Unlock the Power of Function Calls with OpenAI

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Unlock the Power of Function Calls with OpenAI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to the OpenAI API
  2. What is Function Calling?
  3. How to install the OpenAI Package
  4. Setting up the API Key
  5. Creating a Function for retrieving pizza information
  6. Running a Conversation with the API
  7. Function callback and follow-up calls
  8. Example of using function calling with the OpenAI API
  9. Benefits of using function calling
  10. Conclusion

Introduction to the OpenAI API

The OpenAI API has recently introduced a new feature called function calling, which provides a more reliable way to Connect GPT's capabilities with external tools and APIs. This update allows the models to detect when a function needs to be called Based on the user's input and respond with JSON that adheres to the function signature. In this article, we will explore how to use this functionality and discuss its benefits for building applications with custom backends.

What is Function Calling?

Function calling in the OpenAI API refers to the ability of the models to invoke specific functions based on the user's query. These functions can be defined by the developer and serve as a way to retrieve information or perform specific actions. By utilizing function calling, developers can Create more dynamic and interactive applications that can respond to user inputs in a structured and tailored manner.

How to Install the OpenAI Package

Before we can utilize the function calling feature, we need to install the OpenAI package. To do this, we can use pip to install the package by running the following command in the terminal or command prompt:

pip install openai

Once the package is installed, we can import it into our Python project along with the json package, which will be needed for the functionality we want to build.

Setting up the API Key

To access the OpenAI API, we need to set up an API key. The API key authorizes our application to make requests to the API and retrieve the generated responses. It's important to keep the API key secure and avoid sharing it publicly. In our code, we can set the API key by assigning it to a variable, for example:

API_KEY = "your-api-key-goes-here"

Note: Do not include the actual API key in your code if you plan to share it publicly. Instead, consider using environment variables or other secure methods for storing and accessing the API key.

Creating a Function for Retrieving Pizza Information

Let's consider a fictional Scenario where we run a restaurant and users can get information about our food. We can create a function called get_pizza_info that takes a parameter for the pizza name and returns the corresponding information. In a real-world application, this function would typically query a database, but for simplicity, let's assume we return a mocked object as a STRING in a JSON format.

import json

def get_pizza_info(pizza_name):
    # Simulated database query to get pizza information
    pizza_info = {
        "name": pizza_name,
        "price": 10.99
    return json.dumps(pizza_info)

In this example, we create a dictionary with the pizza name and price and use json.dumps to convert it into a JSON string. This function will serve as an example for demonstrating the function calling feature in the OpenAI API.

Running a Conversation with the API

To utilize the OpenAI API for a conversation, we can create a function called run_conversation that takes care of making the API call. This function will require the user's query as a parameter and will handle the conversation flow with the chat completion class provided by OpenAI.

import openai

def run_conversation(query):
    # Set the model name and role
    model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"  # Use the latest model that supports function calling
    role = "user"

    # Create the API call with OpenAI's chat completion class
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            {"role": role, "content": query}

    # Retrieve and print the response

In this function, we set the model to the latest version that supports function calling and define the role as "user" to indicate the user's input. We then call the openai.ChatCompletion.create method and pass in the model and the user's query in the messages array. Finally, we retrieve and print the response from the API.

Function Callback and Follow-up Calls

With the function calling feature, the OpenAI models can identify if a specific function is suitable to answer the user's query. If a function is detected, the API response will include a function callback object, which contains the name and arguments of the identified function.

To handle this scenario, we can modify our run_conversation function to make a follow-up call using the function's response. Here's an example:

def run_conversation(query):
    # ... previous code

    if response.choices[0].message.get("function"):
        function_name = response.choices[0].message["function"]["name"]
        function_response = get_pizza_info(response.choices[0].message["function"]["arguments"]["pizza_name"])

        # Make a follow-up call to OpenAI with the same model for further processing
        follow_up_response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                {"role": "user", "content": query},
                {"role": "assistant", "content": None, "function": {"name": function_name, "content": function_response}}

        # Return the second response to retrieve the relevant content
        # Return the message from the first call if no function call is needed

In this modified function, we first check if there is a function callback object in the response. If a function is detected, we retrieve the function name and make a function call to get_pizza_info using the response's arguments. We then create a follow-up call to OpenAI with the same model, passing in the user's query, the previous assistant message with content set to None, and the function callback object. Finally, we print the Relevant content from the Second response.

Example of Using Function Calling with the OpenAI API

Let's see how the function calling feature works with a practical example. In our conversation, we will first ask a general question and then ask about the price of a specific pizza.

run_conversation("What is the capital of France?")
run_conversation("What is the price of Pizza Salami?")

If the function calling feature is successful, the output for the first query should be a regular response from the model. However, for the second query, we should receive a function callback object indicating the need for the get_pizza_info function. The response will then include the relevant information about the specified pizza.

Benefits of Using Function Calling

Using function calling with the OpenAI API provides several benefits for developers:

  1. Improved reliability: Function calling allows the models to detect and utilize specific functions, leading to more accurate and tailored responses.

  2. Customizable functionality: Developers can define their own functions to handle specific tasks, enabling them to create personalized and interactive applications.

  3. Seamless integration: Function calling provides a more structured and convenient way to Interact with external tools and APIs, making it easier to incorporate them into applications.

  4. Efficient automation: By automating certain tasks with functions, developers can save time and effort, resulting in more efficient workflows.


The introduction of function calling in the OpenAI API offers an exciting opportunity to enhance the capabilities of AI-powered applications. With the ability to invoke functions based on user queries, developers can create more dynamic and interactive experiences for users. By following the steps outlined in this article, You can leverage the function calling feature to build powerful and customized applications with the OpenAI API.

OpenAI API: New Function Calling Feature for Enhanced Integration and Customization

The OpenAI API has recently introduced a groundbreaking update called function calling, which revolutionizes the way we connect GPT's capabilities with external tools and APIs. This feature allows the models to not only understand when a function is needed but also respond with JSON that accurately adheres to the function signature. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step implementation of function calling and discuss its significance in building applications with custom backends.

Introduction to Function Calling

Function calling is a powerful functionality of the OpenAI API that enables developers to directly invoke specific functions based on user inputs. By defining custom functions, developers can create a more interactive and tailored experience for users. This dynamic approach facilitates a structured conversation flow, where the model can seamlessly connect to external tools and APIs to retrieve information or perform specific actions.

Installing the OpenAI Package

To get started with function calling, we first need to install the OpenAI package. This can be done by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install openai

Once the package is successfully installed, we can import it into our Python project along with the json package, which will be used for the JSON-related functionality.

Setting Up the API Key

To access the OpenAI API, we need to set up an API key. The API key serves as the authorization token, allowing our application to make requests to the OpenAI API. It is crucial to keep the API key secure and avoid sharing it publicly. In our code, we can assign the API key to a variable like this:

API_KEY = "your-api-key"

It's important to note that the actual API key should not be included in your code if it's intended to be shared publicly. Instead, consider using secure methods such as environment variables to access the API key.

Creating Custom Functions

To demonstrate the function calling feature, let's consider a hypothetical scenario where we have a restaurant and want users to be able to retrieve information about our food items. We can create a function called get_food_info that takes the food item's name as a parameter and returns the corresponding information. In this example, we will use a mocked object instead of a real database query for simplicity:

import json

def get_food_info(food_name):
    food_info = {
        "name": food_name,
        "price": 9.99

    return json.dumps(food_info)

Here, we define a function called get_food_info that takes the food_name as a parameter. The function simulates a database query and returns the food's information in a JSON format.

Running Conversations with the API

To utilize the OpenAI API and enable function calling, we need to create a function named run_conversation that handles the API calls. This function takes the user's query as a parameter and orchestrates the conversation flow using the OpenAI Chat Completion class:

import openai

def run_conversation(query):
    model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"  # Use the latest model supporting function calling
    role = "user"

    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            {"role": role, "content": query}


In this function, we set the model to the latest version that supports function calling and define the role as "user" to indicate the user's input. We then call the openai.ChatCompletion.create method, providing the model and the user's query in the messages array. The response from the API is then printed to the console.

Function Callback and Follow-up Calls

The function calling feature allows the OpenAI models to identify if a specific function is suitable to answer the user's query. If a function is detected, the API response will include a function callback object, which contains the name and arguments of the identified function.

To handle function callbacks and make follow-up calls, we can modify the run_conversation function to include additional logic. Here's an example:

def run_conversation(query):
    # ... previous code

    if response.choices[0].message.get("function"):
        function_name = response.choices[0].message["function"]["name"]
        function_response = get_food_info(response.choices[0].message["function"]["arguments"]["food_name"])

        follow_up_response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                {"role": "user", "content": query},
                {"role": "assistant", "content": None, "function": {"name": function_name, "content": function_response}}


In this modified function, we first check if there is a function callback object in the response. If a function is detected, we extract the function name and make a function call to get_food_info using the arguments provided in the response. We then create a follow-up call to the OpenAI API, passing in the user's query, the previous assistant message with content set to None, and the function callback object. Finally, we print the relevant content from the second response.

How to Use Function Calling

Let's run a sample conversation to see how the function calling feature works. In this example, we will ask a general question and then Inquire about the price of a specific food item:

run_conversation("What is the capital of France?")
run_conversation("What is the price of Pizza Margherita?")

Upon running the code, we expect to receive a regular response from the model for the first query. However, for the second query, we should receive a function callback object indicating the need for the get_food_info function. The API response will then include the relevant information about the specified food item.

Benefits of Using Function Calling

The introduction of function calling in the OpenAI API brings numerous benefits for developers:

  • Improved Reliability: Function calling allows the models to identify and use specific functions accurately, resulting in more reliable and tailored responses.
  • Customizable Functionality: Developers can define their own functions to handle specific tasks, providing a highly customizable and interactive experience for users.
  • Seamless Integration: Function calling facilitates the integration of external tools and APIs in a structured and convenient way, enabling developers to build powerful applications.
  • Efficient Automation: By automating tasks using functions, developers can save time and effort, optimizing their workflows.


The new function calling feature in the OpenAI API opens up exciting possibilities for developers to enhance their AI-powered applications. By leveraging this feature, developers can create more dynamic and customized experiences for users, connecting with external tools and APIs seamlessly. With the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you are equipped to unlock the potential of function calling and build exceptional applications with the OpenAI API.


  • The OpenAI API introduces the function calling feature for enhanced integration.
  • Function calling allows the models to invoke specific functions based on user inputs.
  • Developers can define custom functions to retrieve information or perform specific actions.
  • The OpenAI package and API key are required for using the function calling feature.
  • A function callback object is returned if the model identifies a suitable function.
  • Follow-up calls can be made to further process the function's response.
  • Function calling provides improved reliability, customization, and seamless integration.
  • By automating tasks through functions, developers can optimize their workflows.


Q: What is function calling in the OpenAI API? A: Function calling allows the OpenAI models to invoke specific functions based on user inputs, enabling more dynamic and tailored responses.

Q: How can I install the OpenAI package? A: You can install the OpenAI package using pip with the command "pip install openai".

Q: How do I set up an API key for the OpenAI API? A: To access the OpenAI API, you need to set up an API key and assign it to a variable in your code.

Q: Can I create my own custom functions with function calling? A: Yes, you can define your own custom functions to handle specific tasks and integrate them with the OpenAI models.

Q: What are the benefits of using function calling? A: Function calling provides improved reliability, customization, seamless integration with external tools, and efficient automation of tasks.

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