Master the art of trading with Reinforcement Learning

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Master the art of trading with Reinforcement Learning

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Importing Libraries
  3. Loading Data
  4. Creating the Environment
  5. Multiprocessing and Algorithms
  6. Discrete vs Continuous Actions
  7. Training the Agent
  8. Evaluating the Agent
  9. Creating a Custom Environment
  10. Tuning the Model
  11. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will be exploring reinforcement learning algorithms, specifically focusing on the actor-critic model. We will use the Stable Baselines library to train and learn algorithms for trading. First, we will import the necessary libraries and load the data. Then, we will Create the trading environment and explore the concept of multiprocessing and different algorithms. We will discuss the difference between discrete and continuous actions and how to use them in our model. Next, we will train the agent and evaluate its performance. We will also explore the creation of a custom environment and the importance of tuning the model. Finally, we will conclude the tutorial and provide some insights for further exploration.

Importing Libraries

To begin, we need to import the required libraries. In this tutorial, we will be using the Gym and Gym Any Trading libraries for trading environments. We will also import Stable Baselines for training our reinforcement learning algorithm.

Loading Data

Next, we will load the data that we will be using for training our algorithm. We will import the data from Binance, specifically using five-minute bars for the last three months. We will also preprocess the data frame and indicate the timestamps.

Creating the Environment

To train our algorithm, we need to create a trading environment. We will indicate that the commission is zero, as We Are working with five-minute bars and trading at every bar would not be successful due to insufficient movement to cover the commission. We will also discuss the option of creating a custom environment using the Gym library.

Multiprocessing and Algorithms

In this section, we will explore the concept of multiprocessing to speed up the training process. We will create multiple environments and use the actor-critic model as an example. We will also mention other algorithms available in the library and discuss their suitability for multiprocessing.

Discrete vs Continuous Actions

In reinforcement learning, actions can be discrete or continuous. We will discuss the difference between the two and their applicability in different situations. In our case, we will use a discrete action space with two values: buy or sell. We will also highlight the importance of not trading at every five bars and instead focusing on high probability and high distance movements.

Training the Agent

Now, we will train our reinforcement learning agent using the actor-critic model. We will create the model, specify the MLP policy, and input our environment. Before training, we will test the model without training to observe the mean rewards. After training, we will evaluate the agent's performance over multiple episodes and compare the mean rewards before and after training.

Evaluating the Agent

After training the agent, we will evaluate its performance by running it on the testing environment. We will create a single environment for testing purposes and observe the rewards generated. We will also save the trained agent model to avoid the high cost of training if using a remote server.

Creating a Custom Environment

In this section, we will emphasize the importance of creating a custom environment. By default, the Gym and Gym Any Trading libraries offer stock and forex environments with different commission rates. However, for successful reinforcement learning, it is crucial to tailor the environment to our specific needs. We will discuss how to create a custom environment and define the correct rewards.

Tuning the Model

To achieve optimal results, we need to tune our model. In this section, we will explore different parameter settings for the data set. We can vary the window size, the starting point, and analyze the model's performance under different combinations. We will also discuss the trade-off between training time and overfitting.


In the final section, we will conclude the tutorial by summarizing the key takeaways and insights gained from our exploration of reinforcement learning algorithms in trading. We will also discuss future steps, such as creating a TensorFlow dashboard to Visualize the model's performance and further optimizing the environment.


  • Introduction to reinforcement learning algorithms
  • Using the Stable Baselines library for trading
  • Creating a custom environment for optimal results
  • Training and evaluating the agent's performance
  • Tuning the model for improved outcomes


Q: What is reinforcement learning? A: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on training agents to make decisions based on rewards and penalties.

Q: Why is a custom environment important in reinforcement learning? A: A custom environment allows us to tailor the learning environment to our specific needs, providing more accurate and meaningful rewards.

Q: Can reinforcement learning be applied to other domains apart from trading? A: Yes, reinforcement learning can be applied to various domains, including robotics, finance, and gaming.

Q: How can one evaluate the performance of a trained reinforcement learning agent? A: The performance of a trained agent can be evaluated by observing the rewards garnered over multiple episodes and comparing them to the rewards before training.

Q: What are the advantages of using multiprocessing in reinforcement learning? A: Multiprocessing allows for faster training by creating multiple environments and training them simultaneously, leveraging the power of modern computing.

Q: How can overfitting be prevented in reinforcement learning? A: Overfitting can be prevented by finding the right balance between training the model and evaluating its performance on new data. Tuning the model's parameters and using a custom environment can also help prevent overfitting.

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