Transfer GB WhatsApp Chats to Normal WhatsApp - Easy Steps!

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Transfer GB WhatsApp Chats to Normal WhatsApp - Easy Steps!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why You should uninstall "GB WhatsApp"
  3. How to transfer data from "GB WhatsApp" to "Normal WhatsApp" 3.1. Backup your chats in "GB WhatsApp" 3.2. Locating the chat backup file 3.3. Setting up "Normal WhatsApp" for data transfer 3.4. Restoring the chat backup in "Normal WhatsApp"
  4. Conclusion

How to Transfer Data from GB WhatsApp to Normal WhatsApp

In today's digital age, the security of our personal data is of utmost importance. With the rise in popularity of messaging apps like WhatsApp, ensuring the safety and privacy of our conversations has become crucial. If you are a user of "GB WhatsApp," you need to be aware of the potential risks associated with this unofficial modded version. In this article, we will discuss why you should uninstall "GB WhatsApp" and guide you on how to transfer your data from "GB WhatsApp" to the official "Normal WhatsApp" application.


Messaging apps have revolutionized the way we communicate with others, allowing us to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues across the globe. WhatsApp, with its user-friendly interface and feature-rich platform, has emerged as one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide. However, some users have resorted to using unofficial modded versions like "GB WhatsApp" to access additional features not available in the official version.

Why you should uninstall "GB WhatsApp"

While "GB WhatsApp" may seem enticing with its extended functionality, it comes with significant risks. Firstly, the security of your data is compromised when using "GB WhatsApp." There have been reports of data leaks and unauthorized access to user information, as the unofficial app lacks the robust security measures implemented by the official "Normal WhatsApp" application.

Additionally, using "GB WhatsApp" puts your personal information at the mercy of hackers. These unauthorized individuals can exploit vulnerabilities in the unofficial app to gain access to your conversations, media files, and other sensitive data. By uninstalling "GB WhatsApp," you can protect your privacy and reduce the risk of data breaches.

How to transfer data from "GB WhatsApp" to "Normal WhatsApp"

Now that you understand the potential risks of using "GB WhatsApp," let's discuss how you can safely transfer your data to the official "Normal WhatsApp" application. Follow the step-by-step guide below to ensure a seamless transition.

3.1 Backup your chats in "GB WhatsApp"

Before uninstalling "GB WhatsApp," it is crucial to Create a backup of your chats to ensure that you do not lose any important messages or media files. To do this, open "GB WhatsApp" on your device and follow these steps:

  • Tap on the three dots located in the upper right corner to access the settings menu.
  • Scroll down and find the "Chats" option.
  • Within the "Chats" menu, locate the "Chat backup" button and press it.
  • Wait for the backup process to complete. Once finished, your chat backup will be stored in your file manager.

3.2 Locating the chat backup file

To proceed with the data transfer process, you need to locate the chat backup file created in the previous step. Follow these instructions:

  • Open your file manager and navigate to the Android folder.
  • Within the Android folder, find the Media folder and open it.
  • Look for the "com.gbwhatsapp" folder within the Media folder.
  • Within the "com.gbwhatsapp" folder, locate the "Databases" folder and open it.
  • Here, you will find your "GB WhatsApp" chat backup files.

3.3 Setting up "Normal WhatsApp" for data transfer

To transfer your data from "GB WhatsApp" to "Normal WhatsApp," you need to set up the official application with the necessary folders. Follow these steps:

  • Open your file manager and go to the Android folder.
  • Within the Android folder, locate the Media folder.
  • If you do not find a "com.whatsapp" folder, create one by selecting the three dots and choosing the "Create folder" option. Type "com.whatsapp" in lowercase and press "OK."

3.4 Restoring the chat backup in "Normal WhatsApp"

Now that you have set up the folder structure in "Normal WhatsApp," you can proceed with restoring your chat backup. Follow these instructions:

  • Open the "com.whatsapp" folder in your file manager.
  • Press the three dots and select the "Create folder" option.
  • Create a folder named "whatsapp" in lowercase.
  • Go back to the previous menu and select the "com.gbwhatsapp" folder.
  • Long-press the "media" and "databases" folders to select them.
  • Press the three dots, then select the "Copy" option.
  • Navigate to the "internal storage" and find the "android" folder.
  • Open the "media" folder and then the "com.whatsapp" folder.
  • Open the "whatsapp" folder and paste the copied folders here.
  • Wait for the copying process to complete.


In conclusion, it is essential to prioritize the security and privacy of our personal data when using messaging apps like WhatsApp. Unofficial modded versions like "GB WhatsApp" may offer additional features, but they come with the risk of data leaks and unauthorized access to our conversations. To ensure the safety of your data, it is recommended to uninstall "GB WhatsApp" and transfer your data to the official "Normal WhatsApp" application using the provided step-by-step guide. By taking this precautionary measure, you can enjoy the benefits of WhatsApp while keeping your personal information secure.

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