Master Open AI's New GPTs

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Master Open AI's New GPTs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of AI Dev Day Keynote
  3. Exploring Chat GPT Features
  4. Diving into the Creation Aspect of GPTS
  5. How to Create a GPT
  6. Using the GPT Builder Chatbot
  7. Customizing the GPT Profile
  8. Tailoring the Bot's Behavior
  9. Configuring Knowledge and Capabilities
  10. Adding API Actions
  11. Testing and Saving Your GPT
  12. Sharing and Exploring Community-made GPTs
  13. Reviewing User-created GPTs
  14. Conclusion


Welcome back to the AI Dev Day Keynote Recap video on the Matt vidpro AI YouTube Channel! In this video, we will be focusing on the new features inside of Chat GPT and diving into the creation aspect of the new GPTs feature. I will share what I've learned so far on how to make GPTs and even provide a place where You can share your own GPTs and experience other people's creations. Let's get started!

Overview of AI Dev Day Keynote

The AI Dev Day Keynote was a significant event in the world of AI, where OpenAI made some exciting announcements. In my previous video, I did a full recap of everything they announced. If you haven't watched it yet, I recommend starting there to get caught up on all the latest updates.

Exploring Chat GPT Features

Before we Delve into creating our own GPTs, let's explore the new features available in Chat GPT. OpenAI has introduced a brand new "Explore" tab, which is gradually rolling out to everyone. This tab allows you to browse and try out GPTs created by OpenAI. While these pre-made GPTs are good, they may not fully harness the capabilities of the custom GPTs We Are about to dive into.

Diving into the Creation Aspect of GPTs

Now, let's focus on the creation aspect of GPTs. To start creating your own GPT, head to the OpenAI Website and click on the "Create a GPT" button. Please note that this feature may not be available to everyone immediately, as it is still in beta and being rolled out gradually. Once you have access to the feature, you can begin building your GPT using the GPT Builder chatbot and the create and configure tabs.

How to Create a GPT

Creating a GPT is a straightforward process with the help of the GPT Builder chatbot. The chatbot allows you to use natural language to communicate with it and guide the creation of your GPT. Start by stating what you would like your GPT to do. For example, you can say, "Make a creative who generates visuals for new products" or "Make a software engineer who helps format my code."

Using the GPT Builder Chatbot

The GPT Builder chatbot is your assistant in creating your GPT. It will ask you questions and guide you through the configuration process. It suggests names for your GPT Based on your Prompts and even generates a profile picture using Dolly 3, an AI Image Generator. However, note that the chatbot has certain limitations, and it is best to provide your own instructions to customize your GPT further.

Customizing the GPT Profile

Once you have set the basic parameters for your GPT, such as its purpose and name, you can customize its profile. You can provide instructions for the GPT, such as focusing on visual elements like color and framing or storytelling aspects like character emotions and plot points. This customization ensures that your GPT aligns with your specific requirements and desired outcomes.

Tailoring the Bot's Behavior

To further refine your GPT, you can specify how it should approach situations where instructions are unclear or incomplete. You can choose whether the bot should ask for clarification or use its own judgment. Additionally, you can select the tone in which the bot communicates with users, whether it should be formal or casual and friendly.

Configuring Knowledge and Capabilities

Take AdVantage of the knowledge and capabilities settings to enhance the functionality of your GPT. You can upload additional files for your GPT to reference, allowing it to provide more accurate and insightful responses. You can also enable web browsing capabilities to allow the GPT to search specific websites for information Relevant to the conversation. Additionally, you can enable code interpretation to enable more advanced functionality in your GPT.

Adding API Actions

One of the most exciting features of custom GPTs is the ability to add API actions. API actions allow your GPT to Interact with external services and perform specific tasks, making it a powerful and versatile tool. You can add various actions to your GPT, such as retrieving weather data, translating text, or even automating certain tasks. The possibilities are virtually endless, and this feature opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your GPT.

Testing and Saving Your GPT

Once you have configured your GPT to your satisfaction, you can test it out using various prompts and see how it responds. If you are satisfied with the results, you can save your GPT. You have the option to save it privately, share it with specific individuals through a link, or make it public. Just keep in mind that making it public means it may appear in the GPT Store, which will be released soon.

Sharing and Exploring Community-made GPTs

While the GPT store is not yet available, you can still share your GPTs and explore those created by others. Join the Matt vidpro AI Discord server, where you can share your GPTs, interact with other Creators, and discover a wide range of GPTs. This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate, learn from each other, and experience the different applications of custom GPTs before the official store release.

Reviewing User-created GPTs

Let's take a moment to review some of the GPTs created by the community. Grug's Wisdom is a GPT that provides cave-man style wisdom in its responses. It's a delightful and fun GPT to interact with. Deal Scout, on the other HAND, helps users find deals and provide insights on pricing. It utilizes web search capabilities to Gather information and offer suggestions. GPT Genesis suggests unique ideas for GPTs, such as cultural exchange companions or language learning assistants. These examples demonstrate the versatility and creative possibilities of custom GPTs.


Creating your own custom GPTs opens up a world of possibilities in terms of both entertainment and real-world applications. With the ability to personalize and configure GPTs according to your specific needs, the potential is immense. As the GPT store is released, we can expect even more innovative and useful GPTs to be shared and utilized. So, let's embrace this exciting technology and contribute to the growing community of GPT creators.

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