Unleash the Power of ChatGPT Chatbots

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Unleash the Power of ChatGPT Chatbots

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Embedding Chat GPT in Everyday Objects
  3. Using an iPhone to Extract Text from Labels
  4. Creating a Knowledge Base with Chat GPT
  5. Setting Up a ChatbotBuilder AI Account
  6. Using Prompt Engineering and Chat GPT Triggers
  7. Capturing User Contact Information
  8. Creating Custom Fields
  9. Setting up Chat GPT Triggers
  10. Testing and Printing the QR Code
  11. Testing the Chatbot and Joining the Newsletter
  12. Conclusion

Embedding Chat GPT in Everyday Objects: A Step-by-Step Guide


Chatbots have revolutionized the way businesses Interact with their customers. In this guide, we will explore how to embed chat GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) in everyday objects and turn them into lead-generating machines. By following this step-by-step tutorial, You will learn how to extract text from labels, Create a chatbot knowledge base, set up a chatbot account, and trigger Prompts to capture contact information from users. Let's dive in!

1. Using an iPhone to Extract Text from Labels

One of the first steps in embedding chat GPT in everyday objects is to extract text from labels. This can be easily done using an iPhone. Simply take a photo of the label using the iPhone's camera and let it automatically extract the text. Copy the extracted text for later use.

2. Creating a Knowledge Base with Chat GPT

Now that we have the text from the label, we can create a knowledge base using chat GPT. Open the chat GPT app and paste the extracted text. This will build an informative knowledge base for the chatbot. Make sure to review the extracted information and add any missing details. In our example, we noticed that the calories were not explicitly stated on the label, so we manually added that information.

3. Setting Up a ChatbotBuilder AI Account

To proceed further, create a new account on ChatbotBuilder AI. Name the account to distinguish it from other projects. Once you have created the account, go to the settings and click on Integrations. Open the AI Chat GPT integration and edit the business information prompt. Add a description of the chatbot's role, such as "You are a milk carton, responsible for answering questions Based on your label information."

4. Using Prompt Engineering and Chat GPT Triggers

To turn the milk carton into a lead-generating machine, we will use prompt engineering and chat GPT triggers. These features are available within ChatbotBuilder AI and will enhance the user experience. Start by adding a warm welcome to the user and answering any initial questions they may have. Then, prioritize capturing the user's contact information for the newsletter.

5. Capturing User Contact Information

When implementing the chatbot, the next priority is to capture the user's contact information for the newsletter. Provide a prompt that encourages the user to join the newsletter and specify the required information: full name, phone number, email, and zip code. By collecting this data, you can keep users informed about milk products from Publix.

6. Creating Custom Fields

To Collect the necessary contact information, create custom fields for the zip code. In ChatbotBuilder AI, go to the flows tab, click on custom fields, and add the zip code field. Since the zip code is a numeric value, select the appropriate parameter. Remember that the full name, email, and phone number fields are system fields and do not need to be created.

7. Setting up Chat GPT Triggers

Returning to the Integrations section in the ChatbotBuilder AI account, open the chat GPT integration and navigate to the chat GPT triggers. Create a new trigger named "Join Newsletter." This trigger allows the user to join the email list and collect their data. Include the user's full name, email, phone number, and zip code as the data to be collected. Optionally, send a confirmation message to inform the user that they have subscribed to the newsletter.

8. Testing and Printing the QR Code

Before testing the chatbot, generate a QR code for easy access. In the tools section of the ChatbotBuilder AI account, use the QR code generator and select the welcome message. Download the generated QR code and print it. Stick the QR code on the original label, ensuring it is visible and easily scannable.

9. Testing the Chatbot and Joining the Newsletter

With the QR code in place, it's time to test the chatbot. Open the camera on your phone and scan the QR code. Start a conversation with the chatbot and ask questions such as the number of calories in the milk. Ensure that the chatbot provides accurate and prompt responses. Then, try joining the newsletter by asking if there is an email list to sign up for.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, embedding chat GPT in everyday objects can transform them into powerful lead-generating machines. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a chatbot knowledge base, capture user contact information, and provide a personalized conversational experience. Get creative and explore the endless possibilities of using chatbots in various objects and industries. Start enhancing your customer interactions today!


  • Embed chat GPT in everyday objects for lead generation
  • Use an iPhone to extract text from labels
  • Create a knowledge base with chat GPT
  • Set up a ChatbotBuilder AI account
  • Implement prompt engineering and chat GPT triggers
  • Capture user contact information for newsletters
  • Create custom fields for collecting data
  • Test and print the QR code for easy access
  • Join the newsletter through the chatbot
  • Discover the unlimited potential of chatbots in various industries


1. How can I extract text from labels using an iPhone?

To extract text from labels using an iPhone, simply take a photo of the label using the iPhone's camera. The iPhone will automatically extract the text from the image. You can then copy the extracted text for further use.

2. Will the chatbot collect contact information for the newsletter?

Yes, the chatbot can collect contact information for the newsletter. Users will be prompted to provide their full name, phone number, email, and zip code. This information will be used to sign them up for the newsletter related to milk products from Publix.

3. Can I customize the chatbot prompts and responses?

Yes, you can customize the chatbot prompts and responses. ChatbotBuilder AI allows you to modify the prompts to provide a more personalized and engaging conversation with the users. You can also customize the chatbot triggers to capture specific data and tailor the user experience.

4. How effective are chatbots for lead generation?

Chatbots have proven to be highly effective for lead generation. They provide a seamless and interactive experience for users, allowing businesses to capture valuable contact information and engage potential customers. With the right prompts and triggers, chatbots can significantly increase lead generation efforts.

5. Are there other everyday objects that can be turned into lead-generating machines?

Yes, the possibilities are endless when it comes to turning everyday objects into lead-generating machines. With chat GPT and prompt engineering, you can embed chatbots in various objects, such as food packaging, product labels, business cards, and more. Get creative and explore the potential in your industry.

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