picture for it. Utilizing Dolly3, OpenAI's image generation technology, you can create an image that represents your GPT model effectively.

Configuring the GPT

Configuring your GPT allows you to fine-tune its behavior and adapt it to your specific requirements. Let's explore the steps involved:

Step 1: Accessing the Configure Section

To configure your GPT, navigate to the Configure section. Here, you will find a pre-populated configuration Based on the instructions you provided earlier.

Step 2: Reviewing the Populated Configuration

In the Configure section, you will see several fields, including the GPT name and description. Take a moment to review these fields and ensure they reflect your intended GPT model accurately.

Step 3: Fine-tuning Instructions and Schemas

At this stage, you can fine-tune the instructions and schemas of your GPT model. OpenAI translates your initial instructions into a well-structured collection of instructions. You can further refine these instructions as per your needs.

Step 4: Applying Instructions and Testing Outputs

As part of the configuration process, you will be presented with conversation starters based on your GPT model's Current configuration. These conversation starters can help you test the model's functionality and ensure it aligns with your expectations.

The article continues with the remaining steps and additional details on using and managing the chat GPT model.

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