Unlock the Secrets: O&M Profiler ESP - Pension Switching

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Unlock the Secrets: O&M Profiler ESP - Pension Switching

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Mechanics of the System
  3. Navigation and Tips
  4. The Core Function of Pension Switching
  5. Running a Switch: Step-by-Step Guide
  6. Advanced Options in Switching
  7. A Guide to Pension Transfer Options
  8. Understanding Current Plans
  9. Adding and Editing Client Details
  10. Importance of Advisor Charge and Service Basis


Hello and welcome to the Second video in our Getting Started series for OM Profiler ESP. In this video, we will be covering the basics of pension switching and how to run your first switch. Whether you're new to the system or have some experience, this guide will help you navigate the process. So without further ado, let's dive in!

1. Basic Mechanics of the System

In this section, we will go over the basic mechanics of the system, including navigation and some key tips. If You haven't watched the first video, we recommend doing so as it covers important information that will be referenced in this session.

2. The Core Function of Pension Switching

Pension switching is one of the core functions of the system and is likely the most commonly used area. In this section, we will Show you how to perform a basic pension switch from start to finish. Please note that we will not cover all the advanced features in this video, but there will be another video dedicated to those topics.

3. Running a Switch: Step-by-Step Guide

When you first log in, your home menu will be open. If the menu is closed, click on "Start" to open it. To start a new switch or transfer quote, click on "How to" and follow the Prompts. The system will guide you through the process of capturing client details and current plans. Once you have filled in all the required information, you will be able to view the results and generate reports.

4. Advanced Options in Switching

In this section, we will explore some of the advanced options available in pension switching. These options allow for greater customization and control over the switch, such as ISO transfers and DB transfers. We will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use these features effectively.

5. A Guide to Pension Transfer Options

Understanding the various pension transfer options is crucial when it comes to making informed decisions. In this section, we will discuss the different types of transfers and provide insights into their pros and cons. Whether it's a personal pension switch or a transfer to a different scheme, we will cover all the essential information you need to know.

6. Understanding Current Plans

Before initiating a switch, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the client's current plans. In this section, we will explain why capturing accurate information about the current plans is crucial and how the system handles this process. We will also cover optional features, such as selecting the advisor and naming the quote.

7. Adding and Editing Client Details

In this section, we will guide you through the process of adding and editing client details. Whether it's an existing client or a new one, the system provides a user-friendly interface to input necessary information. We will discuss the required fields, optional features, and how to navigate the client details editor.

8. Importance of Advisor Charge and Service Basis

Understanding the impact of advisor charge and service basis on the switch is crucial. In this section, we will explain the significance of these factors and how they can affect the overall outcome of the switch. We will provide valuable tips and insights to help you make informed decisions regarding advisor charge and service basis.

9. Navigating the Switch Results

Once you have entered all the required information, the system will generate the switch results. In this section, we will explore the switch results interface and explain the key numbers and metrics to focus on. We will also discuss how to interpret the results and make informed decisions Based on the provided data.

10. Generating Reports and Making Changes

Generating reports and making changes to the quote are essential steps in the pension switching process. In this section, we will explain how to generate reports that provide comprehensive information about the old and new plans. We will also guide you through making changes to the quote, such as modifying the new investment options or adjusting product filters.

By following this comprehensive guide, you will be able to confidently run your first pension switch. Remember, the system provides advanced features and customization options to cater to different scenarios. So, let's get started and dive into the world of pension switching with OM Profiler ESP!


  • Learn the basic mechanics of the system, including navigation and key tips
  • Understand the core function of pension switching and how to run a switch
  • Explore advanced options in pension switching, such as ISO transfers and DB transfers
  • Gain insights into the various pension transfer options and their pros and cons
  • Understand the importance of capturing accurate current plan details
  • Navigate the client details editor and learn how to add and edit client information
  • Grasp the significance of advisor charge and service basis in the switch process
  • Interpret the switch results and make informed decisions based on the provided data
  • Generate comprehensive reports to analyze the old and new plans
  • Make changes to the quote, including modifying new investment options and product filters


Q: What are the benefits of pension switching? A: Pension switching offers the opportunity to potentially improve investment performance, reduce fees, and consolidate multiple pension plans into one. It can also provide greater flexibility in choosing investment options and offer more control over retirement savings.

Q: Are there any risks associated with pension switching? A: Yes, there are certain risks involved in pension switching. It is important to carefully consider the fees, charges, and investment performance of the new plan compared to the existing plan. There may also be exit penalties or loss of valuable guarantees or benefits associated with the old plan.

Q: How long does a pension switch typically take? A: The time required for a pension switch can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the switch, the providers involved, and the necessary paperwork. In general, it can take several weeks to complete a pension switch, but it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor or pension specialist for a more accurate timeline.

Q: Can I switch my pension if I am already retired? A: Yes, it is possible to switch your pension even if you are already retired. However, the options and potential benefits may differ from those available to individuals who are still in the accumulation phase. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Q: How often should I review my pension and consider switching? A: It is recommended to regularly review your pension and consider whether switching may be beneficial. Factors such as changes in personal circumstances, investment performance, and changes in pension regulations can all warrant a review. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of switching before making any decisions.

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