Mastering Chatbots: Build an Epic Lead Generating Funnel

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Mastering Chatbots: Build an Epic Lead Generating Funnel

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Lead Generation Funnel?
  3. Utilizing Facebook Messenger for Lead Generation
  4. Opt-In Methods in Facebook Messenger
    • 4.1 Linking to Your Chat Bot
    • 4.2 Bringing People in from Your Website
    • 4.3 Other Opt-In Methods
  5. Tracking Interactions in Messenger
  6. Setting Up the Opt-In Message
  7. Creating Fields and Tags for Lead Progress
  8. Message Two: Asking Qualifying Questions
  9. Tagging and Updating Lead Progress
  10. Message Three: Further Qualification and Follow-Up
  11. Building an Overall Lead Generation Flow
  12. Maximizing Interactions and Respecting Users
  13. Using Fields and Tags for Targeted Messaging
  14. Conclusion

How to Create an Effective Lead Generation Funnel Inside a Bot

In this video, I will guide You through the process of creating a lead generation funnel within a chatbot. Whether you're new to chatbots or have some experience, the framework I will provide will help you Create your first funnel and start driving traffic to it. Unlike email, Facebook Messenger offers nine different ways that users can opt in, opening up a multitude of opportunities. In this article, I will walk you through two examples, such as using a direct link or bringing people in from your website.

1. Introduction

Before we dive into the details of creating a lead generation funnel, let's understand the concept and its importance. A lead generation funnel is a marketing system designed to attract and capture potential customers' contact information, ultimately converting them into leads. With the rise of chatbots and the vast reach of Facebook Messenger, integrating lead generation into chatbot flows has become a powerful strategy.

2. What is a Lead Generation Funnel?

A lead generation funnel is a step-by-step process that guides potential customers from their initial contact with your business to becoming qualified leads. It typically consists of several stages or messages, where you Collect valuable information from users and nurture their interest in your products or services. By strategically crafting your chatbot flow, you can optimize the lead generation process and increase the likelihood of conversion.

3. Utilizing Facebook Messenger for Lead Generation

Facebook Messenger provides a unique opportunity for lead generation. Users can opt in through various methods, allowing businesses to reach potential customers more effectively. By leveraging the power of Messenger, you can engage with users in a conversational and interactive manner, which often leads to higher engagement and conversion rates compared to traditional methods.

4. Opt-In Methods in Facebook Messenger

There are several ways to prompt users to opt in to your chatbot in Facebook Messenger. Let's explore a few of them:

4.1 Linking to Your Chat Bot

One simple method is to provide users with a direct link that sends them to your chatbot flow. For example, you can use the URL format "" to direct users to your bot. This method is convenient and allows for easy sharing across different platforms.

4.2 Bringing People in from Your Website

You can also bring users into your chatbot from your website. By incorporating a chatbot widget or using Facebook Messenger plugins, users can initiate conversations with your bot while browsing your website. This seamless integration enhances the user experience and improves lead generation.

4.3 Other Opt-In Methods

Apart from the direct link and website integration, Facebook Messenger offers several other opt-in methods to bring users to your chatbot. These include integrating with Facebook ads, inviting users from your Facebook page, and engaging users through various post comments. By exploring these options, you can expand your lead generation campaign even further.

5. Tracking Interactions in Messenger

One of the significant advantages of using Messenger for lead generation is the ability to track and analyze users' interactions. Every action and response can be recorded, allowing you to gain insights into users' preferences, interests, and level of engagement. This information helps you refine your lead generation strategy and target users more effectively.

6. Setting Up the Opt-In Message

The opt-in message is the first point of contact between your chatbot and the user. It is crucial to set up a compelling and engaging message that Prompts users to opt in. Whether you're offering exclusive content, a discount, or valuable information, the opt-in message should clearly communicate the benefits of engaging with your bot.

7. Creating Fields and Tags for Lead Progress

To effectively manage and track users' progress within your lead generation campaign, it is essential to create fields and tags. Fields can be used to store and update information about users, such as their progress through different messages. Tags, on the other HAND, are labels attached to users and can indicate completion of specific actions or stages within the funnel.

8. Message Two: Asking Qualifying Questions

In the Second message of your chatbot flow, you have the opportunity to ask qualifying questions. These questions help Gather more information about the user's preferences, interests, and needs. For example, if you're in the real estate industry, you may ask if the user is looking to buy or sell a home. By segmenting users Based on their responses, you can personalize your follow-up messages and provide more Relevant content.

9. Tagging and Updating Lead Progress

To keep track of users' progress and ensure you send the right messages at the right time, you can utilize tags and fields. After users complete message two, you can update their progress field and attach a tag indicating the completion of the questions. These measures allow you to have a clear overview of each user's stage within the funnel.

10. Message Three: Further Qualification and Follow-Up

In the third message of your chatbot flow, you can Continue gathering information about the user and qualify them further. This message serves as an opportunity to address any remaining questions or concerns, provide additional value, or present a call-to-action. By understanding the user's needs and preferences, you can personalize your approach and increase the chances of conversion.

11. Building an Overall Lead Generation Flow

When developing your lead generation flow, it's important to consider the overall structure and content of each message. Ideally, each message should contain five to seven questions to gather sufficient information without overwhelming the user. Additionally, providing breaks or offering valuable content between messages can help maintain user interest and engagement.

12. Maximizing Interactions and Respecting Users

While it's essential to gather relevant information from users, it's equally important to respect their boundaries and privacy. Striking a balance between engagement and intrusiveness is critical to maintain a positive user experience. By offering value and respecting their preferences, you establish trust and increase the likelihood of conversion.

13. Using Fields and Tags for Targeted Messaging

The information gathered through fields and tags enables you to send targeted messages to specific segments of your user base. For example, you can create different messaging sequences based on users' responses to qualifying questions. This targeted approach ensures that users receive relevant content, increasing the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts.

14. Conclusion

By utilizing the power of Facebook Messenger and implementing a well-designed lead generation funnel, you can significantly enhance your marketing strategy. Remember to continuously analyze and optimize your chatbot flow to maximize conversions. With the ability to track user interactions and automate follow-ups, you can nurture leads effectively and drive business growth.


  • Facebook Messenger offers nine different opt-in methods for lead generation.
  • Utilizing chatbots allows for seamless integration with websites and increased user engagement.
  • Tracking interactions in Messenger provides valuable insights for lead scoring and conversion optimization.
  • Structuring a lead generation flow with qualifying questions helps personalize messaging and improve targeting.
  • Fields and tags enable tracking users' progress and delivering targeted messages for better engagement.
  • Respecting users' privacy and preferences is essential for maintaining a positive user experience.
  • Targeted messaging based on user responses helps increase the effectiveness of lead generation efforts.


Q: Can I use Facebook Messenger for lead generation if I don't have a chatbot? A: Yes, you can create a chatbot specifically for lead generation or utilize existing chatbot platforms like ManyChat to set up your funnel.

Q: How many messages should I include in my lead generation flow? A: It is recommended to have at least three messages in your flow: the opt-in message, a message asking qualifying questions, and a follow-up message. However, you can customize the flow based on your specific goals and industry.

Q: Is it possible to send messages to users who haven't completed the entire lead generation flow? A: Yes, by utilizing fields and tags, you can segment users based on their progress and send targeted messages accordingly. This allows you to engage users who haven't completed the entire funnel without overwhelming those who have.

Q: What types of businesses can benefit from using lead generation funnels in chatbots? A: Lead generation funnels in chatbots can be beneficial for a wide range of businesses, including e-commerce, real estate, coaching services, online courses, and more. Any business that aims to capture potential customers' information can leverage chatbots for lead generation.

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