Unleash AI Power: Integrating GPT-3 with Softr

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Unleash AI Power: Integrating GPT-3 with Softr

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Microsoft Application with GPT-3
  3. Setting up Soften and the Output Example
  4. Building a Simple Landing Page
  5. Logging In and the Home Page
  6. Prompt and Call to Action for Generating Interview Questions
  7. Connecting with Airtable and the Workflow
  8. Setting Up Make Automation Platform
  9. Custom Web Hook for Listening to Soften
  10. Generating Interview Questions with Open AI
  11. Using Airtable to Create New Records
  12. Getting Started with Soften
  13. Creating a New Application
  14. Connecting Airtable and Pre-Built Pages
  15. Adjustments to the Template
  16. Adding Screens for Logged-in Users
  17. Implementing the Generate Page and Form
  18. Configuring the Make Integration
  19. Adjusting the Form and Sending Test Data
  20. Creating the Completion and Completions Page
  21. Setting Up Airtable Base and Columns
  22. Configuring the List Page and Dynamic Blocks
  23. Filtering the List for Logged-in Users
  24. Tying it All Together with Make and Open AI
  25. Publishing and Testing the Application

How to Create a Microsoft Application Using GPT-3 and Soften

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Microsoft application that utilizes GPT-3. We will accomplish this by using a tool called Soften. I will provide an example of the output to give You an idea of what we will achieve. The application we will build is a simple landing page with a login feature. Users will need to complete a form, providing their email, genre, and the number of interview questions they want to generate. After submitting the form, the application will perform complex actions in the background and generate a prompt and three interview questions from Open AI. The data will be stored in an Airtable database, and the entire workflow will be orchestrated using Make, an automation platform.


In this tutorial, we will explore the process of creating a Microsoft application that leverages the power of GPT-3. By utilizing Soften, an intuitive tool, we will be able to streamline the development process and achieve impressive results.

Creating a Microsoft Application with GPT-3

To begin, we need to create a Microsoft application that integrates with GPT-3. This process will involve setting up Soften, an essential tool for our development. With Soften, we will be able to connect our application to the necessary resources and optimize its functionality.

Setting up Soften and the Output Example

Before diving into the development process, we first need to set up Soften and explore an example of the application's output. By understanding the end result, we can better comprehend the steps required to achieve it.

Building a Simple Landing Page

Our application will start with a simple landing page where users can access the login feature. This landing page serves as a template, and you have the option to add complexity to it as per your requirements.

Logging In and the Home Page

Once users log in, they will be directed to a home page customized to their login status. On this page, users will find a prompt or call to action that Prompts them to generate interview questions.

Prompt and Call to Action for Generating Interview Questions

To generate interview questions for podcasters, users need to complete a form. They will input their email, select a genre, and specify the number of questions they want to generate. Upon clicking "Submit," the application will perform complex actions in the background to generate a prompt and three questions.

Connecting with Airtable and the Workflow

In the background, our application will leverage Airtable, a cloud-Based database service, to store and manage data. We will establish a connection between our application and Airtable, allowing for seamless data transfer.

Setting Up Make Automation Platform

To streamline the integration between our application components, we will use Make, an automation platform. Make enables efficient connection between different applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Custom Web Hook for Listening to Soften

Make utilizes a custom web hook to listen to incoming data from Soften. We will configure this web hook to ensure smooth communication between the two platforms.

Generating Interview Questions with Open AI

To generate interview questions using GPT-3 technology, we will leverage Open AI. We will explore the necessary steps for interfacing with Open AI and fetching the desired output.

Using Airtable to Create New Records

To store the generated interview questions and associated data, we will utilize Airtable's capabilities. We will create a new table in Airtable and learn how to add records to it based on the user's inputs.

Getting Started with Soften

Before we proceed further, let's get acquainted with Soften. We will begin by creating a free account and exploring the diverse features it offers.

Creating a New Application

After logging into Soften, we will create a new application within the platform. Soften provides various application templates to choose from, and we will select the blank application template for our project.

Connecting Airtable and Pre-Built Pages

To establish connectivity between Soften and Airtable, we will connect Soften to our Airtable account by providing the necessary API key. Once connected, Soften will generate pre-built pages, which we can customize according to our needs.

Adjustments to the Template

To streamline the development process and reduce clutter, we will make slight adjustments to the pre-built template provided by Soften. These adjustments will ensure that our application remains simple and focused on generating interview questions.

Adding Screens for Logged-in Users

To create a personalized experience for logged-in users, we will add a new screen or page to our application. This screen will serve as the homepage for logged-in users.

Implementing the Generate Page and Form

The most critical functionality of our application lies in the generat

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