Securely manage Cloud Run secrets with Secret Manager

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Securely manage Cloud Run secrets with Secret Manager

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Storing Sensitive Data
  3. The Twelve-Factor App Methodology
  4. Secret Manager and Google Cloud Platform
  5. Native Integration with Cloud Run
  6. Updating a Cloud Run Service to Use Secret Manager
  7. Access Control and Auditing with Secret Manager
  8. Configuring Cloud Run for Secrets as Files
  9. Accessing Secrets with the Secret Manager Client Library
  10. Conclusion

Article: How to Safely Store and Manage Secrets in Modern Development

Introduction In today's digital age, developers often find themselves facing the challenge of securely storing and managing sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. In this article, we will explore the pain points associated with traditional methods of storing secrets and introduce a modern solution: Secret Manager and Google Cloud Platform. We will discuss how this technology addresses the limitations of storing secrets in environment variables and files and how it can enhance security, access control, and auditing in development environments.

The Problem with Storing Sensitive Data Traditionally, developers have relied on hardcoded secrets in their source code, which presents several problems. Firstly, anyone with access to the source code repository can easily view and copy these secrets, compromising their security. Additionally, it becomes challenging to manage secrets across different environments, as they often need to differ. The Twelve-Factor App methodology suggests storing secrets in environment variables to mitigate these risks, but this requires storing the secrets in files outside of source control, which can be cumbersome and prone to human error.

The Twelve-Factor App Methodology The Twelve-Factor App methodology recommends storing secrets in environment variables instead of hardcoding them into the source code. This approach separates the secrets from the codebase, enhancing security. However, it still necessitates storing the secrets in external files, which can be challenging to handle without proper source control. Developers have long sought a better solution for securely managing secrets while ensuring ease of deployment across different environments.

Secret Manager and Google Cloud Platform Enter Secret Manager, a service provided by Google Cloud Platform, which addresses the limitations of traditional secret management methods. Secret Manager allows developers to store and manage secrets securely, providing granular permissions for accessing and adding secrets. With Secret Manager, secrets are no longer stored in environment variables or external files outside of source control. Instead, they are securely stored in a centralized repository and can be accessed by authorized services or applications.

Native Integration with Cloud Run Secret Manager has recently added native integration with Cloud Run, making it even easier to incorporate secrets into Cloud Run services. Cloud Run is a serverless execution environment that allows developers to deploy and manage containerized applications effortlessly. With native integration, developers can seamlessly mount secrets from Secret Manager into their Cloud Run services, enhancing security and access control.

Updating a Cloud Run Service to Use Secret Manager Let's walk through the process of updating an existing Cloud Run service to utilize Secret Manager. Suppose we have a simple API that returns information about different dog breeds. Currently, the service reads the database credentials from environment variables. To enhance security, we want to move the database password into Secret Manager. By creating a custom service account for the Cloud Run service and configuring granular permissions, we can ensure access to the password while minimizing risk.

Access Control and Auditing with Secret Manager By utilizing Secret Manager, developers can adopt the principle of least privilege and define granular permissions for accessing secrets. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and improves auditing capabilities. Whenever a secret is created or updated in Secret Manager, log entries are generated, enabling developers to track and monitor access to sensitive data. Additionally, by following best practices and implementing additional logging, developers can enhance their security posture and mitigate potential risks.

Configuring Cloud Run for Secrets as Files If your existing code reads secrets from files instead of environment variables, fear not! Cloud Run can be configured to treat secrets as files, mimicking the familiar approach. This allows developers to seamlessly transition from reading secrets as files to leveraging the power of Secret Manager, without requiring extensive changes to the source code. The flexibility of Cloud Run ensures that your existing codebase can easily adapt to the secure secret management paradigm.

Accessing Secrets with the Secret Manager Client Library In some cases, it might be necessary for the code to directly access secrets at runtime. By leveraging the Secret Manager client library, developers can make API calls to retrieve the current value of a secret. This approach is useful when secrets need to change frequently, as it avoids the need for redeploying Cloud Run services every time a secret is updated. Additionally, this method can be employed when accessing secrets as files, providing developers with flexibility and control over their secrets.

Conclusion In conclusion, Secret Manager and Google Cloud Platform offer a modern and secure solution for storing and managing secrets in development environments. By implementing Secret Manager, developers can enhance security, access control, and auditing capabilities without requiring extensive changes to their source code. Whether using environment variables, files, or the Secret Manager client library, developers have the tools at their disposal to protect sensitive data and minimize the risk of unauthorized access. As developers, we have a responsibility to handle sensitive data with care, and Secret Manager empowers us to live up to this responsibility.


  • Traditional methods of storing secrets in source code, environment variables, or files have limitations and vulnerabilities.
  • Secret Manager and Google Cloud Platform provide a secure and centralized solution for storing secrets.
  • Native integration with Cloud Run simplifies the incorporation of secrets into serverless applications.
  • Granular access control and auditing capabilities enhance security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Easy configuration to treat secrets as files facilitates the transition to Secret Manager without extensive source code changes.
  • The Secret Manager client library allows developers to dynamically retrieve secrets at runtime, providing flexibility and frequent secret updates.
  • Secret Manager enables developers to fulfill their responsibility of handling sensitive data in a secure and efficient manner.


Q: Can I use Secret Manager with other cloud platforms? A: Secret Manager is a service provided by Google Cloud Platform and is currently only available within their ecosystem. Each cloud platform may have its own equivalent secret management solution.

Q: Is Secret Manager suitable for small-Scale projects? A: Absolutely! While Secret Manager is designed to handle enterprise-scale secret management, it is equally suitable for small-scale projects. It offers a simple, scalable, and secure solution for storing and managing secrets, regardless of project size.

Q: Can I rotate secrets stored in Secret Manager? A: Yes, Secret Manager provides features for rotating secrets. By regularly updating secrets, you can enhance security and mitigate the risk of compromised credentials.

Q: Does using Secret Manager add additional complexity to my development workflow? A: While there may be some initial setup and configuration involved, once integrated, Secret Manager streamlines the process of secret management and improves security. The benefits of enhanced access control and auditing outweigh any perceived complexity.

Q: Are there any additional costs associated with using Secret Manager? A: Secret Manager is a pay-as-you-go service, meaning you will be billed based on your usage. However, the costs are generally minimal and justified by the enhanced security and ease of secret management it provides.

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