Supercharge Your ESP32 with ChatGPT!

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Supercharge Your ESP32 with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Hardware
  3. Installing the Required Libraries
  4. Updating the Secrets File
  5. Understanding the Program Code
  6. Creating the Context and Prompt
  7. Making a Request to the OpenAI API
  8. Handling the Model Response
  9. Refreshing the Display and Putting the Board to Sleep
  10. Loading the Code onto the Device
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will learn how to call the OpenAI Python API with an ESP32 microcontroller. We will be using the Adafruit MagTag, which features a rad e-ink display, to Create a simple "fun fact per day" machine. With this project, You can bring joy and inspiration to your everyday life, or adapt it for various other applications. We'll start by setting up the hardware and installing the required libraries. Then, we'll dive into the program code, understanding how to create context, make requests to the OpenAI API, handle the model response, and display the results on the MagTag. Finally, we'll learn how to load the code onto the device and put it to sleep for 24 hours to retrieve a new fact each day.

Setting up the Hardware

Before we begin the programming part, let's first set up the hardware. For this project, we will be using the Adafruit MagTag, an ESP32-Based microcontroller board with an e-ink display. The MagTag is specifically chosen for its compatibility with CircuitPython and its ability to showcase fun facts on the e-ink display. To set up the hardware, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the MagTag to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Open the file on the MagTag using a text editor.

Installing the Required Libraries

To communicate with the OpenAI API and utilize the functionalities of the MagTag, we need to install some libraries. The necessary libraries are conveniently included in the GitHub repository of the project. To install them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository for the project and download the entire folder containing the code and libraries.
  2. Extract the downloaded folder to a location of your choice.
  3. Navigate to the extracted folder and locate the required libraries.
  4. Connect the MagTag to your computer and open the device's folder.
  5. Drag and drop the required libraries onto the device's folder.

Updating the Secrets File

To connect to the internet and access the OpenAI API, we need to update the secrets file on the MagTag. The secrets file contains sensitive information like Wi-Fi credentials and the OpenAI API Key. To update the secrets file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file in the downloaded GitHub repository using a text editor.
  2. Replace the placeholders for SSID (Wi-Fi name), password, and the OpenAI API key with your actual credentials.
  3. Save the updated file.
  4. Connect the MagTag to your computer and open the device's folder.
  5. Locate the file on the device and replace it with the updated file.

Understanding the Program Code

Now, let's dive into the program code and understand how it works. The main file,, contains all the necessary code to call the OpenAI API and display the results on the MagTag.

  1. Initializing the MagTag: In the program code, we start by creating a MagTag object to add functionalities to it. The Adafruit MagTag library is used for this purpose.

  2. Defining Variables: Next, we define variables that will be used later in the code. These variables include the model's response, the desired context, and the prompt.

  3. Loading the OpenAI API Key: The OpenAI API key is loaded from the secrets file to authenticate the API requests.

  4. Making a Request to the OpenAI API: To retrieve a fun fact per day, we need to make a request to the OpenAI API. This is done using the get_response() function. The function creates an HTTPS request with the required data, including the prompt, context, and API key. The response from the API is then handled.

  5. Handling the Model Response: Once we receive the model's response from the OpenAI API, we format the text and display it on the MagTag's e-ink display. We also refresh the display to Show the new fact and put the board to sleep for 24 hours to retrieve a new fact the next day.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to call the OpenAI Python API with an ESP32 microcontroller using the Adafruit MagTag. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can now create your own "fun fact per day" machine or adapt the code for other applications. Have fun exploring the capabilities of the OpenAI API and enjoy the daily dose of inspiration!


  • Easy to set up and interface with the OpenAI API
  • Affordable and widely available hardware (Adafruit MagTag)
  • Daily "fun fact per day" provides continuous inspiration


  • Requires basic knowledge of programming and APIs
  • Reliance on an internet connection to retrieve daily facts


  • Learn how to call the OpenAI Python API with an ESP32 microcontroller
  • Create a "fun fact per day" machine using the Adafruit MagTag
  • Set up the hardware and install the required libraries
  • Understand the program code and its functionalities
  • Retrieve a new fact every day and display it on the MagTag's e-ink display
  • Customize the behavior of the OpenAI API using Prompts and context
  • Load the code onto the device and put it to sleep for 24 hours


Q: Can I use a different microcontroller instead of the ESP32? A: Yes, you can adapt the code for other microcontrollers that support CircuitPython. However, the specific steps may vary depending on the hardware used.

Q: Is the OpenAI API free to use? A: Setting up an OpenAI account is free, but there may be costs associated with using the OpenAI models. Check the OpenAI website for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Q: How can I change the frequency of retrieving facts? A: You can modify the sleep time in the code to adjust how often you retrieve new facts. Simply change the value in the sleep() function to your desired interval.

Q: Can I customize the prompts and context for the OpenAI API? A: Yes, you can modify the prompts and context variables in the code to tailor the behavior of the OpenAI API. Experiment with different settings to get the desired results.

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