Unforgettable Moments: Pope Francis' Top 10 Highlights

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Unforgettable Moments: Pope Francis' Top 10 Highlights

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Historic Election
  3. First Interview as Pope
  4. Important Papal Documents
  5. First Appearance Outside of Rome
  6. Papal Record on LGBT Issues
  7. The Laudato C Encyclical
  8. The Synodality of the Catholic Church
  9. International Travel and Apologies
  10. Inter-Religious Dialogue
  11. Restriction of the Traditional Latin Mass
  12. Conclusion



In just 10 years, Pope Francis has had a world-changing papacy, marked by viral moments, global travel, and groundbreaking papal documents. He has made a profound impact not only on the Catholic Church but also on the world. To commemorate Francis's 10th anniversary, America's editors have chosen the top 10 most influential moments of his papacy so far. Let's dive into these moments and explore the lasting impact they have had.

Historic Election

Number one on the list is Pope Francis's historic election. When he stepped out onto the Saint Peter's Basilica balcony in March 2013, he was a wild card, not the pick many commentators were predicting. He was the first Jesuit Pope, the first Latin American Pope, and the first Pope from the global South. His choice of the name Francis, inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, signaled his style and priorities of simplicity, peace, care for the poor, and care for the planet.

First Interview as Pope

Pope Francis's first interview as Pope holds a special place in his papacy. He gave this interview to a group of Jesuit journals from around the world, including America, under the headline "A Big Heart Opened to God." The conversation covered a wide range of topics, revealing his personal thoughts and beliefs. From discussing why he joined the Jesuits to sharing his favorite books and movies, Pope Francis showed a more informal and personal side. This interview inaugurated a new form of papal communication, setting the tone for a more open and transparent papacy.

Important Papal Documents

Pope Francis has released two important papal documents that have had a significant impact on the Catholic Church. The first is "Evangelii Gaudium" (The Joy of the Gospel), in which he calls for a church that is poor and for the poor. He emphasizes the importance of being a church that goes out to the streets and cares for those on the margins. The Second document is "Evangelium" (The Reformation of the Roman Curia), which focuses on the reform of the Vatican's bureaucracy. It introduces significant changes, such as allowing laypeople to hold governing roles in the church and decentralizing church government for a more synodal approach.

First Appearance Outside of Rome

For his first appearance outside of Rome, Pope Francis chose a surprising location: Lampedusa, a small Italian island off the coast of North Africa. The island has been a landing point for thousands of migrants seeking asylum and a place where many have lost their lives. Pope Francis used this opportunity to highlight the responsibility of those in power and the collective indifference to the suffering of migrants and refugees. This visit set the tone for his papacy, emphasizing the church's commitment to caring for the most vulnerable.

Papal Record on LGBT Issues

Pope Francis's papal record on LGBT issues has been marked by a different kind of dialogue. In response to a question about gay priests, he famously said, "Who am I to judge?" This statement sparked a more compassionate and accepting approach toward LGBT Catholics. Pope Francis believes in accepting gay people with respect, compassion, and sensitivity, aligning with the official catechism of the Catholic Church. His leadership focuses on seeing each individual as a human being deserving of love and understanding, regardless of their sexual orientation.

The Laudato C Encyclical

Pope Francis brought a spiritual perspective and a social justice lens to the climate crisis with his 2015 encyclical, "Laudato Si." He highlights the moral responsibility of the Catholic Church to work with modern science and protect the planet for future generations. Pope Francis calls for an ecological conversion, urging individuals to change their hearts and minds and prioritize solidarity with creation. This encyclical serves as a blueprint for his commitment to caring for the environment and addressing environmental issues.

The Synodality of the Catholic Church

Under Pope Francis's leadership, the concept of synodality has become central to the Catholic Church's future. Synodality is about listening to a wide range of voices and experiences within the church to find unity in diversity. Pope Francis has reformed the structure and procedures of the Synod of Bishops, allowing the whole Church to participate and contribute. This model has sparked contentious debates about various issues among Catholics and promotes a more inclusive and collaborative approach to decision-making within the Church.

International Travel and Apologies

Pope Francis has made international travel a hallmark of his papacy, using it as an opportunity to meet people where they are and apologize for the Church's past wrongdoings. One notable visit was his trip to Canada in the summer of 2022, where he apologized on behalf of the Catholic Church for its role in the abuse and forced assimilation of Indigenous people in the country's residential school system. This visit was a powerful moment of reconciliation and demonstrated Pope Francis's commitment to acknowledging and atoning for the Church's mistakes.

Inter-Religious Dialogue

Pope Francis believes that world religions must build the future together. His friendship with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, has exemplified the productivity and beauty of inter-religious dialogue. Together, they signed the document "Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" in 2019, emphasizing the common ground between Catholicism and Islam. Pope Francis highlights the shared belief that all human beings are created by God and are called to live together as brothers and sisters. This commitment to inter-religious understanding and cooperation fosters peace and harmony among different faith communities.

Restriction of the Traditional Latin Mass

One of the most contentious decisions of Pope Francis's papacy has been the restriction of the traditional Latin mass. In a decree titled "Traditionis Custodes," Pope Francis overturned the policies of Pope Benedict XVI, effectively suppressing the celebration of the traditional Latin mass. The Pope explained that the celebration of the traditional mass in many places was linked to a rejection of Vatican II's reforms, posing a threat to the church's unity. This decision garnered criticism and caused pain among those drawn to the traditional mass.


In just 10 years, Pope Francis has left a lasting mark on the Catholic Church and the world. His papacy has been defined by historic moments, personal interviews, important papal documents, and a commitment to caring for the poor, the marginalized, and the environment. Pope Francis has fostered inter-religious dialogue, traveled internationally, and apologized for past wrongdoings. While his decisions have not been without controversy, there is no denying the transformative impact he has had on the Catholic Church and beyond.


  • Pope Francis's historic election as the first Jesuit Pope from the global South
  • His first informal interview as Pope, revealing personal thoughts and beliefs
  • The release of important papal documents, emphasizing care for the poor and reforming the Vatican's bureaucracy
  • His visit to Lampedusa, highlighting the suffering of migrants and refugees
  • Pope Francis's compassionate stance on LGBT issues, promoting acceptance and understanding
  • The publication of the "Laudato Si" encyclical, addressing the climate crisis
  • The promotion of synodality, involving the entire Church in decision-making
  • International travel and apologies, demonstrating a commitment to reconciliation
  • Inter-religious dialogue and cooperation with other faith communities
  • The restriction of the traditional Latin mass, sparking controversy and division


Q: How has Pope Francis's papacy impacted the Catholic Church and the world? A: Pope Francis's papacy has profoundly influenced the Catholic Church and the world through historic moments, important papal documents, and a focus on care for the poor and the environment. He has fostered inter-religious dialogue, traveled internationally, and sought reconciliation.

Q: What is synodality, and why is it important in Pope Francis's papacy? A: Synodality is the idea of involving a wide range of voices and experiences within the Church to find unity in diversity. Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of listening and collaboration, allowing the whole Church to participate in decision-making.

Q: How has Pope Francis addressed LGBT issues within the Catholic Church? A: Pope Francis has adopted a compassionate and accepting approach towards LGBT Catholics. He believes in respecting and accepting gay individuals and highlights the importance of love and understanding for all human beings.

Q: What is the significance of Pope Francis's encyclical "Laudato Si"? A: "Laudato Si" is a call for action on the climate crisis from a spiritual and social justice perspective. Pope Francis emphasizes the moral responsibility of the Catholic Church to protect the planet and care for the most vulnerable. He advocates for an ecological conversion to change hearts and minds.

Q: Why has the restriction of the traditional Latin mass been controversial? A: The restriction of the traditional Latin mass has caused division within the Catholic Church. Some Catholics feel a strong attachment to the traditional mass, and they believe that Pope Francis's decision suppresses an important part of their faith and undermines unity within the Church.

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