Ultimate Guide: Uploading VRChat Avatars for PC, Quest, & VRoid

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Ultimate Guide: Uploading VRChat Avatars for PC, Quest, & VRoid

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Essential Vocabulary
  3. Setting Up the VRChat Creator Companion
  4. Uploading the Model in Unity
  5. Preparing the Model with Textures and Materials
  6. Working with Shaders
  7. Adding Fizz Bones for Movement
  8. Creating Facial Animations and Gestures
  9. Understanding Playable Layers
  10. Configuring the Avatar Descriptor
  11. Uploading and Testing the Avatar
  12. Quest Compatibility for Avatars
  13. Converting VRM Models to FBX
  14. The 15-Second Boost: Fast Avatar Uploading
  15. Conclusion


In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of uploading a VRChat avatar in the Unity game engine. Whether You are a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide has got you covered. It is packed with straightforward explanations and time-stamped topics to ensure easy understanding. Even if you are familiar with some of the concepts, it is recommended to go through the entire guide to grasp the full picture of how each part works together. Let's dive in!

Essential Vocabulary

Before diving into the uploading process, let's familiarize ourselves with some essential vocabulary related to VRChat avatar creation. Understanding these terms will make the subsequent steps much easier. Here are the key terms:

  1. FBX and VRM Formats
  2. Meshes and Polygons
  3. Bones and Armature
  4. Blend Shapes and Visemes
  5. Textures and UV Maps
  6. Shaders and Materials
  7. Unity Packages and Prefabs

Now that we have a basic understanding of these terms, let's move on to setting up the VRChat Creator Companion.

Setting Up the VRChat Creator Companion

The VRChat Creator Companion is a powerful tool that helps organize and update your VRChat projects. It works seamlessly with Unity, the game engine on which VRChat runs. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your VRChat account is not too new. You need to spend some time playing on an official VRChat account (not Steam or Meta) to gain the new user rank, which allows you to upload content.
  2. Download Unity, the game engine that powers VRChat. VRChat will prompt you to download the specific version of Unity it currently uses.
  3. Install the correct version of Unity, making sure to add Quest support if needed.
  4. Open the VRChat Creator Companion and Create a new project using the Avatar template.
  5. Download and install the Relevant Unity packages intended for Avatar creation.

With the VRChat Creator Companion set up, We Are ready to move forward with uploading the model in Unity.

Uploading the Model in Unity

To start the uploading process, we need to import the model into Unity. Follow these steps:

  1. Drag the model file (FBX format) into the Assets folder in Unity's Hierarchy panel.
  2. Ensure that Unity recognizes the model correctly by marking it as humanoid in the Inspector menu.
  3. Check the configuration of the model's bones and fix any issues that may arise.
  4. Add textures and materials to the model, taking into account the specific requirements of each Shader.
  5. Create materials for each texture, selecting the appropriate Shader (e.g., Poiyomi Shader for advanced effects).
  6. Assign the materials to the corresponding parts of the model's mesh.
  7. Import any additional packages or dependencies required by the model's prefab.

With the model set up in Unity, we can move on to preparing the model with textures and materials.

Preparing the Model with Textures and Materials

The visual appearance of a VRChat avatar heavily relies on textures and materials. Here's how to prepare the model with textures and materials:

  1. Create separate folders for textures and materials to organize your assets effectively.
  2. Drag and drop the textures from your computer into the texture folder.
  3. Create materials for the model using the appropriate Shader (e.g., Poiyomi Shader).
  4. Import any additional Shader packages required for advanced effects.
  5. Set up the materials by assigning the correct textures and adjusting settings as needed.
  6. Apply the materials to the respective parts of the model's mesh.

By following these steps, the model will be ready with textures and materials. Now, let's Delve deeper into working with shaders.

Working with Shaders

Shaders play a crucial role in controlling lighting and visual effects in VRChat avatars. Here's what you need to know about working with shaders:

  1. Understand the different types of shaders available, such as Poiyomi Shader and Little tune Shader.
  2. Download the latest version of the shader Package you intend to use and import it into Unity.
  3. Select the shader from the material inspector and adjust its settings according to your preferences.
  4. Experiment with shader features like masking and emission to achieve desired effects.
  5. Familiarize yourself with texture editing using software like Photoshop to create custom textures if needed.
  6. Take AdVantage of normal maps to add visual depth to your avatar's textures.
  7. Note that shader support is limited in Quest compatibility, and using only built-in shaders is necessary.

With a solid understanding of shaders, let's move on to adding fizz bones for movement in our avatar.

Adding Fizz Bones for Movement

Fizz bones allow for dynamic movement and interactivity in VRChat avatars. Follow these steps to add fizz bones:

  1. Open the Armature tab and select the bone you want to add physics to.
  2. Add the "Fizbone" component to the bone by dragging it in as the root.
  3. Adjust the settings of the fizz bone to control the movement behavior.
  4. If necessary, add colliders to prevent fizz bones from clipping through other parts of the avatar.

By incorporating fizz bones, you can add lifelike movement to your avatar. In the next section, we'll focus on creating facial animations and gestures.

Creating Facial Animations and Gestures

Facial animations and gestures bring avatars to life in VRChat. Here's how you can create them:

  1. Open the Animation window in Unity and position it for convenience.
  2. Select the body mesh of the model where the blend shapes are located.
  3. Create animations by recording the changes in blend Shape values to represent different facial expressions.
  4. Use the Animation window to switch between animations and preview them.
  5. Customize the animations Based on your desired facial expressions and gestures.

Adding facial animations and gestures enhances the expressiveness of your avatar. Now, let's explore playable layers in more Detail.

Understanding Playable Layers

Playable layers are a powerful tool for organizing and controlling different aspects of VRChat avatars. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Access the Animator window in Unity to view and manage playable layers.
  2. Duplicate an existing layer, such as the hands layer, and rename it for convenience.
  3. Match the animations to gestures in the FX layer or a specific HAND for better control.
  4. Configure each animation in the layer to correspond with desired gestures or expressions.
  5. Consider assigning all gestures to one hand for easier control and consistency.

Playable layers provide flexibility and control over avatar animations and gestures. Now, let's move on to configuring the Avatar Descriptor.

Configuring the Avatar Descriptor

The Avatar Descriptor is a vital component that defines the behavior and appearance of the VRChat avatar. Follow these steps to configure it:

  1. Add the Avatar Descriptor as a component to the overall object in the Unity hierarchy.
  2. Adjust the viewpoint to match the position of your real-life headset in the game.
  3. Set up eye look bones and their movement ranges to simulate realistic eye movements.
  4. Fine-tune settings for Blink, eye look up, and eye look down.
  5. Assign face expression animations and gestures created previously to the avatar descriptor.
  6. Configure other settings related to pose space, lip sync, eye tracking, and Quest compatibility.

By carefully configuring the Avatar Descriptor, you can ensure your avatar behaves and looks as intended. In the next section, we'll explore the process of uploading and testing the avatar.

Uploading and Testing the Avatar

Once the avatar is fully prepared in Unity, it's time to upload it to VRChat and test it. Here's how:

  1. Open the SDK tab in Unity and address any errors that may appear.
  2. Hit the "Autofix" option to automatically resolve common errors.
  3. Test the avatar within VRChat by either finding it in the VRChat client or using the VRChat SDK menu.
  4. Verify that the avatar behaves as expected and looks as intended in the VRChat environment.

Testing the avatar ensures that everything is functioning correctly before sharing it with others. In the following section, we'll discuss Quest compatibility for avatars.

Quest Compatibility for Avatars

If you want your avatar to be compatible with VRChat's Quest platform, you'll need to make a separate optimized version. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Create a duplicate or separate version of the avatar's model.
  2. Use optimization techniques and follow the optimization requirements provided by VRChat for Quest avatars.
  3. Ensure that only built-in shaders (listed under mobile shaders) are used, as custom shaders are not supported.
  4. Make necessary adjustments to the model and materials to meet Quest compatibility criteria.

By following these steps, you can ensure your avatar is optimized for Quest performance. Let's now explore converting VRM models to FBX format.

Converting VRM Models to FBX

VRM models, including VRoids, are popular formats for VTubers. To use these models in Unity, they need to be converted to FBX format. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the VRM for VRChat converter, available on the VRM booth Website.
  2. Import the VRM model into Unity by dragging it into the Unity editor.
  3. Use the VRM to FBX converter tool to convert the VRM model to FBX format.
  4. Check the converted model and make any necessary modifications for VRChat compatibility.

Converting VRM models to FBX allows you to use them in VRChat and take advantage of its features. Lastly, let's explore a quick and efficient process for avatar uploading.

The 15-Second Boost: Fast Avatar Uploading

If you need to upload an avatar quickly, use this time-saving method. Follow these steps for a Speedy upload:

  1. Import the relevant Shader packages and dependencies.
  2. Drag in the prefab file that contains the pre-set configurations for your avatar.
  3. Check the Avatar Descriptor to ensure no errors or inconsistencies.
  4. Open the uploader and address any errors that may appear.
  5. Complete the uploading process following the provided instructions.

This fast avatar uploading method is ideal for experienced users who want a quick turnaround time. In conclusion, we've covered all the essential steps involved in uploading a VRChat avatar.


Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide on uploading a VRChat avatar in the Unity game engine. We've covered essential vocabulary, setting up the VRChat Creator Companion, uploading the model, preparing textures and materials, working with shaders, adding fizz bones, creating facial animations and gestures, understanding playable layers, configuring the Avatar Descriptor, testing the avatar, ensuring Quest compatibility, converting VRM models to FBX, and a fast uploading method. By following these steps and concepts, you can create and upload your own unique avatars to the VRChat community. Enjoy your VRChat adventures!

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