Mastering GPT-2: Build Your Own Custom Model

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Mastering GPT-2: Build Your Own Custom Model

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up GPT2 with Anaconda and a virtual environment
  3. Moving files to the src folder
  4. Creating a new text document
  5. Preparing the data
  6. What data to use for training
  7. Converting the data to a new file
  8. Training the model
  9. Checking CPU and GPU availability
  10. Testing the model
  11. Adjusting the number of training steps
  12. Saving and stopping the training
  13. Creating the model from the saved checkpoint
  14. Copying files to the models folder
  15. Running the model
  16. Using a different model
  17. Interacting with the model through the terminal
  18. Conclusion

How to Create a Custom Model for GPT2

GPT2 is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text. In this article, we will guide You through the process of creating a custom model for GPT2. By following these steps, you will be able to train your own model using your specific data and fine-tune it to generate more accurate and contextually Relevant text.

1. Introduction

GPT2 is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. It has the ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text Based on the input data it is trained on. However, using the pre-trained GPT2 model might not always yield the desired results, especially if you have specific data or a unique domain you want the model to specialize in. In such cases, creating a custom model can be beneficial.

2. Setting up GPT2 with Anaconda and a virtual environment

Before we start creating a custom model, we need to set up GPT2 with Anaconda and a virtual environment. This ensures that we have all the necessary dependencies and a clean environment to work with. If you haven't already done so, follow the steps Mentioned in the previous video (link in the description) to set up GPT2 using Anaconda.

3. Moving files to the src folder

Once you have downloaded the GPT2 repository from GitHub, you will Notice that the encode and train files are in the root folder or the gpt2 folder. However, these files need to be moved to the src folder for further processing. This can be easily done by copying the files and pasting them into the src folder.

4. Creating a new text document

To train our custom model, we need to provide it with specific data. Start by creating a new text document and naming it data.txt (the name can be customized based on your preference). Open the file and paste the relevant text data that you want the model to learn from. Ensure that the data is specific and focused on the topic you want the model to specialize in.

5. Preparing the data

The quality and specificity of the data you use for training play a crucial role in the performance of the model. Research has shown that training smaller models with more specific data yields better results compared to training larger models with diverse data. Therefore, it is important to curate the data to ensure it is focused and relevant to your desired domain.

6. What data to use for training

When selecting the data for training, it is important to consider the perplexity and burstiness of the text. Perplexity refers to how predictable the text is, while burstiness refers to the occurrence of rapid changes in the text. Striking a balance between perplexity and burstiness is crucial to ensure the model can generate coherent and diverse responses.

7. Converting the data to a new file

After preparing the data, we need to convert it into a format that the GPT2 model can understand. This can be done by running a Python script called Open your terminal and navigate to the src folder. Run the command python --data_file data.txt --output_file data.npz (replace data.txt with the name of your data file if different). It will convert the text data into the appropriate format and Create a file named data.npz.

8. Training the model

With the data prepared and converted, we can now start training our custom model. In the terminal, navigate to the src folder and run the command python --dataset data.npz. This command will initiate the training process using the converted data file. The duration of the training will depend on the availability of your CPU and GPU resources. A more powerful CPU or GPU will significantly speed up the training process.

9. Checking CPU and GPU availability

Before starting the training, it is important to check the availability of your CPU and GPU resources. GPT2 heavily relies on both the CPU and GPU for efficient training. If you have a better GPU or a powerful CPU, the training process will be much faster and yield better results. However, even with limited resources, you can still train a custom model, although it may take longer.

10. Testing the model

To assess the performance of the trained model, it is crucial to test it. Start by running a few test samples using the command python --model_name=data. This command will generate text based on the trained model. Gradually increase the number of training steps and test the model's response to different Prompts. Experimentation and iteration are key to refining the model's performance.

11. Adjusting the number of training steps

The number of training steps determines how many times the model is exposed to the training data. Generally, a higher number of training steps leads to better results, especially for larger datasets. However, if the dataset is small, running fewer training steps may be sufficient. It is recommended to start with around 250-300 steps and then gradually increase or decrease based on the dataset's size and complexity.

12. Saving and stopping the training

During the training process, you may want to save the progress and stop the training at a particular checkpoint. To save the progress, simply press Ctrl + C in the terminal. This will interrupt the training process and create a checkpoint folder containing the model's Current state. You can always resume the training from this checkpoint later if needed.

13. Creating the model from the saved checkpoint

Once the training is stopped and a checkpoint is saved, we can create the final model from the saved checkpoint. Copy the checkpoint, encoder, hparams, and vocab files from the checkpoint folder and paste them into a newly created folder in the models directory. Ensure the new folder has the same name as the data, as it helps maintain consistency. These files are essential for running the model.

14. Copying files to the models folder

To make the model accessible, we need to copy the necessary files to the models folder. Copy the checkpoint, encoder, hparams, and vocab files from the newly created folder and paste them into the new folder in the models directory. This allows the model to be easily referenced and used in subsequent steps.

15. Running the model

Once the model files are in place, you can easily run the model by navigating to the src folder and running the command python --model_name=data. This command will initiate the model and allow you to Interact with it through the terminal. From there, you can experiment with different prompts and see the model's generated responses.

16. Using a different model

If you want to use a different pre-trained model instead of the default 124M model, you can do so by specifying the model name in the command. For example, to use a 355M model, run the command python --model_name=355M. This flexibility allows you to explore and utilize different pre-trained models based on your specific needs.

17. Interacting with the model through the terminal

The trained model can be interacted with through the terminal by running the command python --model_name=data. This command will initiate the interactive samples file and allow you to provide prompts to the model. The model will generate responses based on the input and provide text that is contextually relevant and coherent.

18. Conclusion

Creating a custom model for GPT2 allows you to fine-tune the model and generate more accurate and specific text output. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully train a custom model using your own data and benefit from its contextually relevant responses. Experiment with different training settings, evaluate the model's performance, and iterate to customize it further based on your requirements.


  • GPT2 is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text.
  • Creating a custom model allows for more accurate and contextually relevant text generation.
  • Setting up GPT2 with Anaconda and a virtual environment is the first step.
  • Moving files to the src folder ensures proper organization.
  • Preparing specific and focused data is crucial for training.
  • Converting the data to a suitable format using is necessary.
  • Training the model depends on CPU and GPU availability.
  • Testing the model is important for evaluation and fine-tuning.
  • Adjusting the number of training steps affects the model's performance.
  • Saving and stopping the training process can be done at any point.
  • Creating the model from the saved checkpoint allows for easy access.
  • Copying files to the models folder ensures the model can be used.
  • Running the model through the terminal allows for interactive use.
  • Exploring different pre-trained models provides flexibility.
  • Interacting with the model through the terminal generates contextually relevant responses.


Q: Can I use the default pre-trained GPT2 model instead of creating a custom model? A: Yes, the default pre-trained GPT2 model is highly capable and can generate coherent text. However, creating a custom model allows you to specialize the model for specific domains and achieve more accurate results.

Q: How long does the training process take? A: The duration of the training process depends on the availability of CPU and GPU resources. A more powerful CPU or GPU can significantly speed up the training process. It is recommended to use a powerful system for faster results.

Q: Can I adjust the model's performance during training? A: Yes, you can adjust the model's performance by modifying the number of training steps and evaluating the results. Increasing the number of training steps generally leads to better performance, but it also depends on the size and complexity of the dataset.

Q: Can I use my own prompts to interact with the model? A: Yes, you can provide your own prompts to interact with the model through the terminal. The model will generate responses based on the provided prompts, allowing you to have contextually relevant conversations.

Q: How often should I save the training progress? A: It is recommended to save the training progress at checkpoints to allow for easy resumption if needed. Saving the progress every few hours or whenever significant improvements are observed is a good practice.

Q: Can I use the same model for different applications? A: Yes, the trained custom model can be applied to different applications. Depending on the nature of the applications, you may need to fine-tune the model further for optimal results.

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