Master the Art of LiveChat App Review in 4 Practical Steps

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Master the Art of LiveChat App Review in 4 Practical Steps

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an App Review?
  3. Free App Review vs. Paid App Review
  4. How to Make Your App the Best Experience for Customers
    • Asking Questions and Seeking Advice
    • Three Pillars for Building a Quality Application
      • Code
      • Design
      • Copy
  5. The Importance of Good Coding Practices
  6. Thorough Testing for a Seamless App Review Process
  7. Designing Your Application for a Great User Experience
    • Introduction to the Live Chat Design System
    • Using Custom Design or the Live Chat Design System
    • General UX and UI Design Advice
    • Templates for Marketplace Graphics
    • Recommended Tools for Designing Your App
    • Using External Tools for Inspiration and Perfecting Your App's Design
  8. Enhancing Your App Copy to Attract More Customers
    • The Significance of a Great Application Copy
    • Recommended Document for Writing an Outstanding Marketplace Copy
    • Tools for Perfecting Your App's Copy
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ

Building a Clear Chat App: Mastering the Live Chat App Review Process

In today's practical guide, we will dive into the world of app reviews for live chat applications. Whether You're a developer looking to showcase your app or a business owner wanting to ensure your app meets quality standards, understanding the app review process is crucial. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the app review process and how to excel at it.

1. Introduction

Before delving into the details, let's define what an app review is. In simple terms, an app review is the evaluation process your application undergoes before it can be published on the marketplace. This evaluation ensures your app functions properly, adheres to developer terms, and meets quality standards. We offer two types of app reviews: free and paid. The free review provides a basic check, while the paid review offers an in-depth analysis and advice to enhance your application's appeal to potential customers.

2. What is an App Review?

An app review is a crucial step towards publishing your application for everyone to see. It involves receiving a note of approval from our team, certifying that your app works seamlessly, looks visually appealing, and complies with developer guidelines. To gain a deeper understanding of the app review process, refer to our app review offer breakdown Chart on our Website.

3. Free App Review vs. Paid App Review

The decision to opt for a free or paid app review depends on your specific needs. The free review provides a necessary check to ensure your app meets basic requirements. However, for a more comprehensive evaluation, the paid app review is recommended. With the paid review, you receive an in-depth analysis and valuable advice on how to improve your application to make it more appealing to your target audience.

4. How to Make Your App the Best Experience for Customers

Building a high-quality app that offers a great user experience is a shared goal between you and us. Even before the app review process begins, we encourage you to ask questions, Seek advice, and join our Discord server community. The three pillars to focus on when building your application are the code, design, and copy.

4.1. Asking Questions and Seeking Advice

We value your questions and concerns. Feel free to address any queries to our team before undergoing the app review process. We Are here to provide helpful insights and suggestions to ensure your app meets quality standards and exceeds customer expectations.

4.2. Three Pillars for Building a Quality Application

To pass the app review smoothly and increase your app's future sales, you need to focus on three key pillars: code, design, and copy.

4.2.1. Code

While we don't review your code line by line, we do pay Attention to the overall functionality and performance of your application. It's essential to ensure your application works seamlessly, without any errors, and has a logical mechanism. Good coding practices are crucial. Refer to our first video in this series to learn about effective coding practices and follow them diligently. Thoroughly test your application before submitting it for review to ensure a smooth and efficient process.


  • Streamlined code improves application performance
  • Mitigates the risk of errors and bugs
  • Demonstrates your proficiency as a developer


  • Requires attention to Detail and thorough testing

4.2.2. Design

The design of your application plays a significant role in its overall appeal and usability. Consider utilizing the Live Chat Design System, a system of React components designed specifically for building chat applications. This system ensures consistency with the Live Chat agent application and enhances the user experience. Alternatively, if you prefer custom design, we can still provide general design advice. Our designers have shared their expertise in UX and UI, providing insights on how to approach the design process and Create a well-thought-out application.


  • The Live Chat Design System offers a consistent and seamless experience
  • Custom design allows for unique branding and customization


  • Adopting the Live Chat Design System may limit design flexibility

4.2.3. Copy

Don't underestimate the power of compelling copy. Engaging and persuasive content can attract more prospective customers to purchase your application. We have prepared a comprehensive document with best practices and tips for writing outstanding marketplace copy. Consider it as your go-to reference for crafting persuasive and informative copy that highlights the unique selling points of your app.


  • Attracts more potential customers
  • Demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail


  • Requires strong copywriting skills or outsourcing to a professional Writer

5. The Importance of Good Coding Practices

When it comes to the success of your application, good coding practices play a vital role. Following these practices ensures your code is clean, well-organized, and maintainable. It reduces the likelihood of bugs and errors, ultimately enhancing your app's functionality and performance. To learn more about good coding practices, refer to our dedicated video in this series.

6. Thorough Testing for a Seamless App Review Process

Testing your application thoroughly before submitting it for review is crucial. Our app review process follows a three-bug rule, which means that if three bugs are found, we will notify you, provide details, and request fixes before continuing the review process. To minimize such disruptions and expedite the review process, we strongly recommend performing thorough testing on your app.

7. Designing Your Application for a Great User Experience

Designing your application meticulously is essential to ensure a satisfying user experience. The design visually represents your brand and provides a seamless interaction between users and your app's features. Take AdVantage of the Live Chat Design System, React components designed specifically for chat applications, to maintain consistency with the Live Chat agent application. However, if you prefer a custom approach, our designers have shared valuable UX and UI advice to guide you in creating an intuitive and visually appealing design.

7.1. Introduction to the Live Chat Design System

The Live Chat Design System is a collection of pre-designed React components tailor-made for chat applications. By adopting this design system, your app will seamlessly integrate with the Live Chat agent application, providing a unified experience for users. Access the Live Chat Design System in our resources file to explore its benefits and guidelines for implementation.

7.2. Using Custom Design or the Live Chat Design System

While we recommend utilizing the Live Chat Design System for a consistent user experience, you are not obligated to do so. If you prefer to create a custom design for your app, we can still provide guidance and general advice to ensure an aesthetically pleasing and functional design.

7.3. General UX and UI Design Advice

Creating a well-thought-out application design requires a thorough understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) principles. Our designers have compiled a document with valuable advice, covering design processes, best practices, and considerations for creating user-centric applications. This resource will provide you with insights to enhance the usability and visual appeal of your app.

7.4. Templates for Marketplace Graphics

To effectively promote your application, visual assets such as marketplace graphics are essential. Our designers have prepared templates that you can utilize to maintain a consistent design style for your promotional images. These templates are available in the resources file for this episode, enabling you to create visually appealing graphics effortlessly.

7.5. Recommended Tools for Designing Your App

Apart from the Live Chat Design System, various external tools can greatly assist in designing your application. We have curated a list of tools that we find helpful during our design process. These tools include resources for inspiration, open-source illustrations, and tools for grammar and sentence construction. Explore the resources file to access these tools and leverage them to enhance your app's design.

7.6. Using External Tools for Inspiration and Perfecting Your App's Design

In addition to the design resources we provide, external tools can play a valuable role in perfecting your app's design. From finding inspiration for your app's visual elements to refining grammar and vocabulary, these tools offer additional support for your design Journey. We have listed these tools in the resources file, which you can explore and utilize Based on your specific needs.

8. Enhancing Your App Copy to Attract More Customers

Compelling and persuasive copy is essential for attracting potential customers to your application. Well-crafted copy communicates the unique selling points of your app and highlights its value proposition. We have created a comprehensive document encompassing best practices, common mistakes to avoid, and a simple glossary to ensure your copy stands out. Before preparing your marketplace copy, we highly recommend reading this document to grasp the principles of writing copy that attracts and engages your target audience.

8.1. The Significance of a Great Application Copy

Your application copy serves as a persuasive tool for potential customers. It introduces your app, conveys its benefits, and compels users to take action. By investing time and effort into creating compelling copy, you can significantly increase the chances of attracting more customers.

8.2. Recommended Document for Writing an Outstanding Marketplace Copy

To assist you in writing outstanding marketplace copy, we have prepared a detailed document with best practices and insights. This document covers various aspects of copywriting for applications, offering suggestions, and highlighting common mistakes to avoid. Access this resource to craft persuasive and informative copy that conveys your app's unique value.

8.3. Tools for Perfecting Your App's Copy

In addition to our recommended document, there are external tools that can aid in perfecting your app's copy. These tools offer valuable assistance in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence construction. Review the resources file for this episode to access these tools and utilize them to refine and enhance your app's copywriting.

9. Conclusion

Equipped with the knowledge provided in this guide, you can confidently navigate the live chat app review process and elevate the quality of your application. Remember, we're here to support you throughout this journey. If you have any further questions or require guidance, don't hesitate to join our Discord for Developers. Good luck with your future app reviews, and stay tuned for our next video!


  • Understanding the app review process for live chat applications
  • Differentiating between free and paid app reviews
  • Optimal strategies for creating a top-quality application
  • Importance of good coding practices and thorough testing
  • Leveraging the Live Chat Design System for consistent design
  • Enhancing app copy to attract more customers


Q: How long does the app review process take? A: The duration of the app review process varies depending on various factors such as the complexity of the application and the type of review chosen. Generally, the free review takes less time compared to the in-depth paid review.

Q: Can I use my own design for the live chat application? A: Yes, you have the freedom to implement custom design in your application if you prefer. However, considering the Live Chat Design System can offer advantages in terms of consistency and integration with the Live Chat agent application.

Q: What if my application fails the app review process? A: If your application does not meet the required standards during the review process, our team will provide detailed feedback and recommendations on how to improve it. You can then make the necessary changes and resubmit your application for review.

Q: Can I use the templates provided for marketplace graphics in other promotional materials? A: While the templates are specifically designed for marketplace graphics, you may adapt them to other promotional materials suitable for your needs. The templates serve as a starting point to maintain a consistent design style across your promotional materials.

Q: Are the external tools for designing and copywriting paid or free? A: The recommended external tools vary in terms of pricing. Some may offer free features, while others may require a subscription or one-time purchase. Review the resources file to explore these tools and their pricing models.

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