Unleash the Power of AI with ChatGPT - Empower Your Automation with Genta

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Unleash the Power of AI with ChatGPT - Empower Your Automation with Genta

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Chat DPT
  3. How to Open Genter Desktop
  4. Prompting Automation with English Words
  5. Extracting Data from Invoices
  6. Using AI in Genta for Extraction
  7. Structured and Scanned Invoices
  8. Extracting Invoice Number, Date, and Total
  9. Structured Differences in Invoices
  10. Introduction to Genta's Document Intelligence
  11. Extracting Data without Model Training
  12. Testing and Extracting PDF Invoices
  13. Automating Prompt-Based Automation with Genter
  14. Advanced Prompt-Based Automation Script
  15. Creating an Excel File and Web-based Automation Workflow
  16. Filling NPI Number on Website and Checking Status
  17. Error Handling and Checking Validity
  18. Saving Status in Excel and Writing Results
  19. Advanced Features in Genta
  20. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the world of chatbot-based automation using Genter. We will learn how to effectively use the Genter desktop and prompt automation using English words. Additionally, we will dive into the complexities of extracting data from invoices, both structured and scanned, and leverage the power of Genta's built-in AI for extraction. We will also discuss the benefits of Genta's document intelligence and its ability to extract data without prior model training. Moreover, we will explore prompt-based automation with Genter and Create an advanced script for Excel and web-based automation workflows. Finally, we will take a look at some of the advanced features offered by Genta and conclude with a summary of the concepts covered.

Getting Started with Chat DPT

Before diving into the specifics of automation using Genta, it is essential to understand the basics of chat DPT (Dialog Prompt Task). This approach allows us to communicate our automation requirements using regular English words, simplifying the automation process and eliminating the need for extensive coding knowledge. By leveraging chat DPT, we can Interact with Genta using our own words, making automation more intuitive and accessible.

To begin, open up Genter, the platform that provides a streamlined interface for developing and managing chatbot automation. Once opened, navigate to the Genter desktop, where You will find a window that enables automation using prompt-based conversation. In this window, you can prompt Genta by simply typing in your desired automation tasks using everyday English words.

Prompting Automation with English Words

Let's dive into the practical application of prompt-based automation using Genta. Suppose we want to perform advanced invoice extraction from PDF files into an Excel format. To achieve this, all we need to do is write a prompt in the Genter desktop window, specifying the desired automation task. For example, we can prompt Genta with the following instruction: "Extract invoice number, date, and total from PDF invoices in this folder."

By providing clear instructions using English words, Genta can process and understand our requirements. This eliminates the need for complex coding and scripting, simplifying the automation process significantly. Once we have entered the prompt, Genta will proceed to open each invoice in the specified folder and extract the required information. It is worth noting that the invoices can be both structured and scanned, as Genta's built-in AI capabilities can handle both types effectively.

Extracting Data from Invoices

Extracting data from invoices is a common challenge faced by automation developers. Traditionally, extracting information from scanned invoices has proven to be particularly difficult. However, with the power of Genta, we can overcome this challenge effortlessly. Let's take a closer look at how Genta enables extraction from both structured and scanned invoices.

When prompted to extract data from invoices, Genta utilizes its built-in AI to analyze the content. This AI-powered approach ensures that we don't have to rely on pre-trained models or spend time training Genta specifically for our document types. Genta's document intelligence seamlessly processes and extracts the desired data from any invoice, regardless of the language used.

To demonstrate this capability, let's consider a collection of invoices stored in a folder. We Prompt Genta with the specific extraction requirements, such as extracting the invoice number, date, and total for each invoice. Even though the invoices may have different structures, Genta's AI can handle the variations by leveraging its language processing capabilities. This means that the extraction process remains consistent, regardless of the invoice structure or language used.

Using AI in Genta for Extraction

Genta's AI-driven approach to extraction proves to be highly effective in handling even the most challenging scenarios. It takes the complexity out of extracting data from invoices, ensuring accurate and reliable results. By utilizing only English words to interact with Genta, the automation process becomes more intuitive and user-friendly.

Let's close all the previously opened invoice tabs and write a new prompt to Continue our demonstration. The prompt we will create is as follows: "Prompt me for a folder path to PDF invoices." By providing this prompt, Genta will request the path to the folder containing the invoices for extraction. We can proceed by entering the desired path, ensuring that the invoices we want to extract data from are located in the specified folder.

In addition to the folder path, we can also specify the columns we want in the Excel file, which will be created to store the extracted data. For example, we can prompt Genta with the following instruction: "Create an Excel file with columns: file path, invoice date, invoice number, and total amount." Feel free to add more columns or customize the requirements based on your specific needs. Genta can handle a variety of Data Extraction requests, allowing for flexibility and customization.

Once we have specified the folder path and the desired columns for extraction, Genta will proceed to automate the extraction process for each invoice. Using its built-in AI capabilities, Genta will extract the specified data and compile it into an Excel file. The extracted data can be stored in the specified columns, making it easy to track and analyze the information.

Structured and Scanned Invoices

One of the notable challenges in data extraction is dealing with the variations in invoice structures. Each invoice may have a distinct layout, making it difficult to extract consistent data. However, Genta’s AI-powered document intelligence can successfully handle these structured and scanned invoices, ensuring accurate extraction every time.

Let's consider the collection of invoices we have been working with. Take a moment to observe the invoice documents, noting their varying structures. Despite the differences, Genta can effectively extract the desired data from each invoice. This showcases the robustness and flexibility of Genta's AI algorithms, which can handle even the most complex invoicing formats.

For example, let's examine the P FedEx invoice. This particular invoice is scanned and presents a greater challenge for extraction. However, Genta's AI algorithms overcome this difficulty easily. By providing clear Prompts using English words, Genta understands our extraction requirements and performs the necessary AI-driven document intelligence to extract data accurately.

Extracting Invoice Number, Date, and Total

At this stage, our goal is to extract specific information from each invoice, such as the invoice number, invoice date, and total amount. Although we could extract additional information, let's keep it simple for now and focus on these key data points.

To initiate the extraction process, we prompt Genta to extract the desired information for each invoice. By providing a clear prompt such as "For each invoice, extract invoice number, invoice date, and total amount," Genta understands our requirements and proceeds accordingly. Genta's AI algorithms analyze the content of each invoice and locate the specified data points. This allows for consistent extraction across different invoices, regardless of their unique structures.

As an automation developer, you may already be familiar with the challenges associated with invoice data extraction. It can be a complex and time-consuming task, typically requiring extensive code and logic to handle invoice variations. However, Genta simplifies this process significantly by utilizing its built-in AI capabilities. The extraction and processing of invoice data that would typically require multiple lines of code can now be achieved in just a few simple steps using Genta's prompt-based automation.

Structured Differences in Invoices

Invoicing structures can vary significantly from one document to another, which introduces complexities in the data extraction process. However, Genta's AI-powered approach efficiently handles these variations, accommodating diverse invoice formats effortlessly.

Consider the collection of invoices We Are working with. Each invoice exhibits distinct structural differences, making it a challenge to extract the desired information consistently. However, with Genta, we can leverage its powerful AI algorithms to overcome these challenges.

Genta's language processing capabilities enable it to understand and analyze invoice content effectively. By utilizing our English prompts, Genta can adapt to a wide range of invoice structures and extract the necessary data points accurately. Despite the variations in structures, Genta's AI algorithms ensure a consistent and reliable extraction process for each invoice.

Introduction to Genta's Document Intelligence

Genta's document intelligence plays a vital role in efficient data extraction from invoices. This cutting-edge technology eliminates the need for training specific models or manually configuring extraction rules. Genta's document intelligence leverages the power of Base64 and Asher AI to process documents seamlessly, providing reliable extraction results without prior training requirements.

Traditionally, data extraction from complex document types, such as invoices, required significant effort and expertise. Developers had to train models using machine learning techniques or write custom extraction rules for each document structure. However, with Genta's document intelligence, this cumbersome process is Simplified.

Genta takes AdVantage of Base64 encoding, a popular data representation technique, to process invoice documents effectively. The combined power of Base64 and Asher AI enables Genta to identify and extract Relevant data accurately, without relying on pre-trained models or specific document formatting.

Extracting Data without Model Training

An essential advantage of Genta's document intelligence is its ability to extract data without the need for prior model training. Unlike traditional extraction methods, Genta can process various document types right out of the box, without requiring extensive configuration or training processes.

This means that Genta can effortlessly handle invoices in a wide range of languages and structures. Whether the documents are in English, Danish, or any other language, Genta's prompt-based automation is language-agnostic, ensuring consistent and accurate extraction results.

To demonstrate this capability, let's consider extracting data from invoices in different languages. Although we prompted Genta in English, you can be assured that Genta can handle invoices in multiple languages, delivering accurate extraction outcomes.

It is worth noting that the extraction process does not require Genta to be trained on specific documents beforehand. This is a significant advancement in automation technology, allowing for greater efficiency and simplicity in the extraction workflow.

Testing and Extracting PDF Invoices

Now that we have an understanding of Genta's document intelligence and its ability to extract data from invoices, let's proceed with testing and extracting data from our PDF invoices. To demonstrate, we will use the prompt we created earlier and specify the folder path to our PDF invoices.

Assuming that you have a folder containing PDF invoices, enter the path into Genta. This allows Genta to access and extract data from each invoice automatically. As the extraction process begins, Genta's AI algorithms analyze the content of each invoice, identify the requested data points (invoice number, invoice date, and total amount), and extract them accordingly.

Keep in mind that the extraction process is typically complex and time-consuming for automation developers. However, Genta simplifies this process significantly, reducing the amount of code and technical expertise required. With just a few simple prompts, Genta handles the extraction seamlessly, delivering accurate results efficiently.

Once the extraction is complete, we can evaluate the outcomes by inspecting the generated Excel file and comparing the extracted data to the original invoices. This step ensures that Genta's extraction process was successful and that the data was accurately captured.

Automating Prompt-Based Automation with Genter

Genter's prompt-based automation approach offers significant advantages when automating various tasks, including invoice extraction. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of utilizing Genter's prompt-based automation and how it streamlines the automation process.

Genta's prompt-based automation eliminates the need for complex coding and scripting. With Genter, we can communicate our automation requirements using everyday English words, resulting in a more intuitive and accessible automation experience. By interacting with Genta on the Genter desktop using prompts, we simplify and expedite the automation process, enabling more efficient and effective workflows.

By leveraging Genta's chat DPT capabilities, developers can focus on their specific automation requirements without worrying about intricate technical details. Genta understands the prompts and translates them into effective automation scripts, allowing developers to automate tasks in a natural and efficient manner.

Genter also provides additional features and functionalities, such as scheduling scripts for execution or entering advanced mode for enhanced customization. These features enhance the flexibility and versatility of Genta's automation capabilities, catering to a wide range of automation needs.

Advanced Prompt-Based Automation Script

Beyond the simplicity of prompt-based automation, Genta offers advanced capabilities to further customize and enhance automation workflows. Let's explore how we can create an advanced script for Excel and web-based automation using Genta and Genter.

To begin, we can enter advanced mode in Genter, providing us with an extensive set of options and commands. In this mode, we gain greater control over automation, enabling us to create complex workflows and implement advanced features.

For example, consider a workflow that involves reading an Excel file and performing web-based automation. By starting with the prompt "Read Excel file and fill web," we can create a versatile automation script. This script will allow us to automate processes involving data extraction from an Excel file and interacting with web pages accordingly.

To construct this script, we can use Genter's built-in command library. We add commands such as "create Excel file" to handle Excel-related operations and enable seamless integration with web-based applications. By combining these commands and leveraging Genta's prompt-based automation, we can automate a variety of tasks efficiently and accurately.

In addition to executing the script manually, Genta provides the option to schedule scripts for execution. This capability enables hands-free automation, allowing us to specify triggering events, such as uploading a file to a specific folder or running processes at designated times.

By combining the simplicity of prompt-based automation with advanced script customization, Genta and Genter empower developers to automate a wide range of tasks effectively. From reading Excel files to interacting with web-based applications, Genta offers a comprehensive automation solution for various scenarios.

Creating an Excel File and Web-based Automation Workflow

Now, let's Delve deeper into the creation of a workflow that involves both Excel and web-based automation. This combination allows for even greater versatility and functionality in automating complex processes. By integrating operations involving Excel files and web pages, we can achieve more comprehensive automation results.

To start, we can create a new workflow in Genter, specifying the objective as "reading Excel file and filling a web form." This workflow caters specifically to scenarios where we need to extract data from an Excel file and populate a web form with that data.

By entering Genta's advanced mode, we gain access to a wider range of commands and customization options. This enables us to construct complex automation workflows tailored to our specific needs. Within this workflow, we can include commands such as "prompting for an Excel file" and "navigating to a web page."

To illustrate the workflow, let's imagine we want to extract data from an Excel sheet containing NPI numbers. Our objective is to fill in the NPI number on a web page and verify if the number is active or not. To achieve this, we can prompt Genta using the instruction "Fill in NPI number and check if it's active on the web page."

Once the prompt is processed, Genta will navigate to the specified web page and extract NPI numbers from the Excel sheet. For each NPI number, Genta will automatically enter it into the web form, click the necessary buttons, and check if the number is active or not.

To handle potential errors and exceptions, we can implement error handling within the workflow. This ensures that if an error occurs during the automation process, Genta can respond accordingly. For example, if an invalid NPI number is entered, Genta can detect the error message and handle it appropriately.

Furthermore, Genta can populate an Excel sheet with the results of each NPI number verification, allowing for easy tracking and analysis. By utilizing Genta's command library, we can incorporate features such as setting cell values and writing results to the Excel sheet seamlessly.

By combining Excel and web-based automation in a single workflow, Genta offers a comprehensive solution for streamlining complex processes. The integration of these functionalities increases efficiency, accuracy, and overall automation capabilities.

Filling NPI Number on Website and Checking Status

Within the Context of our Excel and web-based automation workflow, let's dive deeper into the specific task of filling an NPI number on a website and checking its status. This particular task is common in scenarios involving healthcare insurance and requires precise automation to determine the validity of an NPI number.

To initiate the automation, we prompt Genta to perform the following actions:

  1. Prompt for an Excel file containing NPI numbers.
  2. Navigate to the designated website.
  3. For each row in the NPI data, input the NPI number into the website form and press enter.

By providing these prompts, Genta will proceed to execute the automation script, automating the process of filling NPI numbers on the website and checking their validity. As Genta processes each row in the Excel file, it will input the NPI numbers into the corresponding website forms and submit the entries.

During this process, Genta can handle various scenarios, including valid NPI numbers, non-existing NPI numbers, and error messages. Genta's error handling capabilities ensure that if an invalid NPI number is entered or an error message is encountered, appropriate actions can be taken.

For instance, when an invalid NPI number is detected, Genta can respond by storing the status of "Does not exist" or any other relevant message. Conversely, when a valid NPI number is detected, Genta can store the status as "Active" or the corresponding positive message.

To accomplish this, Genta uses conditional statements within the automation script. With the help of these conditionals, Genta can perform different actions based on the outcome of the NPI number validation. This ensures accurate recording of the NPI number status and seamless automation of the entire workflow.

Error Handling and Checking Validity

Error handling is a critical aspect of any automation process, as it allows for proper identification and resolution of potential errors or exceptions. In the context of our NPI number automation workflow, error handling ensures that Genta can handle scenarios where the input NPI number is invalid or an error message is encountered during the website interaction.

To implement error handling, Genta relies on conditional statements that allow for flexible decision-making based on specific criteria. By introducing conditional statements within the automation script, Genta can address different scenarios and respond accordingly.

For example, let's consider the Scenario where an invalid NPI number is entered, resulting in an error message on the website. In this case, Genta detects the error message and performs specific actions based on this input. Genta can store the corresponding status, such as "Does not exist," or any other relevant message indicating the error encountered.

Conversely, when a valid NPI number is entered, Genta can store the status as "Active" or any other positive message indicating the successful verification of the NPI number on the website.

By incorporating error handling into the workflow, Genta ensures that potential errors or exceptions are addressed appropriately, resulting in a streamlined and error-free automation process. This contributes to the overall accuracy and reliability of the automation.

Saving Status in Excel and Writing Results

Efficiently managing and documenting automation results is crucial for tracking progress and analysis. In the context of our NPI number automation workflow, it is essential to store the status of each NPI number verification and Record the results in an organized manner.

To accomplish this, Genta can leverage its integration with Excel to store and manage the automation results. After executing the website interaction for each NPI number, Genta can switch to the associated Excel instance and update the corresponding status column with the verification result.

By utilizing Genta's built-in commands, such as "set cell value by cell range," we can specify the cell range in the Excel sheet where the status needs to be recorded. Genta then updates the cells dynamically as it progresses through the automation script, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the recorded results.

Additionally, Genta can create advanced automation scripts to handle complex Excel functionalities, such as filtering, sorting, or generating reports based on the recorded status values. This further enhances the automation experience and enables detailed analysis of the NPI number verification outcomes.

By saving the results to Excel, Genta ensures that the verification status is conveniently stored, allowing for easy monitoring and evaluation of the NPI numbers. The Excel integration simplifies the data management process, streamlining post-automation analysis and ensuring data accuracy and accessibility.

Advanced Features in Genta

Genta's prompt-based automation offers a range of advanced features that further enhance the automation capabilities. These features provide developers with additional options and customization opportunities to create more sophisticated and tailored automation workflows.

One of the advanced features offered by Genta is the ability to enter advanced mode in Genter. This mode grants access to advanced commands, further broadening the scope of automation possibilities. In advanced mode, developers can create complex automation scripts, incorporating unique functionalities and handling intricate scenarios.

Moreover, Genta allows developers to schedule automation scripts for execution. This feature enables hands-free automation, where tasks can be triggered automatically based on specified events or schedules. For example, scripts can be scheduled to run every morning or whenever a file is uploaded to a particular folder.

These advanced features make Genta a highly versatile and powerful automation tool. By combining prompt-based automation with advanced customization options and scheduling capabilities, developers can create intricate and tailored automation solutions to meet their specific needs and requirements.


In conclusion, Genta and Genter provide a comprehensive automation solution that simplifies and streamlines complex tasks. Through prompt-based automation, developers can leverage Genta's chat DPT capabilities to interact with the automation tool using regular English words, eliminating the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Genta's document intelligence plays a key role in efficient data extraction from invoices, supporting both structured and scanned formats. With Genta's built-in AI algorithms, data extraction becomes accurate and consistent, even when faced with varying invoice structures.

The integration of Excel and web-based automation in Genta's workflows allows for enhanced functionality and versatility. Automation scripts can be customized to handle intricate processes, including data extraction from Excel files and interaction with web-based applications.

Genta's advanced features further enhance the automation experience. By entering advanced mode and utilizing scheduling options, developers can create advanced scripts tailored to specific requirements and execute them automatically.

All in all, Genta and Genter empower developers to automate complex tasks effectively, improving efficiency and accuracy. With their intuitive interface and powerful capabilities, Genta and Genter pave the way for seamless and sophisticated automation workflows.

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