Master Text Analysis with ChatGPT Prompts

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Master Text Analysis with ChatGPT Prompts

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Video 1.2 Overview of ChatGPT and Prompt Templates
  2. Using ChatGPT with Keywords Everywhere 2.1 Installing Keywords Everywhere Browser Add-On 2.2 Accessing ChatGPT Dashboard
  3. Keyword Extraction 3.1 Extracting Keywords and Key Phrases 3.2 Creating a Markdown Table
  4. Extractive Summary 4.1 Summarizing Text into Phrases 4.2 Formatting the Summary
  5. Topic Extraction 5.1 Identifying Topics in a Text 5.2 Associated Keywords for Each Topic
  6. Abstractive and Extractive Summaries 6.1 Comparing Different Summary Types 6.2 Understanding the Differences
  7. Bullet Point Summary 7.1 Creating a Summary with Bullet Points 7.2 Highlighting Key Topics
  8. TLDR Summary 8.1 Generating a TLDR Summary 8.2 Choosing the Medium Type
  9. Additional Options 9.1 Using the "Continue" Functionality 9.2 Clarifying, Exemplifying, and Expanding the Response 9.3 Other Post-Generation Actions
  10. Research Paper Summary 10.1 Summarizing Research Papers 10.2 Specifying Word Count for Summary
  11. Structured Academic Summary 11.1 Summary for Lecture Notes or Academic Texts 11.2 Creating a Structured Summary

Article: ChatGPT and Prompt Templates: Enhancing Text Analysis and Research Efficiency


In today's video, we will explore how to use ChatGPT and prompt templates to analyze text effectively and enhance productivity. By leveraging keywords everywhere and the power of ChatGPT, You can unlock valuable insights and streamline your research process. Let's dive in!

  1. Purpose of the Video

The main aim of this video is to demonstrate how ChatGPT and prompt templates can be utilized to improve text analysis and research efficiency. By following the steps provided, you will learn how to extract keywords, generate summaries, and identify Relevant topics from any piece of text.

1.1 Overview of ChatGPT and Prompt Templates

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. It utilizes prompt templates to extract specific information and perform various tasks such as keyword extraction, summarization, and topic identification. These templates provide a structured approach to text analysis, making it easier to extract valuable insights efficiently.

  1. Using ChatGPT with Keywords Everywhere

To get started, we need to install the Keywords Everywhere browser add-on. Visit the Website and install the add-on for either Chrome or Firefox. Once installed, log in to your OpenAI account through the ChatGPT dashboard.

2.1 Installing Keywords Everywhere Browser Add-On

Before accessing prompt templates, install the Keywords Everywhere add-on via This tool will enhance your keyword extraction capabilities.

2.2 Accessing ChatGPT Dashboard

Log in to your OpenAI account and navigate to the ChatGPT dashboard. On the left-HAND side, you'll find the templates button, which provides access to various prompt templates. Clicking on it will open the ChatGPT prompt templates widget.

  1. Keyword Extraction

The keyword extraction prompt template allows you to extract relevant keywords and key phrases from a piece of text. By highlighting and copying the desired text, you can paste it into the prompt template for analysis.

3.1 Extracting Keywords and Key Phrases

Choose the "keyword extraction" template and specify the language of the text (e.g., English). Paste the text you want to analyze and extract keywords from. This prompt template will help identify the most relevant keywords and key phrases by analyzing the provided text.

3.2 Creating a Markdown Table

The prompt template generates a helpful table showcasing the extracted keywords, their frequency, and the key phrases in which they appear. This table allows you to quickly identify the most relevant keywords used in the text.

  1. Extractive Summary

The extractive summary template summarizes a given text by extracting and formatting key phrases.

4.1 Summarizing Text into Phrases

By pasting the text into the extractive summary template, ChatGPT will generate a summary by using exact phrases from the provided text.

4.2 Formatting the Summary

The extracted phrases will be transformed into a concise and informative Paragraph summarizing the main points discussed in the text. This summary serves as a helpful overview of the text's content.

  1. Topic Extraction

The topic extraction prompt template enables you to identify the main topics Mentioned in a piece of text and associate relevant keywords with each topic.

5.1 Identifying Topics in a Text

By pasting the text into the topic extraction template, ChatGPT will generate a table listing the topics discussed in the text.

5.2 Associated Keywords for Each Topic

The generated table also includes associated keywords for each topic, providing a comprehensive overview of the text's main themes.

  1. Abstractive and Extractive Summaries

The abstractive and extractive summary template provides both abstractive and extractive summaries for a given text. These summaries differ in their approach to paraphrasing content.

6.1 Comparing Different Summary Types

The abstractive summary paraphrases the original text, while the extractive summary uses sentences, phrases, and exact keywords from the text.

6.2 Understanding the Differences

By examining the two types of summaries, you can compare the effectiveness of abstractive and extractive approaches in conveying the main points of a text.

  1. Bullet Point Summary

The bullet point summary prompt template generates a summary using bullet points, allowing for concise and focused information extraction.

7.1 Creating a Summary with Bullet Points

By pasting the text into the bullet point summary template, ChatGPT will provide a bulleted list summarizing the text's main content.

7.2 Highlighting Key Topics

This template also includes a bullet point list highlighting the key topics discussed in the text, making it easier to grasp the main ideas.

  1. TLDR Summary

The TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) summary template generates a concise summary of a text, perfect for quick overviews or social media posts.

8.1 Generating a TLDR Summary

By specifying the Type of medium (e.g., blog post, newsletter, Twitter post) and pasting the text, ChatGPT will generate a TLDR summary tailored to the selected medium.

8.2 Choosing the Medium Type

This template is especially useful for content Creators who want to provide TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) summaries of their blog articles or other written content.

  1. Additional Options

ChatGPT offers various post-generation actions that allow you to further refine the generated responses.

9.1 Using the "Continue" Functionality

The "continue" button in the ChatGPT interface enables you to guide ChatGPT to take additional actions Based on the initial response.

9.2 Clarifying, Exemplifying, and Expanding the Response

By utilizing options like "clarify," "exemplify," or "expand," you can prompt ChatGPT to provide more specific information or rephrase the initial response.

9.3 Other Post-Generation Actions

You can also instruct ChatGPT to rewrite, shorten, or even Create a tweet-sized version of the generated content using the available post-generation options.

  1. Research Paper Summary

The research paper summary template generates a concise summary for research papers by specifying the desired word count.

10.1 Summarizing Research Papers

By pasting a research paper's text and specifying the desired summary word count, ChatGPT will generate a summary that concisely captures the paper's key points.

10.2 Specifying Word Count for Summary

This template is particularly useful for researchers and academics who need to summarize lengthy research papers to quickly assess their relevance.

  1. Structured Academic Summary

The structured academic summary template generates a more detailed summary for academic Texts or lecture notes, incorporating a Markdown table and bullet point list.

11.1 Summary for Lecture Notes or Academic Texts

By pasting academic text or lecture notes, ChatGPT will generate a structured summary with a Markdown table that outlines important topics and a bullet point list of commonly asked questions.

11.2 Creating a Structured Summary

This template is ideal for students, educators, or researchers looking for a comprehensive summary that highlights key topics, associated key terms, and commonly asked questions.


Utilizing ChatGPT and prompt templates from Keywords Everywhere can significantly enhance text analysis and research efficiency. By leveraging keyword extraction, summarization, and topic identification, you can streamline your research process and extract valuable insights from any piece of text. Experiment with the different prompt templates provided in this article to make the most out of ChatGPT's capabilities.


  • Learn how to use ChatGPT and prompt templates for text analysis and research efficiency
  • Extract keywords and key phrases using the keyword extraction template
  • Summarize text with the extractive summary template
  • Identify main topics and associated keywords using the topic extraction template
  • Compare abstractive and extractive summaries using respective templates
  • Create concise bullet point summaries with the bullet point summary template
  • Generate TLDR summaries for quick overviews or social media posts
  • Explore post-generation options to further refine the generated responses
  • Summarize research papers efficiently with the research paper summary template
  • Generate structured academic summaries for lecture notes or academic texts

FAQ Q&A: Q: Can I use prompt templates to analyze articles in different languages? A: Yes, prompt templates support various languages for text analysis.

Q: Are the prompt templates customizable? A: While you can edit the text within the prompt templates, it's not necessary for their effective use. The templates are designed to provide relevant and useful outputs without extensive customization.

Q: Can I use ChatGPT and prompt templates for other languages besides English? A: Yes, ChatGPT can analyze text in multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for text analysis tasks.

Q: Is ChatGPT capable of handling academic texts or research papers? A: Yes, ChatGPT's prompt templates can be particularly useful for analyzing academic texts and generating summaries for research papers.

Q: Can I use ChatGPT for generating summaries for different types of content, such as newsletters or social media posts? A: Absolutely, ChatGPT's TLDR summary template allows you to generate concise summaries tailored to specific types of content, including newsletters, blog posts, Twitter posts, and more.

Q: Can I ask ChatGPT to provide additional information or clarification after generating a response? A: Yes, the ChatGPT interface offers options for post-generation actions, such as clarifying, exemplifying, expanding, rewriting, or shortening the generated content.

Q: How can I control the length of the summaries generated by ChatGPT? A: Many of the prompt templates allow you to specify the desired word count or format, enabling you to control the length and presentation of the summaries.

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