Unleash the Power of Leonardo AI to Earn $5000 Monthly!

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Unleash the Power of Leonardo AI to Earn $5000 Monthly!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing Leonardo.Ai
  3. Creating Images from Existing Images
  4. Choosing Different Styles
  5. Generating Images with Your Own Prompts
  6. Selling Images on Etsy
  7. Other Platforms for Selling AI Art
  8. Earning Passive Income
  9. Tips for Creating Effective Prompts
  10. Conclusion


In today's tutorial, I'm going to Show You how to Create unlimited free AI images from Leonardo.ai, which is a better and free version of mid Journey. I will also show you how you can sell and make an Instant amount of passive income from different platforms. So, let's begin!

Accessing Leonardo.ai

To get started, you need to access Leonardo.ai. Open Google Chrome and Type "leonardo.ai" in the search bar. The Website will open, and you can either directly go to the launch app or provide your name and email ID to join. Once you receive the email, fill up the Priority Access form to access your account. This will take you to the dashboard where you can start creating images.

Creating Images from Existing Images

If you like any of the pre-generated images in Leonardo.ai, you can simply click on the image to select it. You can also copy the prompt if you want to generate a similar image. Choose the number of images you want and click on "Generate." You can also upscale the images for a smoother look. Once you are happy with the image, you can download it to your computer.

Choosing Different Styles

Leonardo.ai offers different styles for image generation, such as Leonardo diffusion and dreamshaper V6. These styles give you a variety of image looks. You can choose the style from the dropdown menu and generate images accordingly. The Luna style is particularly popular for its unique Pixlr-style images. Experiment with different styles to find the one that suits your preferences.

Generating Images with Your Own Prompts

If you want to create your own unique images, you can delete the existing prompts and enter your own prompt. Make sure your prompt is detailed and specific to get the desired results. You can also use negative prompts to refine the image. By generating images with your own prompts, you have complete control over the creative process.

Selling Images on Etsy

One of the platforms where you can sell your AI-generated images is Etsy. AI art is in demand, and creating a store on Etsy can generate a significant number of orders. With the right marketing strategies, you can earn around $5,000 per month. Setting up your store and optimizing your product listings are key steps to attract buyers and increase sales.

Other Platforms for Selling AI Art

Apart from Etsy, there are other platforms where you can sell your AI-generated images. Explore online marketplaces like Redbubble, Society6, and ArtPal. These platforms have a wide audience and can help you reach a larger customer base. Each platform has its own guidelines and selling process, so make sure to research and choose the one that aligns with your goals.

Earning Passive Income

Selling AI art allows you to earn passive income. Once your images are uploaded and listed on various platforms, you can earn income without actively promoting or creating new images. However, it's important to regularly monitor your listings, respond to customer inquiries, and update your inventory to maximize your earnings. Passive income from AI art can be a great source of supplementary or even primary income.

Tips for Creating Effective Prompts

To get the best results from AI image generation, it's important to craft effective prompts. Be detailed and specific in your prompts, providing clear instructions for the desired image. Think about the composition, style, and theme you want to convey. Experiment with different prompts to see what works best for your desired outcome. By refining your prompts, you can enhance the quality of the generated images.


Creating AI images from Leonardo.ai and selling them on various platforms is an exciting opportunity to explore your creativity and earn passive income. Whether you use existing images, choose different styles, or create images with your own prompts, Leonardo.ai offers a versatile platform for artists and entrepreneurs. Start generating unique AI art today and embark on a rewarding journey in the digital art market.


  • Leonardo.ai is a free platform for generating AI images.
  • You can create unlimited images with different styles and prompts.
  • Selling AI art can generate a significant amount of passive income.
  • Platforms like Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, and ArtPal are ideal for selling AI-generated images.
  • Crafting effective prompts is crucial for getting the desired image results.


Q: Can I use Leonardo.ai for commercial purposes? A: Yes, you can use Leonardo.ai to create images for commercial use and sell them on various platforms.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the usage of the generated images? A: While you have the freedom to use and sell the generated images, it's important to check for copyright restrictions, especially if you're using prompts or images that are not your own.

Q: Can I customize the generated images further after downloading them? A: Yes, you can further edit or modify the downloaded images to suit your needs using image editing software.

Q: Will I need any technical skills to use Leonardo.ai? A: No, Leonardo.ai is designed to be user-friendly, and you don't need any specific technical skills to generate AI images.

Q: Can I generate images in specific Dimensions? A: Yes, you can choose the dimensions of the images you want to generate within the options provided by Leonardo.ai.

Q: How long does it take to generate an image? A: The generation time may vary depending on the complexity of the prompt and the number of images you want to generate. It usually takes a few seconds to a few minutes.

Q: Can I generate AI images in different art styles? A: Yes, Leonardo.ai offers various art styles like diffusion, dreamshaper V6, Luna, and more. You can choose the style that suits your artistic vision.

Q: Are there any limitations on the number of images I can generate? A: Leonardo.ai allows you to create unlimited images, but keep in mind that generating a large number of images may consume more tokens.

Q: Can I use Leonardo.ai to generate images for personal use only? A: Yes, you can use Leonardo.ai to generate images for personal use, such as artwork, graphic design, or social media content.

Q: Are there any advanced features or upgrades available in Leonardo.ai? A: Yes, Leonardo.ai offers advanced features like upscaling options to enhance image quality. These features may require additional tokens or subscription plans.

Q: Can I collaborate with other artists or designers on Leonardo.ai? A: While Leonardo.ai focuses on individual user experiences, you can collaborate with other artists by sharing your prompts and generated images outside the platform.

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