Master Microsoft Graph APIs with Postman

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Master Microsoft Graph APIs with Postman

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Microsoft Graph API and Postman
  3. Registering an Application in Azure
  4. Generating Client ID and Client Secret
  5. Adding API Permissions to the Application
  6. Getting Access Token using Postman
  7. Using Authentication to Access Microsoft Graph API
  8. Example: Getting All Tasks for a Plan
  9. Example: Creating a Planner Task
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to use Microsoft Graph API with Postman. Microsoft Graph API allows us to access and Interact with various Microsoft services and data. Postman is a popular API development and testing tool that enables us to make API requests and analyze responses. By combining these two powerful tools, we can efficiently work with Microsoft Graph API and perform various operations.

Understanding Microsoft Graph API and Postman

Microsoft Graph API is a RESTful API that provides a unified endpoint to access data and resources from various Microsoft services such as Azure AD, Office 365, SharePoint, Outlook, and more. It allows developers to build applications that leverage the functionalities of multiple Microsoft services. Postman, on the other HAND, is a versatile API client that simplifies the process of testing, documenting, and collaborating on APIs. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Postman makes it easier for developers to work with APIs.

Registering an Application in Azure

Before we can use Microsoft Graph API, we need to register an application in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This registration will provide us with the necessary credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) to authenticate our application and obtain an access token.

To register an application, we need to go to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory. From there, we can register a new application by providing a name and selecting the supported account Type. We also need to set the redirect URI, which specifies where the access token will be returned after authentication. After registration, we will receive a Client ID and Client Secret, which we will use for authentication.

Generating Client ID and Client Secret

The Client ID and Client Secret are unique identifiers for our registered application in Azure AD. The Client ID is a public identifier that identifies our application, while the Client Secret is a confidential key used for authentication.

To generate the Client ID and Client Secret, we need to navigate to the Azure portal and go to the application registration page. From there, we can add a client secret and specify the secret's description and expiration. Once generated, we should copy the Client Secret and keep it securely as it will be encrypted after a certain period.

Adding API Permissions to the Application

To access specific Microsoft Graph API endpoints, we need to grant our registered application the required API permissions. These permissions define the level of access our application has to different resources and operations.

To add API permissions, we need to go to the API permissions tab in the Azure portal's application registration page. From there, we can add permissions for Microsoft Graph API and specify the required scopes. For example, if we want to access tasks, we can add the "Tasks.Read" permission. It is important to note that certain permissions require admin consent, so ensure that You have the necessary privileges.

Getting Access Token using Postman

To authenticate our application and obtain an access token, we can use Postman. We need to Create a new request in Postman and specify the appropriate endpoint URL to get the access token.

The request should include the necessary parameters such as Grant Type (set to "client_credentials"), Client ID, Client Secret, and Scope. These values can be provided in the request body as form data. Once we send the request, if everything is configured correctly, we will receive a response with the access token.

Using Authentication to Access Microsoft Graph API

With the obtained access token, we can use it for authentication when making requests to Microsoft Graph API. We need to include the token in the authorization header as a Bearer token. This authorization header tells the API that our request is authenticated and grants the necessary permissions to access the requested resources.

By properly including the access token in our API requests, we can interact with Microsoft Graph API endpoints and retrieve or manipulate data from various Microsoft services.

Example: Getting All Tasks for a Plan

To demonstrate the usage of Microsoft Graph API with Postman, let's consider an example of retrieving all tasks for a specific plan. We can use the Planner API provided by Microsoft Graph to accomplish this task.

First, we need to obtain the Plan ID from the Planner application. By accessing the Planner API endpoint in Microsoft Graph Explorer, we can view and copy the Plan ID. Next, we can create a new request in Postman and set the appropriate HTTP method and endpoint URL to retrieve all tasks for the given Plan ID.

To authenticate the request, we need to include the access token from the previous step in the authorization header. By sending the request, we should receive a response with the list of tasks for the specified plan.

Example: Creating a Planner Task

In addition to retrieving tasks, we can also create tasks using Microsoft Graph API. Let's consider an example of creating a new Planner task using Postman.

We can create a new request in Postman with the appropriate HTTP method and endpoint URL for creating a task. The request body should include the necessary parameters such as the Plan ID and the task details.

To authenticate the request, we need to include the access token in the authorization header. By sending the request, we should receive a response with the status indicating the success or failure of the task creation.


In this article, we have explored how to use Microsoft Graph API with Postman. We learned about registering an application in Azure AD, generating Client ID and Client Secret, adding API permissions, obtaining an access token using Postman, and using authentication to interact with Microsoft Graph API. We also discussed examples of retrieving tasks and creating tasks using Graph API and Postman.

By leveraging the power of Microsoft Graph API and Postman, developers can build robust applications that integrate with various Microsoft services and access valuable data. So, start exploring the possibilities and unleash the potential of Microsoft Graph API with Postman.


  • Microsoft Graph API provides a unified endpoint for accessing Microsoft services
  • Postman simplifies API testing and development
  • Registering an application in Azure AD is the first step for using Microsoft Graph API
  • Client ID and Client Secret are necessary credentials for authentication
  • Adding API permissions determines the level of access to Microsoft Graph API
  • Access tokens are obtained through authentication using Postman
  • Authentication is required for accessing Microsoft Graph API endpoints
  • Examples of retrieving tasks and creating tasks using Graph API and Postman
  • Microsoft Graph API and Postman empower developers to create powerful applications
  • Explore the possibilities and unleash the potential of Microsoft Graph API with Postman


Q: Can I use Microsoft Graph API without registering an application? A: No, registration of an application is necessary to obtain the required credentials for authentication.

Q: Can I retrieve data from multiple Microsoft services using Microsoft Graph API? A: Yes, Microsoft Graph API allows access to various Microsoft services such as Azure AD, Office 365, SharePoint, Outlook, and more.

Q: Is Postman the only tool for testing Microsoft Graph API? A: No, there are other API development and testing tools available, but Postman is widely used due to its user-friendly interface and extensive features.

Q: Can I create and modify tasks using Microsoft Graph API and Postman? A: Yes, you can create, update, and delete tasks using the appropriate API endpoints and authenticate the requests using Postman.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions in using Microsoft Graph API? A: Microsoft Graph API has certain rate limits and restrictions based on subscription plans and permissions granted to the application. It is important to review the documentation and understand the limitations specific to your scenario.

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