Unlocking the Secrets: Midjourney Parameters for Success

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Unlocking the Secrets: Midjourney Parameters for Success

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Aspect Ratio
    • 2.1 What is aspect ratio?
    • 2.2 Changing aspect ratio in mid-Journey
    • 2.3 Limitations and recommended aspect ratios
  3. Adding Variety with Chaos
    • 3.1 Using the chaos parameter
    • 3.2 Generating images with different chaos values
  4. Separating Concepts in Your Prompt
    • 4.1 Multi-prompting for concept separation
    • 4.2 Weighing the importance of different concepts
    • 4.3 Extending multi-prompting to more than two concepts
  5. Creating Patterns using Tile
  6. Generating Photorealistic Images using Raw Modes
    • 6.1 Understanding raw mode in mid-journey
    • 6.2 Enabling raw mode in mid-journey
  7. Upgrading Your Niji Images using Built-in Styles
    • 7.1 Exploring the different styles in mid-journey
    • 7.2 Adding variety to Niji images with different styles
  8. Conclusion

Understanding Aspect Ratio

In mid-journey, aspect ratio plays a crucial role in determining the Height and width of the images generated. The aspect ratio consists of two numbers separated by a colon, where the first number represents the width ratio and the Second number represents the height ratio. By default, mid-journey uses a one-to-one aspect ratio, which means the height and width of the image will be equal. However, You can change the aspect ratio by adding the "--AR" parameter followed by the desired aspect ratio. It's important to consider the limitations and recommended aspect ratios for different applications.

The aspect ratio can be modified using the prompt "/imagine" followed by the prompt and "--AR" followed by the desired aspect ratio. For example, if you want to generate an image with a 2:3 aspect ratio, you would enter the prompt "/imagine Panda Samurai logo --AR 2:3". In mid-journey version 5 and 5.1, any aspect ratio is supported, while version 4 is limited to a maximum aspect ratio of 2:1 or 1:2. The choice of aspect ratio depends on the specific application, with common ratios like 2:3 or 3:2 for prints and frames, 5:4 or 4:5 for phones and TV screens, and 16:9 for monitors. However, the aspect ratio may vary for different phone screens, so it's essential to check the correct aspect ratio for your application.


  • Allows customization of image Dimensions Based on desired aspect ratios.
  • Provides flexibility in adapting images to different devices and applications.
  • Can enhance visual appeal and composition of generated images.


  • Limited aspect ratios in mid-journey version 4.
  • Requires consideration of optimal aspect ratios for specific applications.

Adding Variety with Chaos

To generate a larger variety of images in mid-journey, you can utilize the "chaos" parameter. By adding the "--chaos" parameter followed by a number between 0 to 100, you can control the level of variety in the image GRID generated from your prompt. A smaller chaos value reduces the variation in the image grid, while a higher value increases the creative diversity.

When the chaos value is set to 0, the generated images will be quite similar to each other. For example, all the Goldfish images may face the same direction, have a similar 3D art style, and possess a background featuring clouds and bubbles. However, as the chaos value is increased to 50, mid-journey will generate a wide range of images in the grid. In this case, the Goldfish may face different directions, and unique details like armor on one fish or diverse backgrounds featuring buildings and other fish will be introduced. Setting the chaos value to 100 will produce even more distinct and creative results, such as unconventional art styles, varied backgrounds, and unique features on the subjects.

The chaos parameter is particularly useful when you want to explore different image generation possibilities and enhance the creativity of mid-journey. Feel free to experiment with different chaos values to spice up the imagination and uniqueness of your images.


  • Increases the variety and creativity of images generated by mid-journey.
  • Enables exploration of different image generation possibilities.
  • Provides options for diverse and unique image compositions.


  • Excessive chaos values may result in overly inconsistent or unrelated images.
  • Requires experimentation to strike the desired balance between variety and coherence.

Separating Concepts in Your Prompt

In mid-journey, it is essential to separate different concepts within your Prompts to avoid mixing them together. One way to achieve this is by using multi-prompting. By separating concepts using the double colon operator "::", mid-journey distinguishes between different ideas or subjects in your prompt.

For example, if you enter the prompt "hot dog" without any separation, mid-journey will interpret it as a single concept. However, if you want to treat "hot" and "dog" as separate concepts, you can simply write "hot :: dog". This will generate a grid of images where the concepts of hot and dog are processed separately. In the generated image grid, you may Notice images of dogs surrounded by fire embers, highlighting the separation of the two concepts.

To weigh the importance of different concepts within your prompt, you can specify different weights using colons after each concept. For instance, if you want the word "hot" to be twice as important as the word "dog", you can use "hot::2 :: dog::1" in your prompt. This will generate images where the concept of hot receives more emphasis. Experimenting with different weightings allows you to control the relative importance of each concept in the generated images.

It's worth noting that only the ratios between the weightings matter. For example, using weights "2:1" or "200:100" will yield the same result since the ratio remains two to one. You can extend multi-prompting to more than two concepts by using the double colon operator "::" between each concept. This opens up possibilities for generating images with multiple distinct ideas or subjects.


  • Enables separation and independent processing of different concepts within prompts.
  • Provides control over the relative importance of each concept in the generated images.
  • Allows for the exploration of diverse image compositions by combining multiple concepts.


  • Requires careful consideration of which concepts to separate and their respective weights to maintain coherence.
  • The effectiveness of separation may vary depending on the complexity of the prompt and the desired results.

Creating Patterns using Tile

Creating tiled patterns in mid-journey is a simple and efficient process. Start by entering a prompt using the "/imagine" command. For example, if you want to Create a goldfish-themed pattern, you can enter a prompt like "goldfish pattern". To transform the generated image into a tiled pattern, add the "--tile" command at the end of your prompt.

Once mid-journey has finished generating the images, you can upscale them by selecting the image you prefer and clicking the "U" button. To convert it into a tiled pattern, right-click on the upscaled image and select "Copy Image". Open a new browser tab and go to "pychone.com". Paste the copied mid-journey image using "Ctrl+V". The Website will automatically generate the tiled pattern for you. Adjust the scale of the pattern by dragging the slider bar at the top of the page until you are satisfied. Finally, click on the download arrow to save your perfectly tiled pattern as a PNG file.

You can now zoom in and out to see the preserved resolution of your tiled pattern. This technique allows you to create repetitive and visually appealing patterns for various design applications.


  • Enables the creation of visually striking tiled patterns.
  • Saves time and effort required to manually create tiled patterns.
  • Provides flexibility in adjusting the Scale and resolution of patterns.


  • Requires an additional website (pychone.com) to convert the generated image into a tiled pattern.
  • Limited customization options beyond scaling and resolution adjustments.

Generating Photorealistic Images using Raw Modes

Mid-journey version 5.1 introduces a new setting called "raw mode" for generating photorealistic images. By default, mid-journey version 5 generates stylistic and creative images, while version 5.1 reverts back to the version 4 aesthetic of generating stylistic and creative images automatically.

To generate photorealistic images using mid-journey version 5.1, you can enable raw mode. There are two ways to activate raw mode: by typing "/settings" and selecting version 5.1 with raw mode enabled or by adding "--style raw" at the end of your prompt when using version 5.1.

Once raw mode is enabled, simply enter your prompt, and mid-journey will automatically generate extremely photorealistic images. This feature is particularly useful when you require a high level of realism in your image generation workflow.


  • Enables the generation of highly realistic images using mid-journey.
  • Adds versatility and variety to the image generation process.
  • Useful for applications that require photorealistic visual content.


  • Restricted to mid-journey version 5.1 and above.
  • Limited customization options beyond raw mode activation.

Upgrading Your Niji Images using Built-in Styles

Mid-journey's niji version 5 provides the ability to generate impressive anime-style images. However, you may have noticed that images generated using the default niji setting tend to have a similar generic modern anime style with under-saturated colors. To add more variety and enhance the visual appeal of your niji images, mid-journey version 5 offers three additional built-in styles: cute, expressive, and scenic.

To access these styles, ensure you have selected the niji version 5 setting. When entering your prompt, add "--style" followed by the specific keyword for the desired style. For example, to generate an image using the expressive style, you would enter a prompt like "a Water ninja with shark armor --style expressive". This will result in an image with a more mature and Western aesthetic.

Each style in mid-journey's niji version 5 brings distinct characteristics to the generated images. The cute style produces playful and cartoonish images, while the expressive style adds a touch of sophistication and Western influence. The scenic style includes a filled-in background with more Context surrounding the characters. Expanding your usage of the different built-in styles will allow you to create diverse and visually compelling anime-style images.


  • Adds variety and uniqueness to the anime-style images generated by mid-journey.
  • Enhances the visual appeal and thematic range of niji images.
  • Allows customization according to the desired style aesthetic.


  • Limited to mid-journey's niji version 5.
  • Potential deviation from the traditional anime style, which may not Align with specific preferences or requirements.


Mid-journey offers a range of features and techniques that can enhance your image generation experience. By understanding aspect ratios, adding variety with chaos, separating concepts in your prompt, creating patterns using tile, generating photorealistic images with raw modes, and upgrading your niji images using built-in styles, you can unlock the full potential of mid-journey for various applications. Experimenting with these techniques and incorporating them into your creative process will elevate the quality and uniqueness of your generated images.


  • Understanding aspect ratio and its impact on image dimensions
  • Customizing aspect ratios in mid-journey for different applications
  • Adding variety and creativity with the chaos parameter
  • Separating concepts in prompts using multi-prompting
  • Weighing the importance of different concepts in image generation
  • Creating visually appealing tiled patterns using the tile command
  • Generating highly realistic images using raw mode in mid-journey
  • Enhancing anime-style images with different built-in styles in niji version 5


Q: Can I change the aspect ratio for different devices and applications? A: Yes, mid-journey allows you to modify the aspect ratio to suit specific devices or applications. Simply use the "--AR" parameter followed by the desired ratio in your prompt.

Q: How can I generate more diverse images in mid-journey? A: You can utilize the "chaos" parameter by adding "--chaos" followed by a number between 0 to 100. Higher chaos values will result in a greater variety of images.

Q: Can I separate different concepts within my prompt in mid-journey? A: Yes, you can use multi-prompting to separate concepts by using the "::" operator. This allows for independent processing of different ideas or subjects.

Q: Is it possible to create tiled patterns using mid-journey? A: Yes, mid-journey supports the creation of tiled patterns. Use the "--tile" command at the end of your prompt and follow the instructions to generate a tiled pattern from the resulting image.

Q: Can I generate photorealistic images with mid-journey? A: Yes, you can enable raw mode in mid-journey version 5.1 to generate highly realistic images. Raw mode can be activated through the settings or by adding "--style raw" in your prompt.

Q: How can I add variety to anime-style images in mid-journey? A: Mid-journey's niji version 5 offers additional built-in styles such as cute, expressive, and scenic. By including "--style" followed by the desired keyword, you can achieve diverse anime-style images with unique aesthetics.

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