Mastering Azure Event Grid

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Mastering Azure Event Grid

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Azure Event GRID
  2. Key Concepts of Azure Event Grid
  3. Scenarios and Benefits of Azure Event Grid
  4. Demos: Consume Built-in Events in Azure
    • Demo 1: Using Logic Apps to React to Blob Changes
    • Demo 2: Sending Custom Events to Event Grid Topic
    • Demo 3: Creating Subscriptions and Handling Events
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to Azure Event Grid

Azure Event Grid is a highly scalable, reliable, and cost-effective event routing service. It is designed for building real-time applications or applications that react to events. In this article, we will explore the key concepts, scenarios, and benefits of Azure Event Grid. We will also walk through three demos showcasing its capabilities.

Key Concepts of Azure Event Grid

Event Grid is built around the following key concepts:

  1. Event: A description of something that happened.
  2. Event Source: The place where the event occurred, such as Azure resources like Blob Storage, Resource Groups, or subscriptions.
  3. Topic: A RESTful endpoint where custom events can be sent.
  4. Event Subscription: A subscription to a topic that allows handling of incoming events within applications.
  5. Event Handlers: Applications that handle the subscription and the events coming from them.

Scenarios and Benefits of Azure Event Grid

Azure Event Grid is a powerful tool that offers several scenarios and benefits:

  1. Serverless Architecture: React Instantly to events, such as new blobs in Blob Storage, by using Event Grid.
  2. Operation Automation: Automate operations by reacting to events within your resource groups and subscriptions.
  3. Application Integration: Use Event Grid topics to Create custom endpoints and send events to other applications, facilitating application integration.
  4. Simplicity: Event Grid is easy to set up and use, requiring only a few clicks to get started.
  5. Filtering: Create filters when creating subscriptions to react to a subset of events without the need for coding.
  6. Fan-out Scenarios: Have multiple subscribers listening to the same event for easy coding of fan-out functionality.
  7. Reliability: Event Grid ensures reliability by attempting to resend events to your service for 24 hours in case of failures.
  8. Cost-effectiveness: Event Grid pricing is Based on the number of events processed, making it an affordable solution for event-driven applications.

Demos: Consume Built-in Events in Azure

Demo 1: Using Logic Apps to React to Blob Changes

In this demo, we will showcase how to use Logic Apps to consume built-in events in Azure, specifically reacting to blob changes. We will create a storage account and a container called "demo" where we will upload a file. We will then create a logic app, configure it to trigger when a blob is created, and process the event.

Demo 2: Sending Custom Events to Event Grid Topic

In this demo, we will create a custom event by using Azure Event Grid. We will create a new topic called "new cars" and use a logic app to send custom events to this topic. We will configure the logic app to trigger a web hook whenever the logic app runs, and the event will be sent to the event grid topic.

Demo 3: Creating Subscriptions and Handling Events

In this demo, we will create subscriptions for our event grid topic. We will use a storage account queue as an endpoint to handle events. We will configure the event grid topic to send events to the storage account queue. We will then run the logic app that sends events to the topic and verify that the events are successfully handled by the storage account queue.


Azure Event Grid is a powerful service that simplifies event-driven architectures and enables real-time application development. With its scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, Event Grid is an excellent choice for reacting to events in Azure and non-Azure services. By leveraging its key concepts and capabilities, developers can build highly efficient and responsive applications.

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