Mastering Command Line Arguments in Python

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Mastering Command Line Arguments in Python

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Command-Line Arguments?
  3. How to pass Command-Line Arguments in Python
  4. Accessing Command-Line Arguments in Python
  5. Accessing File Name and Number of Arguments
  6. Accessing Individual Arguments
  7. Converting Arguments to Integers
  8. Practical Examples of Accessing Command-Line Arguments 8.1. Displaying the Number of Arguments Passed 8.2. Displaying Full Name from First and Last Name 8.3. Computing the Sum of Floating Point Values 8.4. Computing the Sum of Integers
  9. Conclusion


Command-line arguments are a powerful feature in Python that allows us to pass inputs to a program from the command prompt during its execution. These arguments can be used to customize the behavior of the program or provide data for processing. In this article, we will explore how to access and utilize command-line arguments in Python.

What are Command-Line Arguments?

Command-line arguments are the values passed to a program from the command prompt at the time of its execution. These arguments are provided after the program name and are separated by spaces. For example, if we want to pass the arguments "arg1" and "arg2" to a Python script named "", we would run the script with the command python arg1 arg2.

How to pass Command-Line Arguments in Python

To pass command-line arguments in Python, we need to provide them after the script name when running the script from the command prompt. These arguments can be any valid values or strings that we want to pass to the script for further processing.

Accessing Command-Line Arguments in Python

Python provides a module called sys which contains a variable called argv. This argv variable is a list that contains the command-line arguments passed to the Python script. We can access the argv list and retrieve the individual arguments Based on their indices.

Accessing File Name and Number of Arguments

The argv list always contains the name of the script as its first element. We can access this element using index 0. The remaining elements in the argv list represent the arguments that were passed from the command prompt. To get the number of arguments passed, we can use the len() function on the argv list and subtract 1 to account for the script name.

Accessing Individual Arguments

To access individual arguments from the argv list, we can use their respective indices. Arguments in the argv list are indexed starting from 1, with the script name at index 0. We can use indexing with the argv list to access and utilize specific arguments.

Converting Arguments to Integers

By default, command-line arguments are passed as strings. If we need to perform numerical computations on the arguments, we may need to convert them to integers or floats. Python provides built-in functions like int() and float() to convert strings to the corresponding numerical types.

Practical Examples of Accessing Command-Line Arguments

In this section, we will demonstrate practical examples of accessing and utilizing command-line arguments in Python. We will cover scenarios such as displaying the number of arguments passed, displaying the full name from first and last name arguments, computing the sum of floating-point values, and computing the sum of integers.


Command-line arguments are a useful feature in Python that allows us to customize the behavior of our programs or provide inputs for processing. By using the sys module and the argv list, we can easily access and utilize these arguments in our Python scripts. Knowing how to work with command-line arguments can greatly enhance the functionality and versatility of our Python programs.


  • Command-line arguments provide a way to pass inputs to a program from the command prompt during its execution.
  • Python's sys module contains the argv list, which holds the command-line arguments passed to a script.
  • The first element in the argv list is the name of the script, and the subsequent elements are the arguments.
  • Accessing and utilizing command-line arguments involve indexing the argv list and converting argument types if needed.
  • Practical examples demonstrate how to display the number of arguments, compute the sum of values, and more.


Q: Can command-line arguments be any Type of value? A: Yes, command-line arguments can be any valid values or strings.

Q: How do I pass command-line arguments to a Python script? A: Command-line arguments are passed after the script name, separated by spaces. For example, python arg1 arg2.

Q: How do I access the individual arguments passed from the command prompt? A: Individual arguments can be accessed using indexing with the argv list. Arguments start from index 1, with the script name at index 0.

Q: Can I convert command-line arguments to numerical types like integers or floats? A: Yes, Python provides built-in functions like int() and float() to convert STRING arguments to numerical types.

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