Master TSQL Queries with ChatGPT

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Master TSQL Queries with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chat GPT?
  3. How to Use Chat GPT
  4. Creating Tables and Inserting Data
    • Customer Table
    • Product Table
    • Sales Order Table
    • Sales Order Detail Table
  5. Writing Queries
    • Select Queries
    • Filtering Data
    • Joins
    • Aggregations
  6. Debugging and Error Handling
  7. Advanced Features
  8. Pros and Cons of Chat GPT
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ



Welcome back, friends, to another session on my Channel. Today, We Are diving deep into the world of chat GPT and exploring how it responds to database queries. Chat GPT is a chat generative pre-trained Transformer created by OpenAI. In this article, we will uncover the capabilities of Chat GPT, learn how to use it, and explore its features in the Context of creating tables, writing queries, and debugging SQL scripts.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT, short for chat generative pre-trained Transformer, is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. It was launched in November 2022 and has gained significant Attention and buzz in a short period of time. Built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 software, Chat GPT is a versatile chatbot designed to mimic human conversation. It can respond to a wide range of topics and tasks, making it a powerful tool for various applications.

How to Use Chat GPT

To use Chat GPT, You need to sign up for an account on the OpenAI platform. Once you have access to the dashboard, you can Create a new chat and start interacting with Chat GPT. The chat interface allows you to have a dynamic conversation with the chatbot, asking questions, providing instructions, and receiving responses in real-time.

Creating Tables and Inserting Data

One of the key features of Chat GPT is its ability to create tables and insert data into them. Let's explore how we can leverage this capability:

Customer Table

To create a customer table, you can simply ask Chat GPT to generate the necessary SQL script. For example, you can say, "Please generate a script to create a customer table with proper primary key and foreign key relationships." Chat GPT will generate the SQL script for you, including the necessary constraints and relationships.

Product Table

Similarly, you can ask Chat GPT to create a product table with the required columns and constraints. Just provide the instruction, and Chat GPT will generate the SQL script for you.

Sales Order Table

Creating a sales order table is also a breeze with Chat GPT. Simply ask it to create a sales order table with the necessary columns, constraints, and relationships, and it will generate the SQL script for you.

Sales Order Detail Table

Lastly, you can use Chat GPT to create a sales order detail table. Provide the instructions for creating the table, including the necessary relationships with other tables, and Chat GPT will generate the SQL script accordingly.

Writing Queries

Once the tables are created and data is inserted, you can use Chat GPT to write queries and retrieve specific information from the database. Chat GPT can handle a wide range of query types, including select queries, filtering data, joins, and aggregations.

Select Queries

To retrieve data from the tables, you can ask Chat GPT to generate select queries. For example, you can say, "Please provide a select query for all sales details whose customers are in the United Kingdom." Chat GPT will generate the appropriate select query Based on your request.

Filtering Data

You can also ask Chat GPT to generate select queries with specific filters. For example, you can say, "Please provide a select query for all sales details for products containing 'apple' in the product name." Chat GPT will generate the select query with the appropriate filter.


If you need to join multiple tables to fetch data, Chat GPT can handle that too. Just provide the necessary instructions for the join operation, and Chat GPT will generate the join query for you.


Chat GPT can also generate queries for performing aggregations on the data. You can ask it to provide the sum, average, count, or any other aggregate function on a specific column, and Chat GPT will generate the query accordingly.

Debugging and Error Handling

In addition to creating tables and writing queries, Chat GPT can also help in debugging SQL scripts and handling errors. You can provide a problematic script to Chat GPT and ask it to identify the errors and provide a correct statement. It can analyze the script and point out any syntax or logical errors, helping you debug and fix the issues.

Advanced Features

Chat GPT offers various advanced features that make it a powerful tool for SQL scripting. It can write and debug computer programs, Compose music, teleplays, and even generate code for complex tasks. While we have covered the basics in this article, there is much more to explore and experiment with using Chat GPT.

Pros and Cons of Chat GPT


  • Versatile and capable of handling a wide range of tasks.
  • Can generate SQL scripts, write queries, and debug code.
  • Mimics human conversation for a more interactive experience.
  • Easy to use and requires minimal coding knowledge.
  • Can be used for multiple databases and programming languages.


  • Limited to the capabilities of the underlying GPT-3 software.
  • May generate incorrect or inefficient code in certain scenarios.
  • Reliance on the internet for communication with the Chat GPT platform.


Chat GPT is a groundbreaking tool for SQL scripting, enabling users to create tables, write queries, and debug code with ease. With its ability to mimic human conversation and understand complex instructions, Chat GPT opens up new possibilities for developers and data professionals. While it has its limitations, Chat GPT represents a significant advancement in natural language processing and automation.


Q: Can Chat GPT handle multiple databases? A: Yes, Chat GPT can generate SQL scripts for various databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Just provide the necessary instructions and specify the database you are working with.

Q: Is Chat GPT suitable for beginners in SQL scripting? A: Yes, Chat GPT is beginner-friendly and requires minimal coding knowledge. It can generate SQL scripts and write queries based on simple instructions, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.

Q: Can Chat GPT handle complex queries and advanced SQL functionalities? A: Chat GPT has the capability to handle complex queries and perform advanced SQL functionalities like joins, aggregations, and subqueries. However, its performance may vary depending on the complexity of the task and the underlying GPT-3 software.

Q: Can Chat GPT generate SQL scripts for programming languages other than SQL? A: Chat GPT is primarily designed for SQL scripting but can also generate code for other programming languages. However, its proficiency might be limited compared to its SQL capabilities.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns when using Chat GPT? A: Chat GPT operates on the OpenAI platform, and the conversations are processed on their servers. While OpenAI takes privacy and data security seriously, it is important to be cautious when sharing sensitive information or data through Chat GPT.

Q: Can Chat GPT understand non-standard SQL dialects or syntax? A: Chat GPT's understanding of non-standard SQL dialects or syntax may vary. It is trained on a wide range of SQL queries but may not cover all variations and custom extensions. It is always recommended to review and modify the generated code before execution.

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