Unveiling the Power of ChatGPT: A Must-Try Experience

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Unveiling the Power of ChatGPT: A Must-Try Experience

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Experimenting with ChatGPT
  3. Sorting Algorithms in GW-BASIC
    • The Fictional SORT Command
    • Implementing a Sorting Algorithm
    • Introduction to Bubble Sort
    • More Efficient Sorting Algorithms
  4. Chemistry and pH Calculation
    • pH Calculation Basics
    • Incorrect pH Calculation by AI
    • Correct pH Calculation Process
    • Evaluation of AI's Approximations
    • Exploring Quadruple Bond Compounds
    • AI's Mistaken Response
    • Hydrocarbons with Quadruple Bonds
  5. Parallelism and Code Analysis
    • Video Series on Parallelism
    • Analyzing a Graphics Demo Program
    • AI's Correct but Unhelpful Analysis
    • The Purpose of the Code
    • Attempting Code Optimization
    • AI's Inaccurate Optimization Suggestions
  6. Conclusion

Experimenting with ChatGPT and Its Limitations

In this article, we will Delve into my experience with ChatGPT and the results obtained from various experiments. We will explore the AI's ability to handle sorting algorithms in GW-BASIC, its knowledge about chemistry and pH calculation, and its code analysis capabilities in the field of parallelism. While the AI showcases intelligence and accurate responses in some areas, it also displays limitations and provides incorrect or unhelpful answers. Let's dive into each topic and evaluate the AI's performance.

Sorting Algorithms in GW-BASIC

The Fictional SORT Command

During the experiments, we encountered a peculiar response from the AI. It suggested using the SORT function in GW-BASIC to sort arrays. However, it turns out that there is no such function or command in GW-BASIC. This inconsistency prompted us to explore alternative sorting techniques.

Implementing a Sorting Algorithm

Since GW-BASIC lacks a built-in sorting function, the AI recommended implementing a sorting algorithm manually. It introduced the bubble sort algorithm as an example. While bubble sort is a straightforward algorithm, it is known to be inefficient. We requested the AI to explore more efficient alternatives.

Introduction to Bubble Sort

As the AI explained the bubble sort algorithm, it demonstrated an understanding of how the algorithm works and even provided a valid example. However, its usefulness in practical scenarios is limited due to its inefficiency. We advised the AI to Seek more efficient sorting algorithms.

More Efficient Sorting Algorithms

Acknowledging the existence of better sorting algorithms, such as quicksort, mergesort, and heapsort, the AI shared information about each of them. The information provided appeared to be accurate, and the AI chose quicksort as an example to implement. However, it made mistakes while explaining the usage of the DEF FN command in GW-BASIC. We requested the AI to retry the implementation of a non-recursive sorting algorithm for better efficiency.

Chemistry and pH Calculation

Moving on to the field of chemistry, we examined the AI's knowledge regarding pH calculation. We presented a Scenario involving hydrochloric acid (HCl) and its concentration. The AI's initial response provided an incorrect pH value, highlighting a flaw in its calculation. We proceeded to explain the correct process for calculating pH and assessed the AI's subsequent attempts.

Exploring Quadruple Bond Compounds

Curious about hydrocarbon compounds with quadruple bonds, we questioned the AI's knowledge on this topic. It confidently Mentioned quadricyclenes as compounds with quadruple bonds. However, upon further investigation, we discovered that quadricyclanes are the correct compounds with quadruple bonds, whereas quadricyclenes do not possess such bonds. We clarified this discrepancy with the AI, leading to an apology for the mistake.

Parallelism and Code Analysis

Shifting gears, we examined the AI's proficiency in code analysis, particularly in the Context of parallelism. We shared a C++ code snippet and asked the AI to determine its purpose. Unfortunately, the AI provided accurate but unhelpful explanations for each part of the program, ultimately failing to decipher its purpose. We Simplified the code and repeated the inquiry, yet received identical unhelpful responses. This emphasized the limitations of the AI's ability to analyze code without sufficient context.

Attempting Code Optimization

Seeking further assistance, we asked the AI for suggestions to optimize the code. It proposed three ideas, including adding the "constexpr" keyword, eliminating the loop entirely, and simplifying the mathematical process. However, its suggestions were flawed. The proposed optimizations either resulted in non-compilable code or failed to improve the efficiency of the program as intended. This highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the subject matter when relying on the AI's recommendations.


In conclusion, while ChatGPT demonstrates capabilities in various domains, it also exhibits limitations and provides inaccurate or unhelpful responses. In areas such as sorting algorithms, chemistry, and code analysis, the AI's proficiency can be hit or miss. To effectively utilize the AI, it is crucial to possess greater knowledge of the subject and carefully evaluate its answers. The evolution of AI is undoubtedly progressing, but We Are yet to witness its full potential.


  • Experimenting with ChatGPT's capabilities and limitations.
  • AI's suggestions for sorting algorithms in GW-BASIC.
  • Inaccuracy in pH calculations and clarifications.
  • Misleading response concerning hydrocarbon compounds with quadruple bonds.
  • Evaluating the AI's code analysis and optimization suggestions.
  • ChatGPT's strengths and weaknesses in various domains.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can ChatGPT accurately provide code optimizations? A: While ChatGPT may offer suggestions for code optimization, it is essential to evaluate its recommendations carefully. In some cases, the proposed optimizations may not improve efficiency or be applicable to the given code.

Q: How reliable is ChatGPT's knowledge of chemistry and pH calculations? A: The AI's understanding of chemistry and pH calculations can be inconsistent. It often provides inaccurate or incomplete information, necessitating external verification and correction.

Q: Can ChatGPT accurately analyze and interpret code without additional context? A: ChatGPT's ability to analyze code without sufficient context is limited. It may lack a clear understanding of the code's purpose and inadvertently provide unhelpful or incorrect explanations.

Q: Is ChatGPT's response limited to technical topics only? A: No, ChatGPT can provide information on various subjects beyond technical topics. However, its proficiency depends on the breadth and accuracy of its trained dataset.

Q: How can one effectively utilize ChatGPT's capabilities? A: To make the most of ChatGPT, it is crucial to possess domain knowledge and verify the AI's responses. Treat the AI's answers as suggestions or starting points for further research and analysis.

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