Meet Joel Bot: The Incredible Walking, Talking 3D Printing Nerd!

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Meet Joel Bot: The Incredible Walking, Talking 3D Printing Nerd!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building the Frame
  3. Designing the Feet
  4. Electromechanical Components
  5. Batteries and Power
  6. Assembling the Feet
  7. Creating the Hip Assembly
  8. Attaching the Legs to the Hip
  9. Constructing the Body
  10. Mounting the Servos and Controller
  11. Adding Sound and LEDs
  12. Wiring and Power Supply
  13. Programming the Controller
  14. Painting and Finishing Touches
  15. Conclusion



In this article, we will dive into the process of building a walking robot named Joel Bot. We will explore the steps involved in creating the robot from scratch, beginning with the frame and ending with the final touches. Joel Bot is Based on a four-servo robot walking base, which can be controlled using a servo controller or Apollo loom in this case. This project is perfect for those interested in 3D printing or looking to build a basic walking robot for educational purposes.

Building the Frame

To start the construction of Joel Bot, it is essential to first build the frame. The frame provides stability and structure to the robot, allowing for the attachment of various components. The frame can be created using 3D printing techniques, ensuring the necessary strength and precision.

Designing the Feet

Due to the cartoon-like nature of Joel Bot's design, mechanical linkages inside the legs are not possible. Therefore, an electromechanical approach is adopted, utilizing servos in each foot and hip. The design of the feet is crucial, as it determines the overall Scale of the robot. The feet are designed to accommodate the servos, battery contacts, ratchet wheels, and other necessary components.

Electromechanical Components

Joel Bot relies on servos for its movement. These servos serve as the primary source of control for the robot's walking motion. Finding the smallest yet most powerful servos available is essential to keep the robot compact and functional. Additionally, a servo controller is employed to control multiple servos simultaneously, allowing for more sophisticated movements.

Batteries and Power

Powering Joel Bot requires careful consideration of the battery source. In this case, four AAA batteries are used, with two AAA batteries located in each foot. The choice of batteries determines the size of the feet, which in turn affects the overall scale of the robot. To ensure a reliable power supply, the batteries are connected to the servo and other electronic components.

Assembling the Feet

The assembly of the feet involves combining various components to Create a functional unit. Battery contacts are inserted into the foot, creating a secure connection for the batteries. Ratchet wheels and Rubber grommets are added to provide stability and traction, allowing for the walking motion. Finally, the servo is mounted on the foot, enabling control of the leg movement.

Creating the Hip Assembly

The hip assembly plays a crucial role in connecting the legs to the body of the robot. A 3D-printed hip part is used to hold the servos, allowing for precise control and stability. The hip piece is designed to accommodate the leg attachment and provide a secure pivot point for movement.

Attaching the Legs to the Hip

Once the hip assembly is ready, the legs can be attached. The legs are connected to the servos located in the hip using servo horns and extension wires. This step ensures that the legs have a wide range of motion and can be controlled effectively. The servo horns are secured in place, allowing for easy adjustment and customization.

Constructing the Body

With the legs successfully attached to the hip, Attention turns to constructing the body of Joel Bot. The body is 3D-printed using a scaled-up version of the original model available on Thingiverse. Metal plates are added to hold the arms using magnets, allowing for easy detachment and posing. The body and its components are carefully assembled to ensure a sturdy and visually appealing structure.

Mounting the Servos and Controller

To control the movement of Joel Bot, servos and a servo controller are mounted within the body. The servos are attached using specially designed plates, ensuring a secure and stable connection. The servo controller is added to provide independent control over multiple servos. All the wiring is neatly organized for efficient operation.

Adding Sound and LEDs

To enhance the overall experience of Joel Bot, sound and lighting features are incorporated. A sound module is integrated, playing a pre-recorded message upon activation. LEDs are placed strategically to simulate expressive eyes, adding personality to the robot. These features contribute to a more engaging and interactive interaction with Joel Bot.

Wiring and Power Supply

The wiring of Joel Bot involves connecting all the components to ensure proper functionality. Careful consideration is given to the power supply, as servos tend to require a stable power source. Thus, a voltage regulator is used to regulate the power supply and prevent voltage drops. All the wiring is neatly routed and secured to avoid any interference or damage.

Programming the Controller

To bring Joel Bot to life, programming is required to control its movements and interactions. The servo controller is programmed to execute predefined movements and respond to various inputs. The code is carefully crafted to ensure a smooth and natural walking motion. Additionally, the programming allows for customization and experimentation with different walking Patterns.

Painting and Finishing Touches

Once the construction and programming of Joel Bot are complete, it is time to add the finishing touches. The body is painted with a hammered silver texture, giving it a unique and visually appealing look. A brush is used to add details and touches of red paint, enhancing the robot's personality. These final touches bring Joel Bot to life and transform it into a captivating and impressive creation.


Building Joel Bot is a rewarding and engaging project that combines creativity, technology, and craftsmanship. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, even beginners can successfully create their own walking robot. Joel Bot serves as an excellent educational tool for classrooms or a fun project for those interested in 3D printing and robotics. Get started and unleash your creativity by bringing Joel Bot to life!

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