Unique Gifts to Honour Your Guru on Guru Purnima!

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Unique Gifts to Honour Your Guru on Guru Purnima!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The True Meaning of Guru Poornima
  3. The Various Classes of Surrender
  4. Grades and Classifications in the World
  5. The Importance of Complete Surrender
  6. Examples of Complete Surrender in Scriptures
  7. The Significance of Surrendering the Mind
  8. Misconceptions about Surrender
  9. Surrendering the Intellect to the Guru
  10. Uniting the Intellect with the Guru's Intellect
  11. Surrendering in Various Aspects of Life
  12. The Consequences of Deceiving God and Guru
  13. Surrendering for Complete Grace
  14. Attaining the Divine Goal through Surrender
  15. Conclusion


Guru Poornima, an auspicious occasion, is approaching. It is a time when individuals strive to understand and experience the true meaning of surrender. Surrender is an act of complete submission to a God-realized Saint, and it is essential to understand the various classes and levels of surrender. In this article, we will Delve into the significance of Guru Poornima and explore the depth of surrender in different aspects of life.

The True Meaning of Guru Poornima

Guru Poornima holds a profound significance in the spiritual realm. At its Core, it represents the surrender of an individual's soul to a Saint who has attained God-realization. This surrender is not merely a superficial act, but a complete submission of mind, body, and intellect to the Guru. Only through this surrender can one truly celebrate Guru Poornima in its true Sense and embark on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

The Various Classes of Surrender

Just as there are different classes and grades in various aspects of life, surrender also comes in different forms. It is important to understand the nuances and depth of surrender to fully grasp its significance. From the education system with its grades and classifications, to the various levels of sweetness in desserts, surrender permeates through different facets of life. By exploring these different classes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the surrender required for Guru Poornima.

Grades and Classifications in the World

In the world, grades and classifications are omnipresent. From the education system to the ranks in various professions, the concept of categorizing things Based on their quality and level is prevalent. Observing these grades and classifications can help us comprehend the importance of surrender in our spiritual Journey. Just as a higher grade denotes a higher level of expertise, complete surrender is essential for attaining spiritual enlightenment.

The Importance of Complete Surrender

Complete surrender is the key to celebrating Guru Poornima in its true essence. The Taittiriyopanishad of the Vedas mentions that even a slight distance between the surrendering soul and the Guru negates the act of complete surrender. This analogy is beautifully depicted through the example of a touchstone and a piece of iron. For the iron to turn into gold, it must surrender completely to the touchstone. Similarly, true surrender requires the surrendering soul to let go of any distance or hesitation.

Examples of Complete Surrender in Scriptures

The scriptures are replete with instances that shed light on the significance of complete surrender. Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, held her sari between her teeth and surrendered to Lord Krishna for help. However, her surrender was incomplete as her mind was still attached to the material world. The Bhagavad Gita also exemplifies the importance of complete surrender through the conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Arjuna addresses Krishna as his Guru and surrenders completely, acknowledging his role as a disciple. These examples provide valuable insights into the essence of surrender.

The Significance of Surrendering the Mind

While surrendering the body is vital, surrendering the mind holds even greater importance. Mere physical prostration without surrendering the mind is considered fraudulent. It is essential to Align the mind with the Guru's teachings and relinquish worldly attachments. The surrender of the mind signifies complete surrender and paves the way for spiritual growth and realization.

Misconceptions about Surrender

Some individuals harbor misconceptions about surrender, which can hinder their spiritual progress. It is crucial to address these misconceptions and clarify the true essence of surrender. One such misconception is the physical relationship between the surrendering soul and the Guru. The value lies not in the physical connection but in the Guru's realization and spiritual enlightenment. By dispelling these misconceptions, one can truly embrace the path of surrender.

Surrendering the Intellect to the Guru

Surrender is not limited to the physical and mental aspects but extends to the intellect as well. The intellect is often seen as a hindrance in the path of surrender, as individuals tend to rely on their own reasoning and logic. Surrendering the intellect involves setting aside one's own understanding and accepting the guidance and wisdom of the Guru. This surrender allows the Guru's intellect to guide and Shape the disciple, leading to profound spiritual growth.

Uniting the Intellect with the Guru's Intellect

To fully embody the essence of surrender, it is essential to unite the intellect with the Guru's intellect. This unity requires complete surrender of one's own intellect and a deep trust in the Guru's wisdom. An analogy can be drawn from the relationship between an illiterate criminal and his lawyer. The criminal does not rely on his own intellect but unites it with the intellect of his lawyer, obeying their guidance and instructions. Similarly, surrendering the intellect to the Guru means aligning one's thoughts and actions with the wisdom of the Guru.

Surrendering in Various Aspects of Life

Surrender is not limited to the spiritual realm alone but holds relevance in every aspect of life. Just like one surrenders their money to a bank teller through a small window, surrendering the mind and intellect plays a crucial role in achieving goals and attaining success. Surrendering to the expertise and guidance of others in different spheres of life yields positive results and helps in personal growth. Surrendering in all aspects of life cultivates humility and openness to learning.

The Consequences of Deceiving God and Guru

Incomplete surrender or deceitful surrender to God and Guru has severe consequences. The Geeta emphasizes the importance of surrendering completely to God, rather than just prostrating the body while the mind remains attached to the material world. Deceiving God and Guru by only displaying external signs of surrender leads to a lack of spiritual growth and realization. It is crucial to embrace sincere and complete surrender to reap the benefits of divine grace and guidance.

Surrendering for Complete Grace

To receive complete grace from the Guru and God, one must surrender completely. The depth of surrender directly correlates with the extent of divine grace bestowed upon the individual. If partial grace is desired, the surrender will be partial, but for those seeking the full extent of divine grace, complete surrender is essential. Surrendering both past and future sins, the individual places their complete trust in the Guru and is liberated from the cycle of wrongdoing.

Attaining the Divine Goal through Surrender

The ultimate purpose of celebrating Guru Poornima and surrendering completely is to attain the divine goal. The soul, through complete surrender to a Saint beyond worldly illusions, finds contentment and realizes its true nature – as one with God. With complete surrender, the soul experiences spiritual enlightenment and transcends the limitations of the mortal world.


Guru Poornima offers an opportunity to explore the depths of surrender and the true meaning it holds in one's spiritual journey. By understanding the various classes of surrender and debunking misconceptions, individuals can embark on a path of complete surrender. Surrendering the mind, intellect, and aligning them with the Guru's wisdom form the foundation for profound spiritual growth and realization. As one surrenders completely, the soul uncovers its divine potential and attains the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment.

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