Securely install Stable Diffusion on your D Drive

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Securely install Stable Diffusion on your D Drive

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Purpose of the Video
  3. Installing Stable Diffusion on a Different Drive
  4. The Best Approach for Installation
  5. Installing Python
  6. Installing Git File
  7. Creating a Folder for Automatic 1111
  8. Cloning Automatic 1111 onto the New Drive
  9. Editing the User Bat File
  10. Opening Stable Diffusion on the New Drive
  11. Customizing Stable Diffusion
  12. Downloading Advanced Models
  13. Generating Images with Stable Diffusion


In this article, we will explore the process of installing Stable Diffusion on a different drive, rather than the default Drive C. By following the steps provided, You will be able to set up Stable Diffusion on your Windows PC using an Nvidia graphics card. We will cover the installation of Python, Git File, and the creation of a folder for Automatic 1111. Additionally, we will discuss how to clone Automatic 1111 onto the new drive, edit the user bat file for customization, and generate images using Stable Diffusion.

The Purpose of the Video

Upon viewing a Reddit post, the author realized that many people were experiencing the same problem with installing Stable Diffusion. The purpose of this video is to provide a comprehensive guide to reinstalling Stable Diffusion on a different drive. The author highlights the importance of avoiding the simple solution of copying the folder from the previous drive and emphasizes the need for a fresh installation to avoid any potential issues with broken files.

Installing Stable Diffusion on a Different Drive

To begin the installation process, it is necessary to visit the Automatic 1111 web page. This page serves as the user interface for Stable Diffusion. The installation process consists of four steps, the first being the installation of Python. It is essential to select the appropriate version of Python Based on previous experiences. The author recommends trying different versions if the default version does not work. The Python installer can be downloaded from the Automatic 1111 web page.

The Best Approach for Installation

After successfully installing Python, the next step is to install the Git File. The Git File can be obtained from the same web page and should be downloaded as the standalone installer. Upon completion of the Git File installation, it is essential to copy the Stable Diffusion folder to the desired drive. This step is crucial in avoiding the need to access Stable Diffusion from Drive C. The author recommends creating a dedicated folder on the new drive and using the CMD command to clone the Automatic 1111 repository.

Installing Python

The process of installing Python involves visiting the Automatic 1111 web page and selecting the appropriate version of Python. The author notes that version 10.6 did not work for them personally, and they had success with version 10.9. By navigating to the "All Releases" section, users can choose a compatible version of Python. The Windows installer for the selected version should be downloaded and installed. Once the installation is complete, Python is ready to be used for Stable Diffusion.

Installing Git File

The installation of the Git File is the next step in the process. By visiting the Automatic 1111 web page again, users can download the Standalone installer for Git File. This installer will remove any previous versions of Git and replace them with the latest version. The author mentions that they already had Git installed but proceeded with the installation process to demonstrate it from scratch. Users are advised to follow the installation wizard, making sure to select the default options unless they have specific preferences.

Creating a Folder for Automatic 1111

To ensure a smooth installation and avoid using Drive C, it is crucial to Create a folder for Automatic 1111 on the desired drive. The author recommends selecting a drive with sufficient space to accommodate the installation. By opening the command directory and pasting the copied folder path, users can clone the Automatic 1111 repository using Git. After executing the command, a new folder will be created on the selected drive.

Cloning Automatic 1111 onto the New Drive

Upon successful completion of the cloning process, it is essential to close the command directory. The newly created folder on the new drive will contain the Stable Diffusion files. The author notes that the initial loading of Stable Diffusion may take some time, as additional folders and files are downloaded to the chosen drive. Once the loading is complete, a local URL will be generated, allowing users to access Stable Diffusion from the new drive instead of Drive C.

Editing the User Bat File

To customize the Stable Diffusion experience, users can edit the user bat file. Opening the file for editing provides an opportunity to include various arguments that enhance the functionality of Stable Diffusion. The author suggests adding arguments such as "-xform" to increase image generation speed, "-T" to utilize layers of VRAM on the graphics card, and "--them dark" to switch to a dark mode interface. Additionally, the "--Auto-launch" argument ensures that Stable Diffusion automatically opens in the default browser.

Opening Stable Diffusion on the New Drive

After saving the changes made in the user bat file, users can open Stable Diffusion from the new drive. By executing the user bat file, Stable Diffusion will launch in the default browser with the specified customizations. The author highlights that the previous installation of Git Pro is no longer necessary, and it has been replaced with "--Auto-launch" to streamline the opening process. Stable Diffusion should now be fully functional on the new drive.

Customizing Stable Diffusion

With Stable Diffusion successfully installed on the new drive, users can further customize their experience. The author suggests downloading advanced models to enhance image generation capabilities. By accessing online resources such as "rev animated," users can find high-resolution models to replace the default ones. The downloaded models should be saved in the appropriate "models" folder within the Stable Diffusion directory. This customization allows users to generate more advanced and diverse images.

Downloading Advanced Models

To extend the capabilities of Stable Diffusion, users can download advanced models from external sources. The author recommends exploring platforms like "rev animated" for a wide selection of models. By selecting and downloading desired models, users can replace the default models provided with Stable Diffusion. The author advises caution, as these advanced models can be large in size and require ample storage space.

Generating Images with Stable Diffusion

With Stable Diffusion properly installed and customized, users can begin generating images. By selecting models and adjusting settings, users can experiment and explore the capabilities of Stable Diffusion. The author demonstrates the process by generating images using the "flat 2D mer" model. By keeping the settings at default, the author showcases the possibilities of image generation with Stable Diffusion. Users are encouraged to experiment with different models and settings to achieve desired results.


  • Install Stable Diffusion on a different drive for better performance and increased storage space.
  • Avoid copying the Stable Diffusion folder from the previous drive to prevent potential issues with broken files.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide to install Python and Git File for Stable Diffusion.
  • Create a dedicated folder on the new drive to clone the Automatic 1111 repository.
  • Customize Stable Diffusion by editing the user bat file and adding arguments for enhanced functionality.
  • Download advanced models to replace the default ones and expand image generation possibilities.
  • Generate images with Stable Diffusion using various models and settings to unleash creativity and explore the capabilities of the software.


Q: Can I install Stable Diffusion on a drive other than Drive C? A: Yes, installing Stable Diffusion on a different drive is possible and recommended for better performance and storage.

Q: What versions of Python should I try if the default version does not work? A: If the default version of Python does not work, you can try different versions to find one that is compatible with your system. The author recommends version 10.9 based on their experience.

Q: Can I download additional models for Stable Diffusion? A: Yes, you can download advanced models from external sources to enhance image generation capabilities. The author suggests exploring platforms like "rev animated" for a wide selection of models.

Q: How can I customize the appearance of Stable Diffusion? A: By editing the user bat file, you can customize Stable Diffusion by adding arguments such as "-xform" for increased speed, "-T" to utilize VRAM, and "--them dark" for a dark mode interface.

Q: Can I generate images using different models in Stable Diffusion? A: Yes, Stable Diffusion offers the flexibility to use various models for image generation. You can experiment with different models and settings to achieve desired results.

Q: Is it necessary to have Git installed for Stable Diffusion? A: Yes, Git is required for the installation and proper functioning of Stable Diffusion. Make sure to follow the installation process for Git File as outlined in the guide.

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