Mastering ChatGPT for Effortless Arduino Code Generation

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Mastering ChatGPT for Effortless Arduino Code Generation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using ChatGPT to Generate Code
    1. Arduino Project
    2. ESP32-Based Dev Board
    3. Connecting the Potentiometer
    4. Arduino Header and Setup Function
    5. Reading Values and Writing to Serial Console
    6. Noise Removal through Averaging
    7. Controlling Dot Star LED Based on Potentiometer Value
    8. Exponential Smoothing
    9. Streaming Values over Wi-Fi
    10. Promoting PCBWay with ChatGPT
  3. Conclusion

Using ChatGPT to Generate Code for an Arduino Project

Hey everyone, have You heard about ChatGPT? It's an amazing tool that can be used for various purposes. One interesting application is using ChatGPT to generate code, even for Arduino projects. In this article, we'll explore how to use ChatGPT to generate code for a simple Arduino project involving an ESP32-based dev board and a potentiometer.

Arduino Project: ESP32-based Dev Board and Potentiometer

To begin with, let's Outline our Arduino project. We have an ESP32-based dev board and we want to use the Arduino framework to Read values from a potentiometer and write them to the serial console. The potentiometer is connected to Pin 32 on the dev board.

Connecting the Potentiometer and Setting Up the Arduino Code

ChatGPT suggests that the first step is to connect the potentiometer to the dev board. The middle pin of the potentiometer should be connected to pin 32, while the other two pins are connected to a power source (3.3V) and ground. This seems simple enough.

Next, we need to set up the Arduino code. We'll start by including the necessary Arduino header and set up the serial port at a slow speed of 9600 bits per Second. In the loop function, we'll read the value from the potentiometer using analogRead(), print out the value, and delay for 10 milliseconds. This basic code structure should work for our project.

Noise Removal through Averaging

However, the ESP32's analog-to-digital converter (A2D) can be quite noisy, leading to erratic readings. To address this, we can ask ChatGPT to generate code that implements a technique to smooth the values. One option suggested by ChatGPT is to use an average of multiple readings instead of reading it every 10 milliseconds. This can help reduce the noise and provide more stable values.

To implement this, we can modify our loop function to read the value multiple times and calculate the average. ChatGPT proposes using 10 values to calculate the average. While it could directly use the number 10, it suggests using a value sum and value count variables instead. Let's incorporate this code and see how it performs.

Controlling a Dot Star LED Based on Potentiometer Value

Now, let's make our Arduino project a bit more interesting. We'll add a dot star LED to the setup and change its color based on the value of the potentiometer. ChatGPT suggests connecting the dot star LED to the dev board's data pin (2) and clock pin (12). It recommends using the Adafruit dot star library and provides code to define the pins, begin the LED strip, set the brightness, read the potentiometer value, and choose the LED color accordingly. I'm impressed with this idea, and let's modify our code to incorporate these changes.

Exponential Smoothing for Improved Accuracy

To further improve the accuracy of the potentiometer readings, ChatGPT suggests implementing exponential smoothing. This technique calculates a weighted average based on the previous value and the Current raw value. By assigning a smoothing factor, we can control the rate at which the previous value affects the current reading. This can help remove noise and provide more reliable values. Let's add this code and see how our Arduino project performs with exponential smoothing.

Streaming Potentiometer Values over Wi-Fi

For our next challenge, let's explore the possibility of streaming potentiometer values over Wi-Fi to a laptop or server. This presents an exciting opportunity to connect our Arduino project to the internet and transmit data wirelessly. ChatGPT provides code for connecting to Wi-Fi, reading the potentiometer value, and sending it to a server. However, since we want to run the server code on our laptop, we'll modify the code accordingly. Let's integrate the Wi-Fi functionality into our project and see if we can successfully stream the potentiometer values over Wi-Fi.

Promoting PCBWay with ChatGPT for Marketing Content

Aside from generating code, ChatGPT can also be used for various content creation purposes. It can even assist in generating marketing content, such as a promotional message for PCBWay. By providing ChatGPT with some existing content from the PCBWay Website, we can ask it to generate a personalized marketing message. This feature can be immensely useful in creating engaging content for promotions or advertisements.


In this article, we explored the incredible capabilities of ChatGPT when it comes to generating code for Arduino projects. We successfully utilized ChatGPT to Create code for an ESP32-based dev board, connect a potentiometer, control a dot star LED, Apply noise removal techniques, implement exponential smoothing, and even stream potentiometer values over Wi-Fi. We also discovered how ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating marketing content. The possibilities with ChatGPT are truly endless, and I highly recommend trying it out for your next project.

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