Transform Anyone into a 3D Character in Just 20 Minutes

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Transform Anyone into a 3D Character in Just 20 Minutes

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Unreal Engine and Meta-humans
  3. Step 1: Downloading Unreal Engine 5 and Meta-human Plugin
  4. Step 2: Creating a 3D Face Mesh
  5. Step 3: Using Face Gen for Creating 3D Characters
  6. Step 4: Exporting the Face Mesh to Daz 3D
  7. Step 5: Editing the Mesh Using Blender
  8. Step 6: Importing the Mesh into Unreal Engine
  9. Step 7: Utilizing the Mesh to Meta-human Feature
  10. Step 8: Customizing the Meta-human Appearance
  11. Step 9: Adding Lighting and Camera Setup
  12. Step 10: Enhancing Realism and Facial Textures with Photoshop
  13. Step 11: Setting Up Live Link with iPhone and AR Kit
  14. Conclusion


In today's advanced digital world, creating high-quality 3D characters has become more accessible than ever. With the help of Unreal Engine and the Meta-human plugin, anyone can now turn themselves into a triple A quality 3D character. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of creating your own Meta-human character using Unreal Engine and Meta-humans. From downloading the necessary software to customizing your character's appearance, we will cover everything you need to know to bring your digital creation to life. So, let's dive in and unleash your creativity with Unreal Engine and Meta-humans.

The Importance of Unreal Engine and Meta-humans

Unreal Engine is a powerful, real-time 3D development platform used by professionals in the gaming, film, and animation industries. With its wide range of features and capabilities, Unreal Engine allows Creators to bring their visions to life and Create immersive experiences for users. One of the latest additions to Unreal Engine is the Meta-humans plugin, which further enhances the capabilities of the engine by providing pre-built, high-quality 3D human models that can be easily customized and animated.

The Meta-humans plugin offers a level of realism that was once difficult to achieve, making it an exciting tool for creators and artists. By combining the power of Unreal Engine with the Meta-humans plugin, users can now create realistic 3D characters with ease. Whether You are a game developer, animator, or artist, Unreal Engine and Meta-humans are tools that open up a world of possibilities and enable you to unleash your creativity.

Step 1: Downloading Unreal Engine 5 and Meta-human Plugin

Before we begin creating our Meta-human character, we need to make sure we have the necessary software installed. Start by downloading Unreal Engine 5 from the Epic Games launcher. Launch the launcher and navigate to the Unreal Engine tab, where you will find the installation links for Unreal Engine 5. Follow the installation process, and once it is complete, you will have Unreal Engine 5 ready to be used.

Next, we need to download the Meta-humans plugin. This plugin is free and can be added to your Unreal Engine project. In the Epic Games launcher, go to the Unreal Engine tab and click on the "Add Versions" button. From there, search for the Meta-humans plugin and add it to your project. Once the plugin is installed, you are ready to create your 3D character.

Step 2: Creating a 3D Face Mesh

To create a Meta-human character, we first need a 3D face mesh that will later be converted into a Meta-human. There are several methods for creating a 3D face mesh, both paid and free. Paid methods include using software like FaceGen or Face Builder for Blender, which allow you to create 3D characters quickly and easily. These paid methods provide a user-friendly interface where you can start with a picture, drag and drop different control points, and customize the facial structure.

On the other HAND, free methods include 3D scanning using various apps or starting with a default human mesh and customizing it using software like Daz, Zbrush, or Blender. These free methods require a bit more technical knowledge and may take some time to achieve the desired results.

In this tutorial, we will focus on using FaceGen software, as it is quick and easy to use. Start by loading a picture of the person you want to create into FaceGen. Follow the Prompts and click on different selection points to customize the facial structure. Once you are satisfied with the result, export the face as a Genesis 8 Male file. If you don't have the FaceGen software, you can choose one of the other methods Mentioned above.

Step 3: Using Face Gen for Creating 3D Characters

If you chose to use the FaceGen software, you can Continue following this step. If not, you can skip to the next step. After exporting the face from FaceGen, you will need to import it into Daz 3D, which is a free software with a wide range of assets that can be used in Unreal Engine.

In Daz 3D, load the exported face as a Genesis 8 Male and make any necessary adjustments to the facial structure using the modify tab. Once you are satisfied with the result, go to the surface tab and load the texture maps onto the face. Save the face texture maps and export the face as an OBJ file.

Step 4: Exporting the Face Mesh to Daz 3D

If you used a different method for creating the 3D face mesh, you can follow this step. Start by exporting the modified face mesh from the software you used as an FBX file. This file will be imported into Unreal Engine later.

Next, open Blender and import the FBX file. In Blender, you can make any necessary adjustments to the mesh, such as removing unwanted parts or refining specific areas. Once you are satisfied with the result, export the mesh as an OBJ file.

Step 5: Importing the Mesh into Unreal Engine

Now that we have our 3D face mesh ready, it's time to import it into Unreal Engine. Open Unreal Engine and start a new project or open an existing one. In the content browser, create a new folder for your Meta-human project. Right-click on the folder and select "Import." Browse for the OBJ file that contains the 3D face mesh and import it into your project.

Step 6: Utilizing the Mesh to Meta-human Feature

With the 3D face mesh imported into Unreal Engine, it's time to utilize the Mesh to Meta-human feature. This feature allows us to convert the mesh into a Meta-human with realistic facial animations. Select the Meta-humans tab from the content browser and add in a Meta-human identity. Give the identity a name, and double-click on it to open the details.

In the details panel, click on the "Components from Mesh" button and select the imported face mesh. Adjust the field of view and positioning of the camera to ensure the viewer is looking face-forward at the mesh. Set the lighting mode to unlit and choose the desired body Type for the Meta-human.

Step 7: Customizing the Meta-human Appearance

With the Meta-human identity set up, it's time to customize its appearance. The Meta-humans plugin offers various customization options for the body, face, hair, and clothing of the character. Explore the different tabs and make adjustments to achieve the desired look for your Meta-human.

To make the Meta-human closely Resemble the original subject, you can use software like PureRef to overlay reference images on top of the character in Unreal Engine. This will help you match the facial structure and proportions more accurately. Additionally, you can use Photoshop to further enhance the skin textures and customize the appearance of the Meta-human.

Step 8: Adding Lighting and Camera Setup

To enhance the realism of your Meta-human character, it's important to set up proper lighting and camera angles. Unreal Engine provides various lighting presets that you can utilize for different atmospheres and moods. Experiment with different lighting setups to achieve the desired look for your character.

Additionally, set up a camera using the cinematic camera feature in Unreal Engine. Adjust the camera settings, such as focus distance and aperture, to create depth of field and a realistic cinematic look. You can also create sequences and animations using the camera to bring your Meta-human to life.

Step 9: Enhancing Realism and Facial Textures with Photoshop

To further enhance the realism of your Meta-human character, you can utilize the power of Photoshop. Export the facial texture maps from Unreal Engine and open them in Photoshop. Here, you can make detailed adjustments to the skin textures, add blemishes, or even copy and paste parts of the original subject's face onto the Meta-human.

By customizing the facial textures in Photoshop, you can achieve a higher level of resemblance between the Meta-human and the original subject. This level of customization adds a personal touch to your character and sets it apart from other digital creations.

Step 10: Setting Up Live Link with iPhone and AR Kit

For advanced control and motion capture capabilities, you can set up a live link between Unreal Engine and an iPhone equipped with the AR Kit. Download the live link app from the App Store and configure the IP address to connect it with Unreal Engine. With the live link established, you can control your Meta-human's facial expressions and animations in real-time using your iPhone.

This feature opens up possibilities for creating dynamic animations, recording motion capture data, and adding lifelike facial animations to your Meta-human character. It adds an extra layer of interactivity and realism to your digital creations.


Unreal Engine and Meta-humans have revolutionized the way we create and Interact with digital characters. With their powerful features and intuitive interfaces, creators can now bring their visions to life with ease. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, you can create your own high-quality, customizable Meta-human characters using Unreal Engine and Meta-humans. From downloading the necessary software to customizing the appearance and adding realistic animations, the possibilities are endless. So, unleash your creativity, dive into the world of Unreal Engine and Meta-humans, and bring your digital characters to life like Never before.


  • Unreal Engine and Meta-humans provide a powerful platform for creating high-quality 3D characters.
  • The step-by-step process includes downloading the necessary software, creating a 3D face mesh, and customizing the Meta-human appearance.
  • Photoshop can be used to enhance the realism of the character's facial textures.
  • Live link with iPhone and AR Kit enables real-time control and motion capture capabilities.
  • Unreal Engine and Meta-humans open up a world of possibilities for creators and artists.


  1. Can I use a different software for creating the 3D face mesh?

    • Yes, there are several methods available, including paid and free options. You can choose the one that suits your needs and skill level.
  2. Can I customize the body and clothing of the Meta-human character?

    • Yes, the Meta-humans plugin offers various customization options for the body, face, hair, and clothing of the character.
  3. Can I use my own lighting setups and camera angles?

    • Yes, Unreal Engine provides flexibility in setting up lighting and camera angles. You can experiment with different presets and create your own unique setups.
  4. How can I achieve a higher level of resemblance between the Meta-human and the original subject?

    • By utilizing software like Photoshop, you can make detailed adjustments to the facial textures, add blemishes, and even copy and paste parts of the original subject's face onto the Meta-human.
  5. Can I control the facial animations and expressions in real-time?

    • Yes, by setting up live link with an iPhone and AR Kit, you can control the facial animations and expressions of the Meta-human character in real-time. This opens up possibilities for dynamic animations and motion capture.

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