Unleash the Power of Kubernetes with K8sGPT

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Unleash the Power of Kubernetes with K8sGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Kate's GBT
  3. Using the CLI Tool
    • 3.1 Installing the CLI Tool
    • 3.2 Analyzing the Cluster
    • 3.3 Explaining Errors
  4. Integrations
    • 4.1 Overview of Integrations
    • 4.2 Adding Integrations
  5. Using the Kubernetes Operator
    • 5.1 Installing the Operator
    • 5.2 Configuring the Operator
    • 5.3 Continuous Analysis and Reports
  6. Using PromQL and Grafana
    • 6.1 Installing Prometheus and Grafana
    • 6.2 Accessing Grafana Dashboard
    • 6.3 Viewing Reports and Metrics
  7. Conclusion
  8. Additional Resources


Kate's GBT is a powerful tool designed to provide Kubernetes clusters with enhanced scanning, diagnosis, and issue triage capabilities. Powered by AI and machine learning, Kate's GBT enables users to identify and resolve critical issues within their workloads more efficiently. In this tutorial, we will explore how to get started with Kate's GBT, install the CLI tool, use the Kubernetes operator, and leverage integrations for expanded functionality.

Getting Started with Kate's GBT

Before diving into the usage of Kate's GBT, it's important to understand its purpose and capabilities. Kate's GBT gives Kubernetes clusters "superpowers" by providing SRE experience codified into its analyzers. It collects information from the cluster, filters the Relevant data, and sends it to AI backends for further analysis. The tool then provides detailed explanations and recommendations to help users resolve errors and improve the performance of their workloads.

Using the CLI Tool

3.1 Installing the CLI Tool

To begin using Kate's GBT, You'll need to install the CLI tool. The installation process may vary depending on your operating system and distribution. The documentation provides detailed instructions for various installation options, including Homebrew for macOS, Package managers for Linux distributions, and direct downloads for Windows users. Once installed, you can verify the installation by checking the version of Kate's GBT within your CLI.

3.2 Analyzing the Cluster

With the CLI tool installed, you can start analyzing your Kubernetes cluster for potential issues. Using the kgbt analyze command, you can detect errors and retrieve valuable information on why those errors occurred. The tool leverages analyzers and AI models to filter the cluster's data and provide explanations for the detected issues.

3.3 Explaining Errors

In addition to analyzing the cluster, Kate's GBT allows you to gain a better understanding of the errors detected. By running the kgbt analyze --explain command, you can request detailed explanations for the identified problems. These explanations will provide insights into the steps required to solve and fix the errors within your workloads, making it easier for users, especially those new to Kubernetes, to troubleshoot and resolve issues effectively.


4.1 Overview of Integrations

To enhance the capabilities of Kate's GBT, the tool supports various integrations. Integrations provide additional functionality by extending the tool's analyzers and filters to cater to specific use cases and requirements. In the documentation, you can find a list of available integrations, including Trivy, an open-source security scanner for cloud-native environments. These integrations allow users to scan container images, filesystems, repositories, and more.

4.2 Adding Integrations

Adding an integration to Kate's GBT is a straightforward process. By using the CLI tool, you can activate integrations using the kgbt Integrations command. The command will display available integrations, and you can choose the desired one to enable it within your cluster. Once activated, you can utilize the corresponding filters and analyzers provided by the integration to enhance your cluster's analysis and reporting capabilities.

Using the Kubernetes Operator

5.1 Installing the Operator

For continuous analysis and reporting of your Kubernetes cluster, you can leverage the Kate's GBT Kubernetes operator. The operator is installed within your cluster and utilizes controllers to manage and configure the analysis process. By following the documentation, you can install the operator along with its dependencies, such as Prometheus and Grafana, which are required for metrics collection and visualization.

5.2 Configuring the Operator

After the operator is installed, you'll need to configure it by providing a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD). This configuration specifies the version of Kate's GBT to be used, along with the backend information, such as the API key for open AI. The documentation provides detailed instructions on creating and applying the configuration file to your cluster, ensuring that the operator is properly set up to scan and report on your resources.

5.3 Continuous Analysis and Reports

Once the Kate's GBT operator is configured, it will continuously analyze your cluster, generating metrics and reports. These reports can be accessed through a Grafana dashboard, which provides a comprehensive overview of any errors, vulnerabilities, or performance issues detected within your workloads. By regularly monitoring these reports, you can stay informed about the health and performance of your Kubernetes cluster, enabling proactive troubleshooting and optimization.

Using PromQL and Grafana

6.1 Installing Prometheus and Grafana

To access metrics and Visualize the analysis reports generated by Kate's GBT, you'll need to install Prometheus and Grafana within your cluster. The documentation provides instructions on how to install the Prometheus Operator and associate it with a Grafana instance. Once installed, Prometheus will Collect the metrics generated by the Kate's GBT operator, allowing you to query and visualize them within Grafana.

6.2 Accessing Grafana Dashboard

After setting up Prometheus and Grafana, you can access the Grafana dashboard to view the metrics and reports generated by Kate's GBT. By logging in to Grafana with the provided credentials, you'll gain access to the pre-configured Kate's GBT dashboard. This dashboard provides visual representations of the metrics collected by Prometheus, allowing you to monitor the performance and health of your Kubernetes cluster in real-time.

6.3 Viewing Reports and Metrics

Within the Grafana dashboard, you can navigate to the Kate's GBT section to view the reports and metrics specific to your cluster. The reports provide detailed information on any identified errors, vulnerabilities, or performance issues present within your workloads. By regularly reviewing these reports, you can take proactive measures to resolve issues and optimize your cluster's performance.


In conclusion, Kate's GBT offers a comprehensive solution for scanning, diagnosing, and triaging issues within Kubernetes clusters. By leveraging AI, machine learning, and integrations, users can effectively analyze their clusters, gain valuable insights, and proactively address any issues that arise. The CLI tool, Kubernetes operator, and Grafana dashboard provide various means to Interact with and monitor the health and performance of your Kubernetes cluster. By incorporating Kate's GBT into your workflow, you can streamline troubleshooting processes and optimize your cluster's efficiency.

Additional Resources

For additional information and resources on Kate's GBT, please refer to the following:

  • Official Documentation: [link]
  • GitHub Repository: [link]
  • Video Tutorials: [link]
  • Community Forum: [link]
  • Issue Tracking: [link]
  • Contributing Guidelines: [link]


  • Kate's GBT enhances Kubernetes clusters with scanning, diagnosis, and triage capabilities.
  • The CLI tool allows users to analyze and explain errors within their clusters.
  • Integrations expand the functionality of Kate's GBT for specific use cases.
  • The Kubernetes operator enables continuous analysis and reporting of cluster health.
  • Prometheus and Grafana provide metrics and visualization for comprehensive cluster monitoring.


Q: Can Kate's GBT be integrated into CI/CD pipelines? A: While primarily designed for ad hoc scans, Kate's GBT can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to enhance the monitoring and analysis of clusters during the development and deployment processes.

Q: Are there any additional requirements for using Grafana with Kate's GBT? A: Yes, Grafana requires Prometheus to be installed and configured to collect the metrics generated by Kate's GBT. It is important to set up Prometheus before configuring the Grafana dashboard.

Q: Can Kate's GBT handle large clusters with hundreds of thousands of resources? A: Yes, Kate's GBT can analyze and report on large clusters with extensive resources. However, it is recommended to use filters and annotations to focus on critical issues and avoid information overload.

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