Ultimate Guide to Self Publishing Picture Books

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Ultimate Guide to Self Publishing Picture Books

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing the Size for Your Book
  3. Understanding Bleeds and Safe Zones
  4. Setting up the Template in Photoshop
  5. Adding Text and Formatting
  6. Designing the First Page and Title Page
  7. Adding Copyright Information and ISBN
  8. Creating End Pages
  9. Designing the Copyright Page
  10. Uploading and Publishing on KDP

How to Self-Publish a Picture Book on KDP: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are You an aspiring author or illustrator looking to self-publish your picture book? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, I will take you through the step-by-step process of self-publishing a picture book on KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), Amazon's self-publishing print-on-demand service.


Self-publishing a picture book can be an empowering and rewarding experience. With KDP, you have the opportunity to turn your illustrations into a printed book that can be enjoyed by readers worldwide. In this guide, I will walk you through everything you need to know to bring your picture book to life, from choosing the right size to adding text and illustrations in interesting ways.

1. Choosing the Size for Your Book

Before you begin the self-publishing process, it's important to determine the size of your picture book. KDP offers a range of size options for both paperback and hardcover books. Consider factors such as aesthetics, readability, and market standards when selecting the size for your book. By exploring existing picture books and researching different sizes, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your artistic vision.

2. Understanding Bleeds and Safe Zones

To ensure high-quality printing, it's crucial to understand the concepts of bleeds and safe zones. Bleed refers to the extended area around your illustrations that will be trimmed off during the printing process. By adding a bleed, you prevent white borders from appearing on your final printed book. KDP provides guidelines and examples to help you Visualize the impact of bleeds. Additionally, safe zones are designated areas within your pages where critical content should be placed to avoid any accidental cropping.

3. Setting up the Template in Photoshop

In order to Create a picture book with proper bleeds and safe zones, you will need to set up a template using design software like Photoshop. By following the specific Dimensions provided by KDP for your chosen book size, you can create a template that accommodates the required bleed areas and safe zones. This template will serve as the foundation for your illustrations and text placement throughout the book.

4. Adding Text and Formatting

One of the key aspects of a picture book is the incorporation of text. With Photoshop or any design software, you can add text directly onto your illustrations. Explore different formatting options to make your text more visually engaging, such as curving text or wrapping it around shapes. Take Care to choose readable fonts and ensure the text stands out from the background. Consider the overall aesthetic and theme of your book when selecting fonts and formatting options.

5. Designing the First Page and Title Page

The first page of your picture book sets the tone for the entire reading experience. In many cases, the first page is a single page rather than a double-page spread. This page can be dedicated to the title, author, illustrator, and even a dedication if desired. Make sure to create a visually appealing and Attention-grabbing title page that captivates readers from the start.

6. Adding Copyright Information and ISBN

Protecting your creative work is essential, and including copyright information in your picture book is crucial. The copyright page is typically located at the beginning or end of the book and includes important details such as the first publication date, publishing company, copyright Notice, and ISBN (International Standard Book Number). You have the option to use a free ISBN provided by KDP or purchase your own. Consider the pros and cons before making your decision.

7. Creating End Pages

End pages provide an opportunity to add an extra touch of creativity to your picture book. While not always present in paperbacks, end pages are commonly found in hardcover books. They can feature Patterns, illustrations, or additional content that enhances the overall reading experience. Consider whether including end pages aligns with your artistic vision for the book and choose designs that complement the theme and tone.

8. Designing the Copyright Page

The copyright page serves as a legal declaration and protection for your work. It is essential to include specific information such as the publication location, year, copyright holder, and copyright symbol. Utilize design elements to make the copyright page visually appealing while adhering to industry standards. Ensure that all necessary copyright information is included and clearly stated.

9. Uploading and Publishing on KDP

Once you have finalized your picture book, it's time to upload it to the KDP platform and publish it. Before uploading, save each page as an individual file, ensuring that the dimensions and quality meet the printing requirements. Use Adobe Bridge or similar software to create a PDF of all the inside pages while excluding the cover. Double-check the preview provided by KDP to catch any mistakes or inconsistencies. After making any necessary corrections, save your work and publish your picture book on KDP.


Self-publishing a picture book on KDP offers a fantastic opportunity to share your creativity with the world. By carefully considering size options, templates, text formatting, copyright details, and any additional design elements like end pages, you can create a professional and visually stunning picture book. Embrace the process of self-publishing, and allow your imagination to flourish as you bring your picture book to life. Happy publishing!


  • Self-publishing a picture book on KDP allows you to turn your illustrations into a printed book easily.
  • Choosing the right size and understanding bleeds and safe zones are crucial for high-quality printing.
  • Photoshop or similar design software can be used to set up a template and add text and formatting.
  • The first page and copyright page play important roles in your picture book.
  • Consider your options for ISBN and end pages when self-publishing.


Q: Can I change the size of my picture book after setting up the template? A: It is not recommended to change the size of your picture book after setting up the template, as it may require adjusting the layout and artwork.

Q: Do I need to purchase an ISBN for my picture book? A: While KDP offers a free ISBN option, you can also choose to purchase your own. Consider the pros and cons, such as wider distribution versus cost, before making your decision.

Q: Are end pages necessary for a picture book? A: End pages are not mandatory for paperbacks but are commonly found in hardcover books. Adding end pages can enhance the overall reading experience and provide an opportunity for additional artwork or design.

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