The Easiest Guide to Install Latest Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 V1.6

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The Easiest Guide to Install Latest Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 V1.6

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation Process
  3. Downloading Python
  4. Downloading Git
  5. Installing Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111
  6. Downloading the Model
  7. Configuring the Stable Diffusion Web UI
  8. Using Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111
  9. Adjusting Image Settings
  10. Generating Images
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will guide You through the process of installing and using the latest stable diffusion automatic 1111 version 1.6. Stable diffusion offers a cost-effective solution compared to commercial alternatives, as it is completely free to use. We will provide step-by-step instructions for installation on Windows PCs with Nvidia cards and highlight the recommended system requirements. Additionally, we will cover the process of downloading the required dependencies, configuring the stable diffusion web UI, and generating high-quality images using the model.

Installation Process

To begin, we need to ensure that you have the correct version of Python installed. We will guide you through the process of downloading and installing Python 3.10.7, as newer versions may not support certain features required by stable diffusion. Once Python is installed, we will proceed to download and install Git, where we will use the 64-bit version for Windows. This is a necessary prerequisite for stable diffusion automatic 1111.

Downloading Python

To download Python 3.10.7, visit the official Python Website and select the Windows installer (64-bit) option. During the installation process, ensure that you select the "Add Python to Path" option to make it easily accessible. Once the installation is complete, you will have Python 3.10.7 installed on your system.

Downloading Git

Next, we need to download Git, which is essential for stable diffusion automatic 1111. You can find the 64-bit Git for Windows setup file from the provided link. After downloading, run the installer and follow the installation wizard's instructions, leaving all settings at their default values. Once the installation is complete, Git will be successfully installed on your system.

Installing Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111

With Python and Git installed, we can now proceed to install stable diffusion automatic 1111. Visit the stable diffusion automatic 1111 GitHub page and navigate to the "Releases" section. Look for version 1.6 and scroll down to the asset section. Select the zip file that contains the source code and download it.

Once the download is complete, Create a folder in your preferred location where you want to install stable diffusion. Extract the Contents of the downloaded zip file into the created folder. This ensures a smooth installation process for stable diffusion automatic 1111.

Downloading the Model

To enhance the quality of your generated images, it is recommended to download a community-trained model from the Civit AI web page. Explore the available models and choose one that aligns with your preferences. Popular options include Dream Shaper and RAV Animated Model, both known for their user-friendly interfaces and high-quality image generation.

Navigate to the download link of your chosen model and download it. Once the download is complete, open the stable diffusion web UI folder, locate the "models" directory, and place the downloaded model files in a specified location.

Note: Model files can be large and may Consume a significant amount of your computer's hard drive space. Consider the available storage space when downloading and experimenting with multiple models.

Configuring the Stable Diffusion Web UI

To configure the stable diffusion web UI, open the "web_ui_user.bat" file located in the stable diffusion web UI folder. This will open a text document where you can modify the command-line arguments to enhance your stable diffusion generation.

Add a space followed by two dashes and Type "X_formers" to make your generation faster. Additionally, add "--no_half_vae" to reduce the occurrence of distorted images and black outputs. After making these adjustments, save the document.

This configuration will help improve the stability and output quality of your stable diffusion process.

Using Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111

To start using stable diffusion automatic 1111, return to the root folder of the stable diffusion web UI and execute the "web_ui_user.bat" file. When launching automatic 1111 for the first time, it will begin downloading various files, which typically takes around 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your system's speed and internet connection.

During this process, there may be moments where it appears as though the process has paused or crashed. Be patient and allow the process to complete. Once all downloads and installations are finished, stable diffusion automatic 1111 will automatically open in your default web browser.

Adjusting Image Settings

The stable diffusion web UI interface closely resembles previous versions. In the lower section of the interface, you'll Notice that you are running stable diffusion automatic 1111 version 1.6.

To create your first image, navigate to the upper left corner of the user interface and access the stable diffusion checkpoints or models you would like to use. Below that, you'll find various tabs, and the initial one is labeled "Text to Image." Select that option.

Below the "Text to Image" tab, you'll find a positive prompt field where you can input text to generate an image Based on the provided text. Additionally, there is a negative prompt box where you can enter text to specify elements you want to exclude from the generated image.

Generating Images

Scrolling further down, you'll come across the sampling method options. There are various choices available, each with its own advantages. Popular methods include Oiler Ancestral, Oiler A, and DPM Plus+ 2mcaras, known for generating photorealistic images. For our setup, let's select the default sampling method of DPM Plus+ 2mcaras.

You also have the option to configure the number of sample steps. This parameter determines how many iterations the image will go through before you receive the final result. Generally, a higher number yields better image quality but requires more computational time. For now, we'll keep it at the default value of 30.

Further down, you can select the width and Height of the output image. Larger images will require more processing time, while smaller ones will generate more quickly. For this demonstration, let's stick with the default settings of 512 x 512 pixels.

On the right side, you can adjust the batch count, which determines how many images you want to generate as part of the output. Additionally, you can modify the batch size, which determines how many images are processed simultaneously. Setting a higher batch size may require a faster computer to handle efficiently.

There's also a CFG Scale setting that determines how closely stable diffusion should match the prompt you entered earlier. Increasing this value makes the model adhere more closely to the prompt, while decreasing it allows for more creative freedom in generation.

At the bottom, there's an option called the seed. By default, it's set to -1, meaning every time you generate an image, it will be different. Setting it to a specific number ensures consistent image generation. For this demonstration, we want the images to be entirely random, so we'll keep it set to -1.

Once you have adjusted the settings, click on "Generate" to start the image generation process. In just a few moments, you'll have your completed image. The generated images will be displayed, showcasing the results based on the settings and Prompts provided.


In this article, we provided a comprehensive guide on how to install and use stable diffusion automatic 1111 version 1.6. We covered the installation process, downloading the necessary dependencies, configuring the stable diffusion web UI, and generating high-quality images using the model. By following these instructions, you'll be able to leverage stable diffusion's capabilities and enhance your image generation process.


  • Free and cost-effective alternative to commercial image generation
  • Step-by-step installation guide for Windows PCs with Nvidia cards
  • Downloading the required dependencies, including Python and Git
  • Configuring the stable diffusion web UI for optimal image generation
  • Adjusting image settings and generating high-quality images

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can stable diffusion automatic 1111 be used on platforms other than Windows? A: The installation process mentioned in this article is specific to Windows PCs. However, stable diffusion can be used on other platforms with the appropriate installation steps.

Q: How long does the installation process typically take? A: The installation process may vary depending on your system's speed and internet connection. On faster PCs, it usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes.

Q: Can I experiment with multiple models using stable diffusion? A: Yes, you can download and experiment with multiple models. However, keep in mind that model files can be large and may consume a significant amount of your computer's hard drive space.

Q: Can I adjust the image settings for better output quality? A: Yes, you can adjust various image settings such as the sampling method, sample steps, image size, and batch count to achieve better output quality. However, higher quality settings may require more computational time.

Q: Will I get consistent images every time I run stable diffusion automatic 1111? A: By default, the seed is set to -1, which ensures that each generation click results in a different image. However, you can set a specific seed number to achieve consistent image generation if desired.

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