Uncovering Bias in AI: Hypodescent in Visual Semantic

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Uncovering Bias in AI: Hypodescent in Visual Semantic

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on Hypodescent and Visual Semantic AI
  3. The CLIP Model
    • Architecture of CLIP
    • Training of CLIP
  4. Hypodescent: Definition and Significance
  5. Prior Research on Hypodescent
  6. Replicating Hypodescent in AI
    • Data Sources and Experiment Design
    • Results of the Experiment
  7. Encoding of White as Default Race in CLIP
    • Cosine Similarity Analysis
    • Associations with Person and White Text Prompts
    • Valence Bias
  8. Implications of Hypodescent in Visual Semantic AI
    • Transfer of Biases to Other AI Models
    • Influence on Human Perception
  9. Limitations of the Research
  10. Future Directions
    • Mitigating Hypodescent in AI
    • Expansion of Research to Other Embedding Spaces
    • Addressing Hypodescent in Downstream Tasks
  11. Conclusion
  12. Contact Information
  13. References

Article: Hypodescent and Visual Semantic AI: Investigating Bias in the CLIP Model

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool for image recognition, language processing, and various other tasks. However, concerns have been raised about the potential biases embedded in AI systems, particularly in relation to race and ethnicity. This article explores the phenomenon of hypodescent in the Context of visual semantic AI, with a specific focus on the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model. By analyzing the associations made by CLIP between images and text prompts, we aim to shed light on the presence and implications of bias in AI.


The field of AI has made significant advancements in recent years, largely driven by the development of deep learning models. CLIP is one such model that has shown remarkable performance in a wide range of tasks. However, there is growing concern about the biases that may be ingrained within these models, specifically regarding race and ethnicity. This article aims to investigate the existence of hypodescent, the association of multiracial individuals with a disadvantaged race or ethnicity, in CLIP and its implications for AI and society.

Background on Hypodescent and Visual Semantic AI

Hypodescent refers to the categorization of multiracial individuals with a disadvantaged race or ethnicity, perpetuating racial boundaries. This concept has historical roots in the expansion of slavery and the enforcement of racial hierarchy. In the context of AI, hypodescent raises important questions about the biases present in these models and their impact on various applications. To explore hypodescent in AI, we turn our Attention to the CLIP model, which combines a language model with an image encoder to associate images with text Captions.

The CLIP Model

CLIP jointly trains a language model and an image encoder, using cosine similarity to pair images with their corresponding text captions. The text encoder of CLIP adopts the architecture of GPT-2, which predicts the next word in a sequence. This generates contextualized word embeddings that form predictions for the next word. CLIP also learns image embeddings using a vision transformer or ResNet and maps them to the joint visual semantic embedding space. In this space, cosine similarity is used to rank, retrieve, and classify images.

Hypodescent: Definition and Significance

Hypodescent is a phenomenon rooted in human psychology, wherein individuals associate multiracial individuals with a disadvantaged race or ethnicity. This preference for group-Based hierarchy has been observed in various experiments. The existence of hypodescent in AI models such as CLIP is a cause for concern, as it perpetuates racial boundaries despite changing demographics and social structures. Studying and understanding hypodescent in AI is crucial for addressing bias and promoting fairness in AI systems.

Prior Research on Hypodescent

To establish a basis for our investigation, we Delve into prior research on hypodescent. In psychology experiments, images of individuals who self-identify as Asian, Black, or Latino were morphed into images of White individuals. These experiments consistently showed evidence of hypodescent, with participants associating the central image with Asian or Black rather than with White. Building on this research, our study aims to replicate these findings in the context of AI using the CLIP model.

Replicating Hypodescent in AI

To replicate the phenomenon of hypodescent in AI, we utilized the Chicago Face Database, which contains images of individuals who self-identify as Asian, Black, Latino, and White. Following a similar experimental design, we used StyleGAN2 to generate Morph series of Asian, Black, or Latino individuals morphing into images of White individuals. By analyzing the associations made by CLIP between these images and text prompts, we can determine if the model exhibits hypodescent.

Results of the Experiment

The results of our experiment provide strong evidence for hypodescent in CLIP. We found that the majority of images in the morph series were associated with the minority race or ethnicity rather than with White. This effect was particularly significant for images of women, indicating a primary effect for women in the context of hypodescent. The Asian-White female series exhibited the highest association with Asian at the middle step of the morph series, followed by the Latino-White female series and the Black-White male series.

Encoding of White as Default Race in CLIP

In addition to exploring hypodescent, we investigated how CLIP encodes race and ethnicity, specifically focusing on the idea of white as a default race. By analyzing the cosine similarity between images and prompts with race or ethnicity omitted, we found that CLIP associates images more strongly with the white text prompt than with any other race or ethnicity. This suggests that white is encoded as a default race in CLIP, with other races and ethnicities defined based on their deviation from the white default.

Valence Bias in CLIP

We further examined valence bias in CLIP by measuring the differential association of images with words denoting pleasantness and unpleasantness. Our findings indicated that CLIP exhibits valence bias, associating white individuals with pleasantness and black individuals with unpleasantness. Notably, this bias extends to images of multiracial individuals, which are more similar to images of black individuals. The magnitude of bias also correlated with the association with black, highlighting the pervasive nature of bias in CLIP.

Implications of Hypodescent in Visual Semantic AI

The presence of hypodescent and other biases in CLIP has far-reaching implications for AI and society. Models that utilize the CLIP embedding space are susceptible to inheriting these biases. For example, generative image models like DALL·E may overrepresent white individuals in the images they generate due to the white default encoded in CLIP. Furthermore, the associations made by models like CLIP can influence how humans perceive others, potentially reinforcing stereotypes and unequal treatment.

Limitations of the Research

While our research sheds light on the presence of bias in CLIP, there are certain limitations to consider. Firstly, we only assessed the most commonly used CLIP model, which limits the generalizability of our findings to other models. Additionally, GANs used in generating images may introduce their own biases, such as lightening skin tones or generating lower quality images for underrepresented individuals. It is imperative to address these limitations and expand research to encompass a broader range of AI models and applications.

Future Directions

Moving forward, it is crucial to address and mitigate hypodescent and other biases in AI systems. Future research should explore the causes of hypodescent in visual semantic AI and develop strategies to overcome it. Additionally, expanding this line of inquiry to other visual semantic embedding spaces and examining biases in downstream language and image tasks can provide a more holistic understanding of the problem. By taking these steps, we can work towards building fairer and more unbiased AI systems.


In conclusion, our research highlights the existence of hypodescent and bias in the CLIP model. The model associates multiracial individuals based on a rule of hypodescent, with women being particularly affected. CLIP also encodes white as a default race and exhibits valence bias, associating white individuals with pleasantness and black individuals with unpleasantness. These biases have implications for AI applications and the perception of individuals in society. By addressing these biases, we can strive towards a more equitable and inclusive AI ecosystem.

Contact Information

For further inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please reach out to:

  • Dr. Mazarine Banaji: m.banaji@example.com
  • Dr. Eileen Kaliski: e.kaliski@example.com


[List of references]

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