Secure Your Next.js App with OAuth in Just 10 Mins

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Secure Your Next.js App with OAuth in Just 10 Mins

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Adding Authentication to a Next.js and React Application
    1. Overview of Next.js and React
    2. Why Authentication is Important
  3. Understanding Next Auth.js
    1. Features of Next Auth.js
    2. Installing Next Auth.js
    3. Creating the Authentication Configuration
  4. Configuring Authentication Providers
    1. Using the Credentials Provider
    2. Adding Google and GitHub Providers
    3. Obtaining Client ID and Client Secret
  5. Implementing Authentication in Custom Forms
    1. Creating a Custom Sign-In Page
    2. Handling Form Submission
    3. Adding Sign-In with Google and GitHub Buttons
  6. Managing User Sessions
    1. Retrieving User Session on the Server
    2. Retrieving User Session on the Client
  7. Protecting Routes and Handling Unauthorized Access
    1. Setting Up Server-Side Authorization
    2. Setting Up Client-Side Authorization
  8. Conclusion

Adding Authentication to Your Next.js and React Application

Authentication is a vital aspect of modern web applications. It allows users to securely access their accounts and protects sensitive information. In this tutorial, we will explore how to add authentication to a Next.js and React application using Next Auth.js. We will cover the installation, configuration, and usage of Next Auth.js, as well as implementing authentication in custom forms, managing user sessions, and protecting routes to ensure only authorized users can access certain pages.


In this fast-paced digital age, security is of utmost importance. One way to enhance the security of web applications is to implement authentication, which verifies the identity of users before granting access to certain features or content. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to add authentication to a Next.js and React application. Next.js is a popular framework for building server-rendered React applications, while React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. By combining these technologies and using the Next Auth.js library, we can easily integrate authentication into our applications and provide a seamless, secure experience for users.

Understanding Next Auth.js

Next Auth.js is a versatile authentication library that simplifies the process of adding authentication to Next.js applications. With Next Auth.js, You can easily integrate various authentication providers such as Google, GitHub, and email/password authentication. The library provides a comprehensive set of features to handle authentication, including secure session management, OAuth 2.0 authorization, and customizable forms. Additionally, Next Auth.js supports both server-side and client-side authentication, allowing for efficient handling of user sessions and authentication flows.

Configuring Authentication Providers

Next Auth.js supports multiple authentication providers out of the box, making it easy to implement various login options in your application. You can choose from email/password authentication, Google sign-in, GitHub sign-in, and more. To configure authentication providers, you need to obtain client ID and client secret credentials from the respective authentication provider's developer console. This information is used to securely authenticate users and retrieve their profile information. By setting up authentication providers, you can offer a variety of login options to your users, enhancing the usability and accessibility of your application.

Implementing Authentication in Custom Forms

While Next Auth.js provides a default login form, you may want to customize the appearance and functionality of your login page. Next Auth.js allows you to integrate authentication with custom forms, providing a seamless user experience. By adding event handlers and utilizing the Next.js hook system, you can handle user interactions, such as form submissions and button clicks, and trigger the authentication process. With Next Auth.js, you have the flexibility to design your login page to match your application's branding and user interface, while still benefiting from the library's secure authentication flow.

Managing User Sessions

User sessions play a crucial role in authentication, as they determine whether a user is logged in or logged out. Next Auth.js provides built-in functionality to manage user sessions efficiently. With the use of server-side sessions and client-side hooks, you can access and manipulate user session data within your Next.js and React application. By retrieving the user's session, you can display personalized content, Show or hide certain features, and customize the user experience Based on their authentication status. Managing user sessions ensures a consistent and secure experience for your users throughout their interaction with your application.

Protecting Routes and Handling Unauthorized Access

To enhance security and prevent unauthorized access, it is essential to protect certain routes in your application. Next Auth.js provides mechanisms to secure routes and restrict access to authenticated users only. By implementing server-side authorization and client-side checks, you can ensure that users without valid sessions are redirected to the login page or denied access to restricted content. This protects sensitive data and prevents unauthorized users from performing actions reserved for authenticated individuals. Properly protecting routes is a crucial step to maintain the integrity, privacy, and security of your application.


In this tutorial, we covered the process of adding authentication to a Next.js and React application using Next Auth.js. We explored the installation and configuration of Next Auth.js, integrated authentication with custom forms, managed user sessions, and protected routes. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid foundation for implementing authentication in your Next.js and React applications. Remember to prioritize security, user experience, and scalability when building and deploying applications that require authentication.

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