Master Discord.js v14 User Command Development

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Master Discord.js v14 User Command Development

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are User Commands?
  3. Registering User Commands
  4. The Concept of User Context Menus
  5. Handling User Command Interactions
  6. Examples of User Commands
    • 6.1 Report Command
    • 6.2 Wave Command
  7. Testing and Debugging User Commands
  8. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore user commands in Discord.js. We will discuss what user commands are and how they can be beneficial in your Discord server. Additionally, we will learn how to register user commands and handle their interactions. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of user commands and be able to implement them in your own Discord bot.

What are User Commands?

User commands in Discord are a Type of application command that allows users to perform specific actions on other users in the server. When a user right-clicks on another user's name, a list of registered user commands will appear, providing various options to Interact with that user. User commands offer a more intuitive and user-friendly way to execute commands on individuals instead of relying solely on text-Based slash commands.

Registering User Commands

To register a user command in Discord.js, the process is relatively straightforward. You need to Create an object containing the name and type properties, which represent the command's name and type respectively. The name property should be a unique identifier for the command, while the type property should be set to 2, indicating a user command. Once registered, the command will appear in the user's context menu when right-clicking on them.

The Concept of User Context Menus

User context menus in Discord are the menus that appear when you right-click on users' names. They display a list of options or actions that can be performed on the user you clicked on. User context menus and user commands go HAND in hand, as user commands are essentially the options available in the user context menu. By leveraging user context menus, you can provide specific, user-targeted functionalities within your Discord bot.

Handling User Command Interactions

When a user interacts with a user command, a specific event, known as interaction create, is triggered. To handle user command interactions, you need to listen for this event. You can distinguish a user command interaction by checking the interaction.type property. If it matches user context menu command, it signifies that the user executed a user command. From there, you can access the member property to determine the user the command was executed on.

Examples of User Commands

In this section, we will cover two examples of user commands: the report command and the wave command. The report command allows you to report a user by right-clicking on them and selecting the command from the context menu. The wave command simply sends a friendly wave message to the user you right-clicked on. These examples demonstrate how user commands can be used to create custom interactions and functionalities within your Discord bot.

6.1 Report Command

The report command allows you to report a user for any reason. When executed, the command sends a message mentioning the user you clicked on, indicating that you reported them. This command can be useful for moderation purposes or reporting inappropriate behavior within your server.

6.2 Wave Command

The wave command is a simple command that sends a friendly wave message to the user you clicked on. It is a light-hearted interaction to greet or acknowledge another user in a more personal way. The wave command demonstrates how user commands can be used for fun and social interactions in your Discord server.

Testing and Debugging User Commands

When implementing user commands, it is essential to test and debug them to ensure they function as intended. By logging the interaction object, you can examine the properties and data associated with the user command interaction. This information can be useful for troubleshooting and understanding the user's context, such as the command executed and the target user. Proper testing and debugging will help you identify and resolve any issues with your user commands.


User commands offer an intuitive way to interact with individual users in Discord servers. They provide a more user-friendly alternative to text-based slash commands, allowing for targeted interactions and functionalities. By registering user commands and handling their interactions, you can enhance the user experience and add custom features to your Discord bot. Experiment with user commands to create engaging and personalized interactions within your Discord server.

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