Ultimate Guide to Running PyTorch Codes on National Systems

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Ultimate Guide to Running PyTorch Codes on National Systems

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Running Python Calls with Multi-GPU Nodes on National Systems
    • 2.1 Difference between TensorFlow and PyTorch as Machine Learning Frameworks
    • 2.2 GPU Resources in a Digital Research Alliance of Canada (DRAC)
    • 2.3 Generating a Virtual Environment and Running Code on a Single Node
    • 2.4 Running Code on Multi-Node GPUs
      • 2.4.1 Individual Options for Multi-Node Situations
      • 2.4.2 Setting Up Your Script Tutorial
    • 2.5 Using TensorBoard to Check Results
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of PyTorch vs TensorFlow
  4. The Digital Research Alliance of Canada's GPU Resources
  5. Understanding Different GPU Cards and Their Performance
  6. Introduction to PyTorch and Why it is Rapidly Growing in the Research Community
  7. The Benefits of Using Python with PyTorch
  8. Overview of National Platform Systems and Available GPU Resources
  9. Demonstration: Generating Virtual Environments and Running Code on Graham
  10. Demonstration: Running Multiple GPU Jobs using PyTorch Data Parallelism (DDP)
  11. Demonstration: Running Jobs using PyTorch Lightning with Horovod
  12. Using TensorBoard for Visualizing Training
  13. Conclusion

Running Python Calls with Multi-GPU Nodes on National Systems

In this article, we will explore how to run Python calls with multi-GPU nodes on national systems, specifically focusing on the PyTorch framework. Whether You're a beginner or an advanced user, this step-by-step guide will provide you with the necessary information to effectively utilize PyTorch on our national platform systems.

Difference between TensorFlow and PyTorch as Machine Learning Frameworks

Before diving into the technical aspects, let's briefly discuss the difference between TensorFlow and PyTorch as machine learning frameworks. TensorFlow, developed by Google, is a widely-used framework that replaced Google's earlier machine learning framework, Disbelief. It supports almost all kinds of architectures and has both static and dynamic programming capabilities. On the other HAND, PyTorch is rapidly growing in the research community due to its simplicity and similarity to Python code. It is easier to write and use compared to TensorFlow, making it a preferred choice for many researchers using Python.

GPU Resources in a Digital Research Alliance of Canada (DRAC)

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (DRAC) offers various GPU resources on its compute clusters, such as Graham, Cedar, and Niagara. Each cluster has different configurations and target applications. For example, Graham has a small number of V100 nodes that are ideal for deep learning tasks, while Cedar offers a larger number of nodes with V100 GPUs. It's important to be aware of the different GPU types available in each system and choose the appropriate cluster Based on your requirements. Additionally, it's important to note that Graham has T4 GPUs, which are well-suited for computer vision tasks.

Generating a Virtual Environment and Running Code on a Single Node

To get started, the first step is to generate a virtual environment that provides a dedicated workspace for your Python code. This allows you to have full control over the environment without requiring superuser privileges. You can easily load the necessary modules and install packages within this virtual environment. Once the virtual environment is set up, you can proceed with running your code on a single node.

Running Code on Multi-Node GPUs

When it comes to running code on multi-node GPU systems, there are several options to consider. In this section, we will explore individual options for multi-node situations and learn how to set up your script tutorial. Depending on your specific requirements and resources available, you can choose the best approach for running your code on multiple nodes.

Using TensorBoard to Check Results

TensorBoard is a powerful tool that allows you to Visualize your training results, track metrics, and monitor the performance of your models. In this section, we will learn how to set up TensorBoard and use it to check and analyze the results of our training. This can provide valuable insights into the performance and progress of your models, making it easier to optimize and improve them.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PyTorch vs TensorFlow

Now, let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of PyTorch and TensorFlow as machine learning frameworks. PyTorch's simplicity and similarity to Python code make it popular among researchers. It is easier to write and debug, making it a preferred choice for many. On the other hand, TensorFlow offers a wide range of features and has support from the industry. It runs on various architectures and has a strong foundation in the commercial sector. However, it has a steeper learning curve compared to PyTorch.

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada's GPU Resources

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada provides a wide range of GPU resources on its national platform systems. These resources include different GPU types such as P100, V100, and T4. Each GPU has different specifications and performance capabilities, so it's essential to choose the right GPU based on your specific requirements and the nature of your task. Understanding the available GPU resources and their characteristics will help you select the most suitable GPU for your work.

Understanding Different GPU Cards and Their Performance

When selecting a GPU for your tasks, it's important to understand the specifications and performance of different GPU cards. This section provides a detailed explanation of different GPUs available in the DRAC's systems, such as the P100, V100, and T4. It discusses their performance in terms of double precision and single precision calculations, as well as their suitability for different types of deep learning tasks.

Introduction to PyTorch and Why it is Rapidly Growing in the Research Community

PyTorch is widely used and rapidly growing in the research community. In this section, we explore the reasons behind PyTorch's popularity. One key factor is its simplicity and similarity to Python code, which makes it easy for researchers to adopt. Additionally, PyTorch's flexibility and dynamic nature allow for faster experimentation and prototyping. Its strong integration with the Python ecosystem and support for GPU acceleration make it an ideal choice for machine learning and deep learning tasks.

The Benefits of Using Python with PyTorch

Python is a popular programming language in the data science and machine learning communities, and its integration with PyTorch offers several benefits. In this section, we discuss why Python is widely used with PyTorch and highlight its advantages. Python's simplicity, extensive libraries, and active community make it a powerful tool for data manipulation, visualization, and model development. Its ease of use and readability contribute to the growing popularity of Python in the research community.

Overview of National Platform Systems and Available GPU Resources

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada offers various national platform systems, including Graham, Cedar, and Niagara. Each system provides different capabilities, resources, and GPU options. This section provides an overview of these systems, including their architecture, available resources, and GPU configurations. Understanding the differences between these systems will help you choose the most suitable platform for your research and development needs.

Demonstration: Generating Virtual Environments and Running Code on Graham

In this demonstration, we will Show you how to generate virtual environments and run your Python code on the Graham system, which offers a variety of GPU resources. We will walk you through the steps of setting up your environment, installing the necessary modules, and running your code on a single node. This hands-on demonstration will equip you with the knowledge and skills to utilize Graham's GPU resources effectively.

Demonstration: Running Multiple GPU Jobs using PyTorch Data Parallelism (DDP)

Parallelizing your code across multiple GPUs can significantly speed up your computations. In this demonstration, we will explore how to run multiple GPU jobs using PyTorch's data parallelism (DDP) technique. This technique allows you to distribute the workload across multiple GPUs, increasing the computation power and reducing the training time. We will guide you through the process of setting up your environment, writing the code, and running the job on the DRAC's compute clusters.

Demonstration: Running Jobs using PyTorch Lightning with Horovod

PyTorch Lightning is a high-level interface that simplifies the process of training and debugging PyTorch models. In this demonstration, we will show you how to run jobs using PyTorch Lightning with Horovod, a distributed deep learning training framework. We will walk you through the steps of setting up your environment, installing the required packages, and running your job on the DRAC's compute clusters. This demonstration will help you leverage the power of PyTorch Lightning and Horovod for efficient and scalable model training.

Using TensorBoard for Visualizing Training

TensorBoard is a web-based visualization tool provided by TensorFlow that allows you to monitor and analyze your training progress. In this section, we will show you how to use TensorBoard to visualize your training metrics, monitor the progress of your models, and make informed decisions to improve their performance. We will guide you through the process of setting up TensorBoard, logging your training data, and viewing the visualizations in your browser.


In this comprehensive guide, we have covered various topics related to running Python calls with multi-GPU nodes on national systems. We have explored the differences between TensorFlow and PyTorch, discussed the GPU resources available in the DRAC's compute clusters, and walked you through the process of generating virtual environments and running code on single and multi-node configurations. Additionally, we have demonstrated how to use PyTorch's data parallelism (DDP) and PyTorch Lightning with Horovod to Scale your training across multiple GPUs. We have also highlighted the benefits of using Python and TensorBoard for monitoring and analyzing your training progress. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to effectively utilize the DRAC's GPU resources and optimize your machine learning and deep learning workflows.


  • Learn how to run Python calls with multi-GPU nodes on national systems
  • Understand the difference between TensorFlow and PyTorch as machine learning frameworks
  • Explore the GPU resources available in the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (DRAC)
  • Generate virtual environments and run code on single and multi-node configurations
  • Utilize PyTorch's data parallelism (DDP) and PyTorch Lightning with Horovod for scaled training
  • Use TensorBoard for visualizing training metrics and monitoring model performance


Q: Can I use TensorFlow instead of PyTorch on the national platform systems? A: Yes, TensorFlow is available on the DRAC's systems, and you can use it for your machine learning and deep learning tasks.

Q: How do I choose the right GPU Type for my task? A: Consider the specifications and performance characteristics of each GPU type, such as P100, V100, and T4, and choose the one that best suits your specific requirements.

Q: Can I run multiple GPU jobs using PyTorch? A: Yes, you can run multiple GPU jobs using PyTorch's data parallelism (DDP) technique, which distributes the workload across multiple GPUs for faster computations.

Q: What is TensorBoard, and how can I use it for visualizing training metrics? A: TensorBoard is a web-based visualization tool provided by TensorFlow. You can use it to monitor and analyze your training progress, visualize metrics, and make informed decisions to improve your models' performance.

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