Solved: Website Redirect Issue

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Solved: Website Redirect Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Identifying the Problem
  3. Updating WordPress and Plugins
  4. Installing and Activating WordFence Plugin
  5. Scanning for Malware and Malicious Code
  6. Dealing with Critical Files
    1. Deleting the Slice Map PHP File
    2. Checking and Repairing the WP-Blogger-Header PHP File
  7. Finalizing the Fixes
  8. Considering Premium Security Options
  9. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss a common issue faced by Website owners where their website redirects to a different website or page. We will walk through the step-by-step process of solving this issue and securing your website from potential threats. By following the instructions provided, you will be able to fix the problem and ensure the smooth functioning of your website.

Identifying the Problem

The first step in resolving the issue is to identify the problem accurately. If You are experiencing website redirection, it is crucial to understand the cause behind it. In this case, the issue might be related to malicious code injected into your website by hackers. We will address this problem by taking appropriate measures to secure your website and remove any potential threats.

Updating WordPress and Plugins

Before proceeding with any further troubleshooting steps, it is essential to ensure that your WordPress installation and all installed plugins are up to date. Outdated plugins or WordPress versions can make your website vulnerable to attacks. We will guide you through the process of updating WordPress and the necessary plugins to ensure optimum security.

Installing and Activating WordFence Plugin

To enhance the security of your WordPress website, we will install and activate the WordFence plugin. WordFence offers comprehensive security features and scanning capabilities that can help detect and prevent any malicious activities on your website. We will guide you through the installation and activation process of this plugin to strengthen your website's security.

Scanning for Malware and Malicious Code

Once you have installed and activated the WordFence plugin, we will instruct you on how to perform a full scan of your website. This scan will help identify any malware or malicious code that might be present on your website. By conducting a thorough scan, you can effectively detect and eliminate any potential threats that could be causing the redirection issue.

Dealing with Critical Files

During the scanning process, the WordFence plugin might detect critical files that require immediate Attention. We will guide you on how to handle such files, ensuring that you take the necessary steps to secure your website effectively.

1. Deleting the Slice Map PHP File

If the scan identifies the Slice Map PHP file as malicious or unsafe, we will demonstrate how to safely delete this file. This step is crucial in removing any code that hackers might have injected into your website, which could be causing the redirection problem.

2. Checking and Repairing the WP-Blogger-Header PHP File

In some cases, the scan might identify the WP-Blogger-Header PHP file as critical. However, this file is essential for the proper functioning of WordPress. We will Show you how to analyze the differences between the original and modified versions of the file and guide you through the repair process or recommend the deletion and replacement of the file.

Finalizing the Fixes

After taking all the necessary steps to mitigate the issue, it is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of the fixes. We will guide you through the process of performing another scan to ensure that your website is now free from malware and any potential threats. This final scan will give you the confidence that your website is secure and no longer redirects to unauthorized pages.

Considering Premium Security Options

While the steps Mentioned above help resolve the issue and provide increased security for your website, we will discuss the option of upgrading to a premium security solution like WordFence Premium. Premium security options offer advanced features and additional layers of protection that can further safeguard your website. We will highlight the benefits of investing in premium security options and provide you with information to help you make an informed decision.


Website redirection can be a frustrating issue that compromises the security and functionality of your website. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can identify the problem, address any potential threats, and secure your website effectively. Remember to regularly update WordPress and plugins, install security plugins like WordFence, and perform periodic scans to ensure the continued protection of your website.


  • Identify and resolve website redirection issues
  • Update WordPress and plugins to enhance security
  • Install and activate the WordFence plugin for comprehensive security features
  • Scan your website for malware and malicious code
  • Safely delete critical files identified as unsafe
  • Check and repair essential files for the proper functioning of WordPress
  • Perform a final scan to confirm the effectiveness of the fixes
  • Consider upgrading to premium security options for enhanced protection
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