Master the Art of Investment with Expert Panel Discussions

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Master the Art of Investment with Expert Panel Discussions

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Investment Cases 2.1 Definition and Purpose of Investment Cases 2.2 Importance of Investment Cases for Countries
  3. Key Elements of an Investment Case 3.1 Objectives and Target Audience 3.2 Cost-effectiveness and Return on Investment 3.3 Political Feasibility and Stakeholder Buy-in 3.4 Country-specific Data and Context 3.5 Consideration of Criteria Beyond Cost-effectiveness
  4. Case Studies of Investment Cases 4.1 TB DOTS Program in China 4.2 Cost-effectiveness of ORS in Bangladesh 4.3 Lessons Learned from Country Investment Cases
  5. Dos and Don’ts of Developing Investment Cases 5.1 Specify Clear Objectives and Target Audience 5.2 Use Country-specific and Robust Data 5.3 Consider Feasibility and Health Systems Constraints 5.4 Focus on Clear Priorities and Realistic Goals 5.5 Involve Countries in the Development Process
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ


Investment cases play a crucial role in guiding resource allocation strategies and decision-making processes in the field of public health. They provide evidence-Based justifications for investing in specific interventions or programs, taking into consideration factors such as cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and impact. In this article, we will explore the concept of investment cases, their importance for countries, key elements to consider when developing them, and examine case studies of successful investment cases. Additionally, we will provide dos and don'ts to guide the development of effective investment cases.

Understanding Investment Cases

Investment cases are comprehensive assessments that Outline the justification, expected impact, and resource needs for specific health interventions or programs. They serve as persuasive documents that aim to mobilize funding and support from various stakeholders. Investment cases provide decision-makers with the information needed to understand the value and potential return on investment of a particular intervention or program. By considering multiple factors, investment cases assist countries in prioritizing health interventions and allocating resources efficiently.

Key Elements of an Investment Case

To develop a robust investment case, certain key elements must be incorporated. Firstly, clear objectives and a target audience must be identified to tailor the investment case effectively. Secondly, cost-effectiveness and return on investment should be assessed to demonstrate the economic value of the intervention or program. Political feasibility and stakeholder buy-in are crucial aspects that influence the success of investment cases. Country-specific data and Context must be incorporated to ensure the relevance and applicability of the investment case. Lastly, it is important to consider criteria beyond cost-effectiveness, such as feasibility and equity, to provide a comprehensive evaluation.

Case Studies of Investment Cases

Examining successful investment cases in different countries provides valuable insights into the impact of these strategies. The TB DOTS program in China showcases how a well-designed investment case can influence global health initiatives and generate significant results. The cost-effectiveness assessment of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) in Bangladesh demonstrates the importance of local data and context in developing investment cases. These case studies highlight the need for investment cases specific to the country context and the potential for wide-Scale impact when investments are guided by evidence-based justifications.

Dos and Don’ts of Developing Investment Cases

Developing effective investment cases requires careful consideration of various factors. Clear objectives and a targeted audience must be identified to tailor the investment case accordingly. Using country-specific and robust data ensures the accuracy and relevance of the case. Consideration of feasibility and health systems constraints guides the selection of appropriate interventions. Focusing on clear priorities and realistic goals helps avoid over-ambitious investment cases. Lastly, involving countries in the development process ensures ownership and increases the likelihood of successful implementation.


Investment cases are essential tools for countries to make informed decisions about the allocation of resources in the field of public health. By considering factors such as cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and stakeholder buy-in, investment cases help countries prioritize interventions and make efficient use of limited resources. Through case studies and dos and don'ts, this article has provided insights into the importance of investment cases and how they can be effectively developed and utilized.


Q: What is the purpose of an investment case? A: The purpose of an investment case is to provide evidence-based justifications for investing in specific health interventions or programs. It outlines the expected impact, resource needs, and potential return on investment to guide decision-making processes and resource allocation strategies.

Q: How are investment cases developed? A: Investment cases are typically developed by analyzing relevant data, conducting cost-effectiveness assessments, and considering the country's specific context and priorities. Stakeholders, including government officials, technical experts, and international partners, are often involved in the development process to ensure a comprehensive and well-informed investment case.

Q: Are investment cases only focused on cost-effectiveness? A: While cost-effectiveness is an important aspect of investment cases, it is not the sole criterion. Investment cases should consider other factors such as feasibility, political feasibility, health systems constraints, equity, and stakeholder buy-in to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the intervention or program.

Q: How can investment cases influence resource allocation decisions? A: Investment cases provide decision-makers with evidence-based justifications and economic evaluations of specific health interventions or programs. By highlighting the potential impact and return on investment, investment cases can influence resource allocation decisions, attract additional funding, and guide prioritization strategies.

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