Unleash Your Creativity with Apple ][ Fractal Tree Coding Challenge

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Unleash Your Creativity with Apple ][ Fractal Tree Coding Challenge

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Programming the Snake Game in Applesoft BASIC
  3. Introducing Computer Graphics
  4. Exploring Graphics Mode
  5. The Basics of Graphics Mode
  6. Setting TV Color in Graphics Mode
  7. Drawing Points and Lines
  8. Horizontal and Vertical Lines
  9. Clearing the Screen and Returning to Text Mode
  10. Programming a Bouncing Ball
  11. Handling Syntax Errors and Boundary Conditions
  12. Erasing the Previous Position
  13. Adding Sound Effects
  14. High-Resolution Graphics and HGR2 Mode
  15. Drawing Lines in High-Resolution Graphics
  16. Implementing Recursion and Creating a Fractal Tree
  17. Exploring Different Levels of the Fractal Tree
  18. Taking User Input and Customizing the Fractal Tree
  19. Conclusion

Programming the Snake Game in Applesoft BASIC

Welcome to Coding Together! In this episode, we will be diving into computer graphics programming using Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II Plus computer. Previously, we programmed the classic snake game by printing text to the screen. Today, We Are going to explore the exciting world of computer graphics.


Computer graphics programming allows us to Create visual elements on a computer screen. With the Apple II Plus computer and the Applesoft BASIC programming language, we can unleash our creativity and build exciting graphical applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to enter graphics mode, set colors, draw points and lines, and even create animations.

Programming the Snake Game in Applesoft BASIC

Before delving into computer graphics, let's quickly Recap how we programmed the snake game using Applesoft BASIC. By using simple text-Based commands, we were able to create a playable game on the Apple II Plus computer. However, text-based games have their limitations, and we can achieve so much more with the power of computer graphics.

Introducing Computer Graphics

Computer graphics is a field of study that focuses on generating and manipulating visual content using computer software and hardware. From simple shapes to complex animations, computer graphics allows us to bring our imagination to life on the computer screen. In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of computer graphics programming using the Applesoft BASIC language.

Exploring Graphics Mode

One of the first steps in computer graphics programming is entering graphics mode. Graphics mode enables us to access a higher resolution display and a wider range of colors. In this section, we will learn how to switch to graphics mode on the Apple II Plus computer using the Applesoft BASIC programming language.

The Basics of Graphics Mode

Once we have entered graphics mode, we can begin drawing shapes and images on the screen. In this section, we will cover the basic concepts of graphics mode, including setting colors, plotting points, and drawing lines. We will also explore the screen resolution and coordinate system used in graphics mode.

Setting TV Color in Graphics Mode

While the Apple II Plus computer supported color graphics, not all users had access to color monitors. In this section, we will learn how to set the TV color when working with a monochrome monitor. We will also discuss the limitations of using a monochrome monitor and how it affects the appearance of our graphics.

Drawing Points and Lines

Drawing points and lines is one of the fundamental building blocks of computer graphics. In this section, we will explore the commands and techniques used to draw points and lines on the screen. We will cover the different types of lines, such as horizontal and vertical lines, and demonstrate how to plot points at specific coordinates.

Horizontal and Vertical Lines

In addition to drawing individual points, we can also create horizontal and vertical lines. These lines can span across the screen or cover a specific range of coordinates. In this section, we will learn how to draw horizontal and vertical lines using the appropriate commands in Applesoft BASIC. We will also discuss the various applications of these lines in graphical programming.

Clearing the Screen and Returning to Text Mode

After drawing graphics on the screen, we may want to clear the screen and return to the text mode. Clearing the screen allows us to start with a clean slate for new graphics or to switch back to text-based programming. In this section, we will explore the commands used to clear the screen and switch between graphics mode and text mode.

Programming a Bouncing Ball

Now that we have a solid understanding of the basics of graphics mode, let's Apply our knowledge to create a simple animation. In this section, we will program a bouncing ball that moves across the screen. We will discuss how to handle different aspects of the animation, such as setting the initial position, controlling the speed, and handling boundary conditions.

Handling Syntax Errors and Boundary Conditions

While programming the bouncing ball animation, we may encounter syntax errors and boundary conditions that need to be addressed. In this section, we will discuss common errors that can occur while working with graphics mode in Applesoft BASIC. We will also explore techniques for handling boundary conditions and ensuring smooth animation.

Erasing the Previous Position

As our bouncing ball animation progresses, it leaves a trail of previous positions on the screen. To create a smooth animation, we need to erase the previous position before plotting the next position. In this section, we will explore different methods for erasing the previous position and ensuring that our animation appears seamless.

Adding Sound Effects

To enhance the user experience, we can add sound effects to our graphics program. The Apple II Plus computer had the capability to generate sound through its built-in speaker. In this section, we will learn how to use sound commands in Applesoft BASIC to create beeping sounds at specific events, such as when the ball hits the boundary.

High-Resolution Graphics and HGR2 Mode

In addition to the standard graphics mode, the Apple II Plus computer also supported high-resolution graphics mode, commonly known as HGR. HGR offered a higher level of Detail and resolution, which opened up new possibilities for graphical programming. In this section, we will explore HGR and its features.

Drawing Lines in High-Resolution Graphics

With high-resolution graphics mode (HGR), we can draw lines with increased precision and detail. In this section, we will learn how to plot points and draw lines in HGR mode using Applesoft BASIC. We will also discuss the limitations and considerations when working with high-resolution graphics.

Implementing Recursion and Creating a Fractal Tree

Now that we have a solid understanding of graphics programming, let's explore a more advanced concept: recursion. Recursion allows us to create complex Patterns by repeating a process within itself. In this section, we will program a fractal tree using recursion and discuss the principles behind this fascinating technique.

Exploring Different Levels of the Fractal Tree

One of the advantages of recursive programming is the ability to generate multiple levels of detail. In this section, we will explore the concept of levels in the fractal tree and demonstrate how changing the level parameter can create variations in the appearance of the tree. We will also discuss the relationship between recursion depth and computational complexity.

Taking User Input and Customizing the Fractal Tree

To make our fractal tree program more interactive, we can allow the user to input parameters such as the angle and the number of levels. In this section, we will learn how to take user input in Applesoft BASIC and use it to customize the fractal tree. We will discuss error handling and provide a user-friendly interface for input.


Congratulations on completing this tutorial on graphics programming in Applesoft BASIC! We have covered a range of topics, from simple point plotting to creating complex fractal trees. By combining creativity and coding skills, You can unlock endless possibilities in computer graphics programming. Take what you've learned and experiment with different ideas and concepts. Happy coding!

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