Troubleshooting WordPress JSON Updating Error

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Troubleshooting WordPress JSON Updating Error

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Possible Causes of the Error 2.1 Plugin or Theme Conflicts 2.2 Low PHP Memory 2.3 Server Resource Limitation 2.4 Caching Issues 2.5 Security Rules 2.6 Outdated Software
  3. Clearing Cache Data
  4. Testing Website on a Different Browser
  5. Disabling Mod Security or Security Plugins
  6. Refreshing Network Settings
  7. Checking WordPress URL Settings
  8. Fixing Permalink Structures
  9. Deactivating Plugins and Themes
  10. Switching to a Default Theme
  11. Switching to a Default Classic Editor
  12. Contacting Support


How to Fix the "Updating Failed: The Response Is Not a Valid JSON Response" Error on WordPress


If You've encountered the "Updating Failed: The Response Is Not a Valid JSON Response" error when trying to publish or update content on your WordPress website, don't panic. This error can be caused by a number of factors, including conflicts between plugins or themes, low PHP memory, server resource limitations, caching issues, security rules, or outdated software. In this article, we will explore various methods to troubleshoot and fix this error.

Possible Causes of the Error

  1. Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Conflicts between plugins or themes can often interfere with the update process and result in the JSON response error. It is recommended to disable any recently installed plugins or themes and try updating the content again.

  1. Low PHP Memory

Insufficient PHP memory allocation can trigger the JSON response error. To fix this, you can increase the PHP memory limit in your website's wp-config.php file or contact your web hosting provider for assistance.

  1. Server Resource Limitation

If your web hosting server has resource limitations, it can also lead to the JSON response error. Consider upgrading your hosting plan or reaching out to your hosting provider for guidance on resolving this issue.

  1. Caching Issues

Cached data can sometimes interfere with updates, causing the error to occur. Clearing your browser cache and any caching plugins installed on your WordPress website can help resolve this problem.

  1. Security Rules

Certain security rules implemented on the server may block or modify responses, leading to the JSON response error. Temporarily disabling security plugins or mod_security settings can help determine if they are causing the issue.

  1. Outdated Software

Outdated plugins, themes, or the WordPress Core itself can contribute to the JSON response error. Ensure that all your software components are up to date to prevent compatibility issues.

Clearing Cache Data

One of the first methods to try is clearing cache data. Sometimes, cached data can interfere with updates. To clear your browser cache, go to your web browser settings, search for "cache," and select the option to clear cached data. Additionally, if you have any caching plugins installed on your WordPress website, clear their cache as well.

Testing Website on a Different Browser

Another troubleshooting method is to test your website using a different web browser. This helps identify if the error is specific to a certain browser. Try updating the content using a different browser to rule out browser-specific issues.

Disabling Mod Security or Security Plugins

If the previous methods don't resolve the error, consider disabling mod_security or any security plugins on your WordPress website. These plugins or settings may be blocking the JSON response. After disabling them, check your website and try updating the content again. If the error is resolved, re-enable the security measures one by one to identify the specific cause.

Refreshing Network Settings

Refreshing your network settings or internet connection can sometimes resolve the JSON response error. Simply refresh your internet connection and check if the error persists. If it does, proceed to the next troubleshooting method.

Checking WordPress URL Settings

Incorrect WordPress address or site address settings can also trigger the JSON response error. To fix this, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Settings" > "General," and ensure that both the WordPress address and site address are correct. If they don't match, update them accordingly and save the changes.

Fixing Permalink Structures

Incorrect permalink structures can sometimes lead to the JSON response error. Go to your WordPress dashboard, click on "Settings," and then select "Permalinks." Ensure that your preferred permalink structure is selected. If necessary, switch to a different permalink setting and then switch back to your preferred one. Save the changes and test uploading the content again.

Deactivating Plugins and Themes

If none of the previous methods fix the error, try deactivating all the plugins and themes on your website. Go to the "Plugins" section in your WordPress dashboard and select all the plugins. Then, click on the "Bulk Actions" dropdown and choose "Deactivate." Apply the changes and check if the error is resolved. If it is, reactivate the plugins and themes one by one to identify the specific one causing the issue.

Switching to a Default Theme

If the error persists after deactivating plugins and themes, consider switching to a default WordPress theme such as Twenty Twenty-One. Go to the "Appearance" section in your WordPress dashboard, click on "Themes," and activate the default theme. Test your website and try updating the content to see if the error is resolved.

Switching to a Default Classic Editor

In some cases, using a default Classic Editor instead of a block editor can resolve the JSON response error. Install the Classic Editor plugin from the "Plugins" section in your WordPress dashboard, activate it, and test uploading the content again.

Contacting Support

If all the previous methods fail to fix the error, it is advisable to Seek assistance from your web host's support team or contact WordPress support. They can provide you with specific troubleshooting steps Based on your website's configuration and help you resolve the JSON response error.


Encountering the "Updating Failed: The Response Is Not a Valid JSON Response" error can be frustrating, but by following the troubleshooting methods outlined in this article, you can resolve it and regain control over your WordPress website's updating functionality. Clearing cache data, checking settings, disabling plugins/themes, and refreshing network connections are some of the steps you can take to fix this error. Remember to keep your software up to date and consider reaching out for support when needed.


  • Learn how to fix the "Updating Failed: The Response Is Not a Valid JSON Response" error on WordPress.
  • Troubleshoot possible causes, including plugin/theme conflicts, low PHP memory, server resource limitations, caching issues, security rules, and outdated software.
  • Clear cache data to resolve interference with updates.
  • Test your website on a different browser to rule out browser-specific issues.
  • Disable mod_security or security plugins that may be blocking the JSON response.
  • Refresh network settings and check WordPress URL settings.
  • Fix permalink structures and disable/switch plugins and themes.
  • Switch to a default WordPress theme or use the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Contact support if all else fails.


Q: What is the "Updating Failed: The Response Is Not a Valid JSON Response" error? A: This error occurs when attempting to publish or update content on a WordPress website and is caused by various factors such as conflicts between plugins/themes, low PHP memory, caching issues, security rules, or outdated software.

Q: How can I fix the JSON response error on WordPress? A: There are several methods you can try:

  • Clear cache data in your browser and any caching plugins.
  • Test your website on a different browser.
  • Disable mod_security or security plugins temporarily.
  • Refresh network settings and check WordPress URL settings.
  • Fix permalink structures and deactivate plugins/themes.
  • Switch to a default WordPress theme or use the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Contact support for further assistance if needed.
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