Revolutionary Function Calling from OpenAI

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Revolutionary Function Calling from OpenAI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Function Calling
    1. Easy Interaction with External Tools or Services
    2. Enhanced Functionality for Large Scale Applications
  3. Challenges with Standardized Interfaces
  4. The Limitations of Agents
  5. The Future of Application Development
  6. Custom Functions and Function Calling
    1. Overview of Function Calling with OpenAI
    2. Creating Function Definitions
    3. Implementing Functions for API Interaction
  7. Building a Function Calling Application
    1. Setting Up the Application Structure
    2. Handling Requests with the OpenAI Handler
    3. Processing Function Calls and Return Results
    4. Running the Application with FastAPI
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQ

The Impact of Function Calling in Application Development

In recent years, there have been several advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in language models. These models provide new functionalities such as function calling, which revolutionizes the way we Interact with external tools or services. This article aims to explore the possible impacts of function calling and its significance in application development.


Function calling is a feature that allows language models to interact with external tools or services, such as REST APIs. It provides a standardized interface for applications and enables the integration of custom functionalities. In this article, we will discuss the importance of function calling, its advantages over traditional methods, and its potential impact on large-scale applications.

The Importance of Function Calling

Easy Interaction with External Tools or Services

Function calling simplifies the process of interacting with external tools or services. By making a request to the model, developers can easily access the required functionalities without the need for complex configurations. This seamless integration saves time and effort, making it more convenient for developers to work with various APIs.

Enhanced Functionality for Large Scale Applications

Traditional approaches such as REST APIs provide control but limit the customization options. On the other HAND, agents offer powerful capabilities but lack control and can be expensive. Function calling strikes a balance between these two approaches, allowing developers to add custom functionalities to their applications while maintaining control and scalability. This makes it an ideal solution for large-scale enterprise applications.

Challenges with Standardized Interfaces

Standardized interfaces, like REST APIs, are widely used in enterprise applications. While they provide control over the application, they can be limiting when it comes to adding custom functionalities. For example, creating databases or implementing complex algorithms may not be possible without modifying the API itself. Function calling addresses this challenge by allowing developers to extend the functionality of standardized interfaces without making significant changes.

The Limitations of Agents

Agents, such as Auto GPT or baby AGI, have gained popularity due to their impressive capabilities. However, they often struggle with tasks and incur additional costs due to multiple API requests. Furthermore, they provide less control over the output, leading to unpredictable results. For most applications, agents are not the future, as their limitations outweigh their advantages.

The Future of Application Development

In the realm of application development, the future lies in leveraging the power of language models while maintaining control and scalability. Custom functions with function calling offer a promising solution. By combining the capabilities of language models with the control and modularity of APIs, developers can Create efficient and customized applications that meet the demands of enterprises.

Custom Functions and Function Calling

To implement function calling, developers need to understand the process and requirements. Function calling with OpenAI involves making a request to the model and passing a list of function descriptions Based on the input. The model determines whether a function is necessary and suggests the function name and parameters. Developers can then call the function, pass the result back to the model, and receive a final answer.

Overview of Function Calling with OpenAI

Function calling with OpenAI involves defining function descriptions and storing them in a dictionary. The model uses these descriptions to decide whether a function should be called. Developers define the function name, a description, properties, and other Relevant information. These function descriptions serve as a link between the model and the actual functions.

Creating Function Definitions

To enable function calling, developers store their functions in a dictionary. Each function should match the function name specified in the function definition. This dictionary is essential in mapping the function requested by the model to the corresponding function in the codebase.

Implementing Functions for API Interaction

The actual functions responsible for interacting with the API can be implemented in separate files. Developers can create functions for various API operations, such as getting to-do items, creating new items, updating items, and deleting items. By following the function descriptions, developers can ensure that the correct function is called based on the model's suggestion.

Building a Function Calling Application

To demonstrate the implementation and benefits of function calling, we will develop a simple application using the FastAPI framework. The application will interact with a REST API that manages to-do items. By utilizing function calling, we can enhance the application's functionality while maintaining control and scalability.

Setting Up the Application Structure

To begin, we need to set up the application structure. This involves importing necessary packages, defining function descriptions, and organizing the codebase. We will use a file to control the application and separate files to store function definitions and the actual functions.

Handling Requests with the OpenAI Handler

To handle requests and interact with the OpenAI language model, we will create a class called OpenAIHandler. This class will have methods for sending messages and processing function calls. It will receive the API functions, function definitions, and the model as parameters.

Processing Function Calls and Returning Results

To process function calls, we will have a method called process_function_call within the OpenAIHandler class. This method will extract the function name and arguments from the OpenAI response and call the corresponding function using the API functions dictionary. The result of the function call will be stored in a variable and returned along with the function name.

Running the Application with FastAPI

To run the application, we will use the FastAPI framework. We will create a post endpoint that accepts a query STRING as a parameter. This query string will contain the user's request, such as "Show me all of my to-dos." The FastAPI endpoint will pass this query to the OpenAIHandler, which will process the request and return a response.


Function calling introduces a new level of functionality and control in application development. By leveraging the power of language models and the simplicity of function calling, developers can create highly customizable applications that meet the demands of enterprise-scale projects. With its ability to interact with external tools and services, function calling opens up new possibilities for creating efficient and personalized applications.


Q: Can function calling be used with any Type of external tools or services?

A: Yes, function calling can be used with various types of external tools or services, including REST APIs, databases, and other web-based interfaces. The flexibility of function calling allows developers to extend the functionality of any compatible interface.

Q: Does function calling require significant changes to existing APIs?

A: No, function calling does not require significant changes to existing APIs. Developers can create function definitions and integrate them with the API functions, allowing for seamless interaction without modifying the API itself.

Q: Is function calling suitable for small-scale applications too?

A: While function calling is particularly beneficial for large-scale applications, it can also be used in smaller applications to enhance functionality and improve control. The modular nature of function calling allows developers to choose the level of customization based on their application's needs.

Q: Does using function calling impact performance and response time?

A: Function calling itself does not significantly impact performance and response time. However, the performance may vary depending on the complexity of the functions and the nature of the external tools or services being called.

Q: Are there any security concerns with function calling?

A: Function calling introduces similar security concerns as any other interaction with external tools or services. It is essential to implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure the security of the application and protect sensitive data.

Q: Can function calling be used with existing applications or only for new developments?

A: Function calling can be used with existing applications by integrating the necessary changes and implementing function definitions. However, it is easier to implement function calling in new developments as it allows for more flexibility during the design and development stages.

Q: What are the potential risks or drawbacks of using function calling?

A: One potential risk of using function calling is the complexity it may introduce, especially when dealing with multiple external tools and services. Additionally, improper implementation or integration could lead to unexpected behavior or performance issues. It is important to thoroughly test and validate the function calling implementation to mitigate these risks.

Q: Are there any pricing implications associated with function calling?

A: Pricing implications may vary depending on the specific external tools or services being called. Developers should consider the pricing structures of the tools or services they integrate with and plan accordingly to avoid unexpected costs.

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