Unlock the Power of ChatGPT: Take Control of Your Phone with Tasker

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Unlock the Power of ChatGPT: Take Control of Your Phone with Tasker

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started with Chat GPT and Tasker
  • Controlling Phone Functions with Chat GPT
  • Using Tasker Actions
    • Toggle Flashlight
    • Control Bedroom Light
    • Get Battery Level
  • Customizing Chat GPT Commands
  • Handling Stock Prices
  • Checking the Weather
  • Ringing Your Phone
  • Using the Spotify API
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the capabilities of a super Smart Assistant called Chat GPT, which can understand and execute voice commands on your phone using Tasker. We will cover various functions and actions that can be controlled with Chat GPT, providing you with examples and explanations along the way. Whether it's toggling the flashlight, controlling the bedroom light, checking the battery level, or even accessing external APIs like the Spotify API, Chat GPT and Tasker offer a wide range of possibilities for phone automation.

Getting Started with Chat GPT and Tasker

To begin using Chat GPT and Tasker, You need to import a specific project and run the "task setup" task. This step ensures that Chat GPT only controls the tasks you want it to handle, providing a layer of configuration and customization. The tasks you want to control can be described and equipped with parameters to enable precise control and interaction.

Controlling Phone Functions with Chat GPT

Chat GPT allows you to control various phone functions effortlessly. For instance, you can use natural language commands like "Light It Up" to toggle the flashlight. Similarly, specifying occasions like "Saint Patrick's Day" or "Halloween" intelligently turns on lights with appropriate colors. You can even check your phone's battery level by simply asking, "What's my phone battery at?"


  • Easy and convenient control of phone functions.
  • Intelligently understands and responds to natural language commands.


  • May require some initial setup and configuration.

Using Tasker Actions

Tasker actions serve as the building blocks for controlling different aspects of your phone. Let's explore a few examples:

Toggle Flashlight

The "toggle flashlight" task is a straightforward action that turns the flashlight on or off with a single command. This action can be customized and incorporated into Chat GPT to control your phone's flashlight.

Control Bedroom Light

The "bedroom light" action allows you to control the state and color of your bedroom light. With appropriate parameters, such as the state (on, off, or toggle) and a HEX color code, you can accurately control the bedroom light using Chat GPT.

Get Battery Level

The "get battery level" action retrieves the Current battery percentage of your phone. By calling this task, Chat GPT can easily provide you with information on your phone's battery level.

Customizing Chat GPT Commands

Chat GPT commands can be customized to suit your preferences and needs. By configuring and describing tasks with specific parameters, you can Create personalized commands. For example, you can set the description for the "bedroom light" task as "Turns the bedroom light on or off" and define parameters like the light state and color options.

Handling Stock Prices

With Chat GPT and Tasker, you can even retrieve stock prices. By specifying a stock symbol as a parameter, you can obtain real-time stock price information. For example, asking "What's the stock price for Apple today?" will prompt Chat GPT to fetch and provide the current stock price.


  • Instant access to real-time stock price information.
  • Integration with external APIs enhances functionality.


  • Requires knowledge of specific stock symbols.

Checking the Weather

Chat GPT capabilities extend to checking the weather. By utilizing weather APIs or web scraping techniques, you can provide weather-related information Based on location or time. For instance, Chat GPT can inform you whether it will rain today or even craft poetic responses like Shakespeare.


  • Access to weather information without leaving the chat interface.
  • Engaging responses in various styles and tones.


  • Relies on external APIs or web scraping techniques.

Ringing Your Phone

Tasker enables phone-related actions like ringing your device. By sending a specific message with the appropriate parameter (the device name), you can easily find your phone when misplaced. Additionally, you can activate this feature by long-pressing the power button.

Using the Spotify API

Tasker's flexibility extends to utilizing external APIs. Chat GPT integration with the Spotify API allows actions like toggling shuffle mode on and off. By calling specific tasks, you can control your Spotify playback, enhancing your music listening experience.


In conclusion, the combination of Chat GPT and Tasker unlocks a realm of possibilities for controlling and automating functions on your phone. Whether it's toggling lights, checking stock prices, managing your device, or even delving into creative responses, Chat GPT proves to be a powerful assistant. With customization options, integration with external APIs, and the vast capabilities of Tasker, you can achieve seamless and intelligent phone automation.


  • Chat GPT and Tasker offer a smart assistant for controlling phone functions.
  • Tasks like toggling flashlight, controlling lights, and checking battery level provide convenience.
  • Chat GPT can understand and execute voice commands with precision.
  • Customizing commands and incorporating external APIs enhance functionality.
  • Engaging responses in different styles, like Shakespearean poetry, add a creative touch.
  • Tasker opens doors to phone automation with various actions and parameters.
  • Checking stock prices and accessing weather information expand Chat GPT's capabilities.
  • Finding misplaced phones and controlling Spotify playback become effortless tasks.
  • The combination of Chat GPT and Tasker provides limitless possibilities for phone automation.
  • Personalization and configurability make Chat GPT a flexible and efficient assistant.


Q: Can Chat GPT control all functions on my phone? A: No, Chat GPT requires configuration to control specific tasks through Tasker. You can customize the actions it handles and define parameters for precise control.

Q: How do I set up Chat GPT and Tasker on my phone? A: You can import the necessary project and follow the instructions provided in the video description to set up and configure Chat GPT with Tasker.

Q: Can I use Chat GPT to retrieve stock prices for any company? A: Yes, by specifying the stock symbol as a parameter, Chat GPT can fetch real-time stock prices for the desired company.

Q: Is it possible to extend Chat GPT's functionality beyond controlling phone functions? A: Absolutely. Tasker allows you to access external APIs, which opens the door to various integrations and automation possibilities. For example, you can control Spotify playback using the Spotify API.

Q: Can Chat GPT provide weather information for any location? A: Yes, with the appropriate setup and integration, Chat GPT can retrieve weather information based on location or time for a wide range of locations.

Q: How accurate and up-to-date are the stock prices retrieved by Chat GPT? A: Stock prices obtained by Chat GPT depend on the data provided by the integrated APIs. While efforts are made to ensure accuracy, please note that stock prices are subject to change throughout the day.

Q: Can I use Chat GPT to find my misplaced phone? A: Yes, by utilizing the "ring" task with the appropriate parameter (device name), Chat GPT can send a message to your phone, making it easy to locate. This feature can also be activated through the power button for quick access.

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