Unleash the Power of ChatGPT: Build Your Custom Chatbot with OpenAI and Go!

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Unleash the Power of ChatGPT: Build Your Custom Chatbot with OpenAI and Go!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. OpenAI's Chat API
    • Stateless HTTP requests
    • Authentication token
  3. Using the Chat API in the terminal
    • Exporting the API key
    • Sending requests with curl
  4. Adding headers and request body
    • Content Type and authorization
    • Model and messages
    • Adding contextual information
  5. Implementing chat history
    • Including previous messages
    • Setting up the chatbot's behavior
  6. Building a chatbot in Go
    • Initializing the project
    • Setting up the OpenAI client
  7. Creating the chat history and user input
    • Setting up scanner
    • Appending user messages to request
    • Retrieving response
  8. Continuing the chat
    • Appending response to chat history
    • Prompting user for more input
  9. Interacting with the AI Chatbot
    • Running the chatbot program
    • Engaging in conversation with AI Jim Carrey
  10. Conclusion

Building an AI Chatbot with OpenAI's Chat API

In this article, we will explore how to build our own chatbot using OpenAI's Chat API and Go programming language. We will start by understanding how OpenAI's APIs work and the basics of using the Chat API in the terminal. Then, we will dive into the process of building our chatbot, which will be inspired by the iconic Jim Carrey. We will explore how to set up the necessary authentication token and headers for the API requests. Additionally, we will learn how to integrate contextual information, such as telling the chatbot to respond as an exaggerated Jim Carrey. We will implement chat history to maintain context and Continue the conversation with the AI chatbot. Finally, we will use Go to program our chatbot and Interact with AI Jim Carrey, receiving lively responses and movie recommendations.

OpenAI's Chat API allows us to build AI-powered chatbots by making stateless HTTP requests. To access the API, we need to provide an authentication token, which can be obtained by creating a login at OpenAI.com. Although using the API is not free, signing up provides some trial credit for experimentation.

To use the Chat API in the terminal, we export the generated API key as an environment variable. We send requests using the curl command, adding necessary headers for content type and authorization. The request body consists of a JSON object containing the model and an array of messages. Each message has a role (user or system) and content.

To make the chatbot more interesting and engaging, we add contextual information to the system message. For example, we can request the chatbot to integrate a dad joke into each response. The AI responds accordingly, providing more personality to the conversation.

However, to maintain the flow of chat, we need to provide the chat API with the previous history of messages. By providing the complete history each time we call the API, the AI chatbot can understand and respond Based on the conversation Context. We continuously append user and AI responses to the chat history.

In order to program our own chatbot in Go, we initialize the project and set up an OpenAI client by parsing the API key from the environment variable. We Create a chat history request, specify the model we want to use (such as gpt-3.5-turbo), and define the initial system message that determines how the chatbot will behave (e.g., responding as an exaggerated Jim Carrey).

To interact with the chatbot, We Prompt the user for input and append the user's message to the chat history. We then send a request to the chat API using the OpenAI client. After receiving the response from the AI, we display it to the user. We can continue the chat by repeating the process, appending the response to the chat history and prompting the user for more input.

With our chatbot implemented, we can run the program and have a conversation with AI Jim Carrey. By entering messages and questions, we receive lively and entertaining responses from the chatbot, including movie recommendations and Jim Carrey-like enthusiasm.

In conclusion, OpenAI's Chat API provides a powerful tool for building AI chatbots with contextual history. By following the process outlined in this article, we can create our own chatbot and interact with it in Go. The possibilities for creative usage of this technology are exciting, and we look forward to seeing how developers leverage it in various applications. So let's dive in and start building our own AI chatbot inspired by Jim Carrey!

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