Master the Art of Subject Line Creation

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Master the Art of Subject Line Creation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Email Subject Lines
  3. Creating a Swipe File
  4. The Six Killer Subject Line Categories
    • 4.1 Provoking Outrageous
    • 4.2 How-To
    • 4.3 Mistake
    • 4.4 Curiosity
    • 4.5 Story-Based
    • 4.6 Why Email
  5. Writing Prompts for Each Category
  6. Bonus Points: Creating Your Own Swipe File
  7. Step 1: Writing the Prompt
  8. Turning Up the Subject Line Quality
  9. Getting Ideas When Stuck
  10. Conclusion

The Most Important Part of Any Marketing Email: The Subject Line

Email marketing is an essential aspect of any successful marketing strategy. However, if your email subject lines fail to grab Attention and entice recipients to open and Read your messages, your efforts will be in vain. In this article, we will explore the art of crafting compelling subject lines that generate clicks and conversions.


March 2020 marked the beginning of my Journey as an email marketer. The first email I wrote for a client was met with disappointment. Their main feedback was that while the overall content was acceptable, the subject line was lackluster and unlikely to grab the recipient's attention. This inspired me to dive deep into the world of subject lines, exploring various resources, podcasts, and books to improve my skills.

The Importance of Email Subject Lines

Subject lines are the gateway to your email's success. In just a few characters, you need to captivate your audience and convince them to open your message. It's a perplexing challenge that requires ingenuity and creativity. However, with the right strategies and a little bit of help, you can master the art of subject line creation.

Creating a Swipe File

One of the most valuable tools for email marketers is a swipe file. A swipe file is a collection of marketing emails that have caught your attention. This repository serves as inspiration for your own subject lines and email ideas. By analyzing successful subject lines from various businesses, you can gain insights into what works and what doesn't.

The Six Killer Subject Line Categories

Through my research and experience, I have identified six killer subject line categories that consistently yield results. These categories are:

4.1 Provoking Outrageous

Subject lines that provoke and Elicit a strong emotional response from the recipient fall under this category. By using shocking or controversial statements, You can pique curiosity and encourage engagement.

4.2 How-To

People love learning new things, and subject lines that promise to teach a valuable skill or offer a solution to a problem are highly effective. This category focuses on subject lines that prompt the recipient to take action by providing them with step-by-step instructions or valuable insights.

4.3 Mistake

Highlighting common mistakes and offering ways to avoid or rectify them is a great way to engage your audience. Subject lines that tap into the fear of making errors or missing out on important information can be highly persuasive.

4.4 Curiosity

We Are naturally drawn to the unknown and have a strong desire to satisfy our curiosity. Subject lines that tease intriguing information or secrets can be incredibly compelling, generating high open rates and click-throughs.

4.5 Story-Based

Humans are wired to respond well to storytelling. Subject lines that Evoke emotions and Create a connection through storytelling can be immensely powerful. By framing your subject lines as captivating stories, you can form a bond with your audience, leading to higher engagement.

4.6 Why Email

This category focuses on subject lines built around the "why" factor. By presenting a strong case for why the recipient should open your email, you can convince them of the value they will receive. These subject lines aim to emphasize the benefits and relevance of your email content.

Writing Prompts for Each Category

To help you craft compelling subject lines, I have created writing prompts for each of the six killer subject line categories. These prompts serve as a starting point, allowing you to customize and improvise based on your specific niche and industry. By using these prompts, you can create unique and attention-grabbing subject lines that stand out from the crowd.

Bonus Points: Creating Your Own Swipe File

While a swipe file can be an invaluable resource, I encourage you to create your own swipe file as well. By paying close attention to marketing materials in your feed, you can identify effective subject lines and add them to your collection. This exercise will enable you to train your instincts and develop a better understanding of what works for you and your target audience.

Step 1: Writing the Prompt

To begin crafting your subject line, start by writing the prompt. This exercise helps you structure your thoughts and ensure your subject line stays focused and effective. By using a specific style that incorporates failure and success, you can create subject lines that resonate with your audience's desires and aspirations.

Turning Up the Subject Line Quality

While the prompts provide a solid foundation for subject lines, you can elevate their quality even further. By thinking like a marketer and drawing inspiration from successful attention-grabbing headlines, such as those found in the National Enquirer, you can infuse more power and intrigue into your subject lines. Additionally, keeping the character count under 70 ensures optimal readability and impact.

Getting Ideas When Stuck

Inevitably, there will be times when you find yourself stuck in a creative rut. To overcome this, I offer a range of ideas that can spark inspiration and help you generate new and exciting email content. These ideas cover various topics, such as personal philosophies, contrarian views, and lessons learned. By exploring these concepts, you can craft emails that engage and resonate with your audience.


Crafting compelling subject lines is a vital skill that can greatly enhance your email marketing success. By implementing the strategies and techniques outlined in this article, you will be able to create subject lines that grab attention, drive clicks, and ultimately lead to conversions. Remember to continuously refine your skills, always striving to understand the intricacies of email marketing and consumer behavior, as this knowledge will propel your campaigns to new heights.


  • Email subject lines are the most important part of any marketing email.
  • A swipe file is an essential tool for gathering inspiration and improving subject line creativity.
  • There are six killer subject line categories: provoking outrageous, how-to, mistake, curiosity, story-based, and why email.
  • Writing prompts can help develop customized, attention-grabbing subject lines.
  • Creating a swipe file allows for personalization and understanding of effective subject lines.
  • Thinking like a marketer and emulating successful headlines can enhance subject line quality.
  • Additional ideas can serve as inspiration during creative blocks.
  • Constant improvement and understanding of email marketing are crucial for success.


Q: How long should an ideal subject line be?

A: Ideally, subject lines should be no more than 70 characters for optimal readability and impact.

Q: Can I use subject line templates from my swipe file as they are?

A: While subject line templates are a helpful starting point, it's crucial to customize them to suit your niche, industry, and target audience.

Q: Are there any other resources apart from the swipe file to improve email marketing skills?

A: Absolutely! Exploring podcasts, books, and comprehensive video tutorials can provide valuable insights into the world of email marketing.

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