Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Slash Commands in Discord.js v14

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Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Slash Commands in Discord.js v14

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Discord Bot Basics
  3. Registering Slash Commands
  4. Accessing Server ID and Bot ID
  5. Defining the Commands
  6. Registering Slash Commands Function
  7. Handling Interactions
  8. Responding to Slash Commands
  9. Adding Options to Commands
  10. Conclusion

Article: How to Register Slash Commands and Interact with Your Discord Bot


Welcome to part two of the discord.js Series! In this video, I'll guide You through the process of registering slash commands and interacting with your Discord bot using the registered slash commands. If you're new here and not familiar with the code, make sure to watch my previous video on setting up your Discord bot and basic message replies.

Setting up Discord Bot Basics

Before we dive into registering slash commands, we need to set up a separate file to handle the commands. Create a new file called register-commands.js in the source folder. This file will focus solely on the registration of slash commands, which we'll be running when adding or updating commands. In the next few videos, we'll automate this process with a command handler, but for now, let's register the commands manually.

Registering Slash Commands

To register slash commands, we first need access to the server ID and our bot's ID. Head over to Discord, right-click on your server name, and click on "Copy ID" to get the server ID. If you don't see the "Copy ID" option, go to your user settings, click on "Advanced," and ensure that the developer mode is turned on. Copy your server ID and add it as an environment variable in your .env file under the name Guild_ID. Similarly, copy your bot's ID and add it as an environment variable named Client_ID.

Accessing Server ID and Bot ID

To access the environment variables, we need to import the dotenv library. In your register-commands.js file, import the library and use the config() method to access the environment variables. Make sure you also import the necessary modules from the discord.js library.

Defining the Commands

Start by defining an array of objects called commands, where each object represents a single command. Each command requires a name and a description. For example, let's create a command named "hey" with the description "Replies with hey."

Registering Slash Commands Function

Next, create an asynchronous anonymous function that will handle the registration of our slash commands. Use a try-catch block to handle any errors that may occur during the registration process. Inside the try block, we can register our commands using the rest.put() method.

Handling Interactions

Listening for interactions is crucial since it enables us to respond when a slash command is run. Use the client.on('interactionCreate') event listener to listen for interactions. To identify if the interaction is a slash command, check if interaction.isCommandInteraction() returns true.

Responding to Slash Commands

Once you have confirmed that the interaction is a slash command, you can perform actions Based on the command name. If the command name is 'hey', reply with a simple 'hey' response. Use the interaction.reply() method to send the response. Save your file and run it to register the slash commands.

Adding Options to Commands

In the next video, I'll Show you how to add options to your slash commands to make them more versatile and interactive. Stay tuned!


You have now learned how to register slash commands and Interact with your Discord bot using the registered commands. This allows you to create more dynamic and engaging experiences for your users. In the next part of the series, we will Delve deeper into adding options to commands. If you found this video helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe for more content. Thank you, and see you in the next one.


  • Learn how to register slash commands for your Discord bot
  • Interact with your bot using the registered slash commands
  • Set up server ID and bot ID as environment variables
  • Define commands with names and descriptions
  • Handle interactions when slash commands are run
  • Respond to slash commands with custom replies
  • Discover how to add options to commands for increased functionality


Q: Can I register slash commands automatically? A: Yes, in future videos, we'll cover setting up a command handler that will handle the registration process automatically for you.

Q: What are options in slash commands? A: Options allow you to provide additional parameters or choices for your slash commands, making them more interactive and versatile.

Q: Can I have multiple slash commands for my bot? A: Absolutely! You can define and register as many slash commands as you need for your bot to perform different actions and provide unique functionalities.

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